Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

681 Sailing on the sea, Qingyun's strength

Soon, we arrived at the edge of the Dead Sea.

Li Qingzhou is no stranger to the Dead Sea.

Once upon a time, it was here that Qingyun evolved from the gold level to the platinum level and embarked on the path of becoming an extraordinary creature.

However, at that time, the Dead Sea he was in was only an offshore area and he did not go into the depths of the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is very large, and the area close to the land belongs to the Xia Kingdom, so safety can still be guaranteed.

But once they reach the depths of the Dead Sea and reach the truly vast sea, they are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Xia Kingdom, and the risk factor rises sharply.

There, you may meet beast masters and adventurers from different countries.

The depths of the Dead Sea are a terra incognita with no national boundaries and follow the most primitive law of the jungle.

The Dead Sea is vast and stretches as far as the eye can see.

Li Qingzhou looked at Mu Qing'er next to him and asked, "Senior Mu, do you know the location of Hidden Dragon Island?"

Mu Qing'er looked at the vast expanse of sea water in front of her and said, "I only know the approximate location, which is southeast of the Dead Sea."

Although the location of Hidden Dragon Island is marked on the map, it is only roughly marked and only has an approximate direction.

It is said that Hidden Dragon Island is located deep in the southeast of the Dead Sea. Even if a ship sails at full speed and travels non-stop, it will take nearly a week to reach it. During this period, it will not encounter big winds and waves. If it encounters a storm at sea, It may take longer.

"As long as you know the direction, we'll go directly there."

As Li Qingzhou spoke, he was about to order Qingyun to flap his wings and fly toward the southeast to find the location of Hidden Dragon Island.

"Can't fly over."

Mu Qing'er quickly stopped.

Once you reach the depths of the Dead Sea, you leave the jurisdiction of the Xia Kingdom and become an unclaimed area, where ferocious beasts are rampant and strong men appear. It is easy to be attacked while flying high in the air like this.

Moreover, the aura emitted by pet beasts can also disturb ferocious beasts and frighten snakes.

After all, in the vast unobstructed sky, you can be noticed by others at a glance.

Li Qingzhou nodded. He really didn't consider this situation. He had been flying in Xia Kingdom before and was used to it.

Arriving outside the country's borders all of a sudden, I underestimated the threats here.

In the Xia Kingdom, the powerful ferocious beasts in the surrounding seas have been cleaned up by the country. All that are left are platinum-level ferocious beasts and below. But in the depths of the Dead Sea, platinum-level, diamond-level, and even extraordinary ferocious beasts can appear. .

If it is flying in the air, once it is noticed by a powerful beast, it will fall into prey and be attacked at any time.

"Then how do we get there?"

Li Qingzhou asked.

"Take a boat."

Mu Qing'er replied.

"By boat?"

Li Qingzhou was a little confused, but he still followed Mu Qing'er's instructions and let Qingyun land on the beach, and then let him shrink in size.

The ring on Mu Qing'er's hand flashed, and a boat suddenly appeared on the sea.

The entire body of this ship is made of metal, shimmering with silvery white luster, and there is a faint halo-like thing surrounding it.

"This is a treasure ship that can sail freely on the sea. It also has a defensive barrier. This barrier can not only hide the ship, but also resist attacks by platinum-level pets."

Mu Qing'er explained.

"There are also props like this."

Li Qingzhou touched his chin and nodded. This was a ship he had never seen before.

But it does sound suitable for sailing on the sea.

As long as it is more than one kilometer away from the ship, the ship can be hidden and will not be discovered. It can also resist attacks from platinum-level beasts, and its safety is guaranteed.

The two of them immediately boarded the boat, and the boat sailed silently on the water.

Quietly, without any sound of engine rotation, it sailed so quietly on the sea at high speed.

"Is it so quiet?" Li Qingzhou was a little surprised. If he were not on the boat, he really thought he was standing on land.

"This is a mechanical ship. There is an energy crystal inside. It is powered by the energy crystal, so it runs silently."

Mu Qing'er explained.

She had put in all the effort to go to Hidden Dragon Island this time, and this ship was one of her preparations.

Qingyun, which shrank to the size of Yu Kun, floated above Li Qingzhou. In the unfamiliar sea, although there was a protective shield from the ship, Li Qingzhou still kept Qingyun with him just in case.

On the sea, Qingyun is the master. It can transform into a fish or a bird. It can escape to the sea or fly into the sky.

Only your own pet can provide you with enough sense of security.

Mu Qing'er's green wood spirit was also on the boat, emitting bursts of green light.

The sea is calm and you can see schools of fish swimming in the sea from time to time.

About an hour later, the two of them left the Xia Kingdom and arrived at the Dead Sea.

You can't see the bottom of the blue water, and from time to time you can see fish and ferocious beasts swimming in the sea. These ferocious beasts are much larger than the ferocious beasts near the sea.

But they didn't notice the ship floating on the sea at all.

During the voyage, Li Qingzhou asked Qingyun to go into the sea.

Qingyun stayed on the boat, looking at the endless sea, and he felt itchy. He was a fish and was born to live in the water. It was torture for him to stay on the boat.

Li Qingzhou had no choice but to let Qingyun go into the sea and take a dip.

"Go to the sea and do some exercise. Don't make too much noise, and catch a few fish on the way."

Li Qingzhou ordered.

Qingyun spit out a bubble, then dived into the sea and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, the sea surface broke open, and a huge whale emerged from the sea. The whale opened its mouth and slowly spit out a bubble, and there were several fish as thick as arms in the bubble.

The bubble floated above the boat and then slowly fell.

This is the fish Qingyun caught for Li Qingzhou.

There is a kitchen on the boat. Li Qingzhou handled these sea fish skillfully. Soon, several pots of fragrant fish meat were served.

Mu Qing'er took a bite of the fish meat and showed a satisfied look on her face, "I can't tell that your cooking skills are quite good."

"Of course."

Li Qingzhou raised his head and smiled.

After living in the wild for a long time, his cooking skills have also improved greatly. Although he prepared a lot of dry food, who would want to eat dry food when they can eat fresh sea fish?

The meat of sea fish is delicious and tastes very different from freshwater fish.

At this moment, Qingyun also transformed into the appearance of Yukun, shrunk his body, and floated beside Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou threw two pieces of cooked fish into Qingyun's mouth, and Qingyun swallowed them in one gulp, swinging his tail with a satisfied look on his face.

Just as the few people were enjoying the food, the boat suddenly shook violently, and the fish on the table was almost overturned.

Li Qingzhou quickly grabbed the dish.

"What happened?"

Mu Qing'er hurriedly stood up, and then found that there was a huge black shadow under the boat, swimming slowly.

"There is an attack by a fierce beast."

Li Qingzhou also saw the huge black shadow and immediately went into alert.

Qingyun moved his tail and plunged into the water. After entering the water, his body was like a sponge absorbing water, expanding rapidly, expanding, and expanding again, and instantly turned into a huge whale.

Platinum 9 level Lingyou Kun!

The overlord of the sea!

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