Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

677 Develop an evolutionary path

When Li Qingzhou returned home, his parents were just coming back from get off work.

Li Deyun held his waist with one hand and hummed twice.

Yang Xiaoyun was also dusty with a basket of vegetables.

Li Qingzhou walked up quickly, took the basket, and said, "Mom and Dad, didn't I tell you that you don't have to go to work?"

After moving to this big villa, Li Qingzhou persuaded his parents to quit their jobs.

Now he is fully capable of supporting them and not letting them be so tired. Besides, his parents are at the age of enjoying their old age and it's time to rest.

"Alas, there are only two days left this month. I have to finish this month. After working for decades, I suddenly leave. Some work always needs to be handed over."

Li Deyun held his waist and said.

"Yes, after this month, we will rest at home."

Yang Xiaoyun looked at Li Qingzhou and said with a smile.

Li Qingzhou nodded. His parents are like this. They have a beginning and an end to everything they do. They can't stand it if they suddenly stop working, and they can't force it. Everything has a process, so let's do it step by step.

"Oh, right."

Li Qingzhou took out a bank card and handed it to Yang Xiaoyun, saying, "Mom and Dad, there are 2 million in this card. You can spend it first. If it's not enough, I will give you more. And I went to the housekeeping company today to hire a nanny. From now on, she will take care of the housework and cooking. You can just rest assured."

"How much, 2 million?"

Yang Xiaoyun and Li Deyun were both shocked. They had worked all their lives and didn't even have 1 million in savings. Li Qingzhou suddenly took out 2 million, which shocked them.

This villa was said to be a gift before, so where did the 2 million come from now?

He is still a student!

"Qingzhou, you........"

Li Deyun hesitated to speak, and he thought of something bad. After all, people say that the fastest way to make money is the way written in the law.

"Don't worry."

Li Qingzhou saw his parents' worries and said with a smile: "I went outside the city to hunt a beast yesterday and sold it for a little money. This 1 million is the money from selling the beast materials."


Li Deyun and Yang Xiaoyun took a breath.

They often heard that it was much easier for beast masters to make money than ordinary people. They didn't feel it before. Now they heard Li Qingzhou say this, and they realized that there was a gap between ordinary people and beast masters.

"Qingzhou has really grown up and become the backbone of the family."

Yang Xiaoyun murmured.

The two looked at Li Qingzhou with warm eyes. They found that their children had grown up and they could afford to let them live in a villa and hire a nanny.

After dinner, Li Qingzhou went to his training room.

The villa has a basement with an area of ​​about 200 square meters. It was used by Li Qingzhou as a training room. It was the place where he summoned his pets.

In the past, when living in a small bungalow, it was inconvenient to summon pets. Now in the villa, you can summon them whenever you want. As long as Taiping and Qingyun can control their desire to grow bigger, there will be no problem.

Several pets were summoned by Li Qingzhou and surrounded Li Qingzhou.

"Taiping, Ping'an, Qingyun, Baiyu, the four of you have now reached the 9th level of platinum. It is time to formulate a new evolutionary route for you and prepare to impact the diamond level. Are you ready?"

Li Qingzhou smiled and looked at the four pets.

The four pets nodded in unison.

After seeing the power of the diamond-level hellhound, several pets had a strong sense of crisis.

Especially Taiping, his strength was actually lost to a big dog, which made him angry.

He also wanted to be promoted to the diamond level to avenge his previous shame.

"Okay, who will come first?" Li Qingzhou asked.

Taiping volunteered to stand up first. Li Qingzhou touched Taiping's head, and Taiping's information appeared in front of him.

[Name: Clear Cloud Monkey]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Platinum Level 9]

[Qualification: Extraordinary]

[Skills: Vajra Indestructible, Multiplication, Thunder Cutting, Doppelganger, Immobilization, Walking on Clouds]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolutionary Route: 1]

[Introduction: With a smart IQ and agile and agile body, the whole body is surrounded by misty clouds, which is quite fairy-like. ]

Li Qingzhou focused his attention on the entry of the evolutionary route.

There is a row of editable black boxes where new evolutionary routes can be entered.

When he saw Taiping for the first time, Li Qingzhou thought of the spiritual monkey in mythology and legend.

Li Qingzhou decided to make Taiping's next evolutionary form the Red-butted Horse Monkey.

The Red-butted Horse Monkey is one of the four monkeys in the world. It knows yin and yang, knows human affairs, is good at going in and out, and has the ability to avoid death and prolong life. It is very intelligent and extraordinary.

Li Qingzhou imagined the appearance of the red-butted horse monkey, edited the evolution information within the black frame, and formulated the next stage of evolution for Taiping.

[Evolution route: red-butted horse monkey]

[Introduction: The red-butted horse monkey has a pair of big eyes and a pointed mouth, and looks very alert and alert. Its limbs are very slender, and its tail is also very long, which can bend and swing freely. A pair of white ears is very eye-catching, and the body is very flexible, which can easily climb trees and jump, and the movements are very agile and vigorous. ]

The font flashed for a while and then fixed, and then the entry of evolution materials jumped out.

[Evolution materials: exotic beast essence blood (main), divine ape tail (auxiliary), pure water (auxiliary), shape-changing flower (auxiliary)]

The materials needed to evolve from the platinum level to the diamond level are the most troublesome of which are the blood essence of the alien beast.

You must kill the alien beast of the same type, take its blood essence, and nourish yourself.

This kind of alien beast can be platinum level or diamond level, but there is a high probability that the evolution of the platinum level alien beast will fail.

This is also the reason why many quasi-master beast masters do not evolve their pets because they are not sure.

If it fails, the spirituality of the pet will be severely damaged. Not only will it lose the qualification for evolution, but its level will also drop, and its strength will be much worse than before.

This is a matter of risk and benefit.

The auxiliary material is the tail of the divine ape. There is no specific type specified. Of course, the diamond level ape pet is the best, which can stimulate the full potential of the pet and make its strength increase greatly after evolution.

As for the remaining auxiliary materials, the water of purity and the flower of transformation, they can be bought with money, and the market price is about one million.

It is very difficult to evolve a platinum level pet. The blood essence of the alien beast is a sky-high material, and there may not be a suitable one.

If you go to the wild to find it, you need to rely on luck and strength.

After all, you have to face a platinum-level beast, and if you are not careful, you may die on the spot.

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