Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$640 win, the game enters the final round


The Ice Giant Crocodile felt pain and turned its head to bite the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle.

But the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle was very flexible. When it saw his reaction, it instantly flew into the air again and easily avoided the bite of the Ice Giant Crocodile.

The blood on the Ice Giant Crocodile was instantly covered by ice, which stopped the bleeding, but the ice inside turned red.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle circled again and attacked again.

Just like last time, the ice armor was easily broken, and then the eagle claws fiercely grabbed the wound. Without the protection of the ice armor, its own flesh was cut open again, and every grab made the Ice Giant Crocodile make a painful sound.

The Ice Giant Crocodile, which was originally steady and immovable, bent its body into a bow shape and even jumped into the air to bite the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle.

He couldn't wait any longer, and the pain made him irritable.

"This is the opportunity!"

Lu Yuan clenched his fists.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle's eyes condensed, and the sky instantly condensed into an eye of the storm, and the wind howled.

In front of the Ice Giant Crocodile, an eye of the storm suddenly took shape, and the wind whistled from all directions into the eye of the storm, and the powerful attraction made everything around it whistle.

The body of the Ice Giant Crocodile leaped into the air, and was caught by the suction of the eye of the storm. Even though his body was heavy, he was still involuntarily swept into the storm in front of the eye of the storm that the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle exerted with all its strength.

This was the opportunity that Lu Yuan had been waiting for, waiting for the opportunity for the Ice Giant Crocodile to leave the ground and be affected by the eye of the storm.

After a long period of trial and waiting, it finally came!

The huge body of the Ice Giant Crocodile rolled in the eye of the storm, like clothes in a drum washing machine.

Countless winds, like blades, cut the body of the Ice Giant Crocodile. Although the ice armor on his body continued to condense, it soon broke into pieces under the cutting of the wind.

In addition to the wounds left by the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle, the Ice Crocodile was immediately covered in blood and groaned in pain.

The storm raged!

After a few minutes, it slowly subsided.

A huge monster fell from the eye of the storm.


The whole ground trembled slightly, and a big pit was smashed into the ring. The bloody Ice Crocodile lay in the pit. His body was no longer covered with ice armor, and his hard skin was covered with scars and blood.

It was like the marks cut by a saw.

Liu Hongwei looked at all this, his face livid.

The Ice Crocodile actually lost!

He never thought that he would lose, and he lost to Lu Yuan, his former defeated opponent, which made him shocked and angry.

Losing to Lu Yuan meant that the game became 1:1. He needed to fight another game to completely defeat Lu Yuan and win the first game.


Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He won this round, won the confrontation with Liu Hongwei, and took his point.

He only needed to win one more round to win the game and defeat his nightmare.

"The winner is Lu Yuan from Linyuan University."

The referee's voice sounded, and even his voice had a hint of disbelief.

Most of the referees who presided over the national competition were local people in Jinhua City, and they knew the strength of several students from Jinghua University very well.

Liu Hongwei was recognized as a genius of Jinghua University, but he lost the second round unexpectedly.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"Damn, what's going on? How did Liu Hongwei lose?"

"Shouldn't he win two games in a row and win this match? What happened?"

"Isn't his Ice Crocodile known for its strong defense? How did it get sucked up by the wind? Is its weight just for show?"

"The Ice Crocodile weighs several meters. It shouldn't be sucked up by the eye of the wind, but it committed a big taboo and jumped up and was caught by the wind. Otherwise, he would have been holding on to the ground tightly. What kind of wind could blow away the Ice Crocodile that weighs several meters?"

"Alas, Liu Hongwei, Liu Hongwei, no wonder he was surpassed by a freshman named Wang Kai. Jinghua University can't count on him anymore." "There's still one game left, and it's only 1:1 now."

"You lost your momentum, do you understand? You lost your momentum!"

The audience was very irritable. If he lost the next game again, Liu Hongwei's ancestors would probably be cursed.

The audience is like this. They can praise him to the sky when he wins, but they can trample him to the bottom when he loses.

Liu Hongwei lost just one small game, and some spectators have already expelled him from Jinghua University.

In the eyes of the audience, he should not lose in his home court.

Liu Hongwei's face was livid, and he walked to the rest area of ​​Jinghua University with his head down.

Yao Chunyi's face was slightly solemn, but he didn't say anything, just patted his shoulder.

"You are a dog who has lost his home, and you can still lose this. If you lose again in the next game, don't say you are from Jinghua University in the future."

Wang Kai sneered coldly. He and Liu Hongwei were not in harmony. Before he entered the school, Liu Hongwei was the second only to Yao Chunyi in the battle club, a role above ten thousand people.

But when Wang Kai came, the two started a fierce confrontation. Of course, the genius Wang Kai won in the end and completely defeated Liu Hongwei's power.

However, Liu Hongwei was always dissatisfied and always wanted to find an opportunity to get back what he had lost.

How could Wang Kai not know his thoughts, so he would directly sneer at the first opportunity.

At this moment, Liu Hongwei could only lower his head, clench his fists, and remain silent.

It was a fact that he lost this game. He couldn't refute it. Any words would be pale and powerless.

If he wanted to refute it, he could only win the next game and show everyone his results and determination.

When Lu Yuan returned to the rest area of ​​Linyuan University, Jiang Tan and everyone greeted him with a smile.

Winning this game also made them feel relieved. It was a 1:1 tie, and there was still one game. As long as they won, they could win.

Even if they lost, at least they got a point in this game.

"Good job, Lu Yuan, you did it." Jiang Tan patted Lu Yuan's shoulder excitedly.

"Keep working hard in the next game."

Mu Qing'er also nodded at him, "The next game will decide the outcome. Show all your strength and let the audience see your strength."

"I will." Lu Yuan smiled.

Under Mu Wanqing's treatment, the Wind Wolf has almost recovered, and all the wounds on his body have healed.

At this moment, seeing Lu Yuan walking down the stage, the Wind Wolf trotted over to him, rubbing his head against Lu Yuan's calf, with a trace of guilt and uneasiness in his eyes. He was obviously very sad and guilty about losing the last round.

Lu Yuan touched the head of the Wind Wolf and said with a smile: "It's okay. It's normal to have a win or a loss in a game. We will train hard after we go back and try not to lose again when we meet the Thunder Lion next time."


The Wind Wolf howled and nodded, with a firm look in his eyes.

Lu Yuan gently stroked the Wind Wolf and then put it into the beast control space.

The third round of the game is also a game that depends on the strength and depth of the beastmaster's pet.

Generally speaking, in this kind of game, the earlier the pet is on the field, the stronger it is. Lu Yuan's Wind Wolf and Sky-Splitting Magic Eagle have reached the platinum level and have strong strength, so they both appear in the first two rounds.

The third pet is often weaker.

Most people in Linyuan University don't know what Lu Yuan's third pet is.

Even Jiang Tan doesn't know what Lu Yuan's third pet is? What strength does it have?

Lu Yuan seems to have deliberately concealed his third pet this year. If he doesn't tell others, it's hard to ask.

Li Qingzhou has a guess, but he can't be sure. His Chaoyang pet fought with Lu Yuan during the promotion match. At that time, the pet Lu Yuan summoned was neither the Wind Wolf nor the Sky Eagle.

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