Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$689 Great Changes in the Sea

Bai Yu, who was originally squatting on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light shot out from his huge vertical pupils, like two cold stars.

The mighty dragon power spread all around.

The air around seemed to be trembling and shaking, and the mental deterrence was like substance, and the oppressive air made a soft chirping sound.

Bai Yu's evolution from platinum level to diamond level was completely completed!

Rui Chi, evolved successfully!

Before, Bai Yu defeated the Black Water Mystic Snake in his mental consciousness and absorbed his blood. Now, Bai Yu's body has changed, and he has completed the real transformation, completely evolving from platinum level to diamond level Rui Chi.

And this also makes its breath impossible to cover up, impossible to conceal, after all, the breath of diamond-level pets is too strong, not to mention Rui Chi, a pet that has transformed into a dragon, and its power is immeasurable.

For a while, the forest shook.

Many voices came into the ears from all directions.

This change alarmed countless beasts around.

A diamond-level beast can be the king of this nameless island.

This breath frightened all the beasts around, and they fled from the place where the breath was emitted, fearing that they would be affected.


Yamamoto Shouyi was leading people to search forward, and suddenly, a strong and powerful breath appeared in front of him, and the breath rushed straight into the sky, almost breaking through the sky.

"What is that?"

Yamamoto Shouyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the extremely strong breath in surprise.

This breath was stronger than the breath of all the pets of the group who took the abyss potion.

"What kind of beast is this?"

Yamamoto Shouyi looked forward in surprise. The tall humanoid pet beside him, carrying a wine gourd, was also alert, and the wine gourd was floating in the air, ready to attack.

"Shuten Douji, don't be impulsive."

Yamamoto Shouyi immediately stopped Shuten Douji's action.

The situation ahead was unclear, and he might fall into a dangerous situation if he acted rashly, so he planned to observe it again.

The rest of the Japanese beast masters stood in front, trembling all over, not daring to move forward. This breath made them feel afraid.

It was as if a large stone was pressing on their spirits.

"This mental deterrence, even I feel frightened." Yamamoto Shouyi murmured to himself.

The dragon power emitted by the Ruichi white jade is more pure and powerful than the Jiaolong period. This is the strongest mental deterrence in the world. Even Yamamoto Shouyi, a master beast master, felt the mental oppression and had to stop and weigh it in his mind.

"Is there a more powerful beast on the island? Or did the man's pet evolve after getting the black water snake, but it's impossible. It's not so easy to evolve from the platinum level to the diamond level, and that is a diamond-level black water snake. If you want to use it as an evolution material, the difficulty of evolution is thousands of times more difficult than normal materials. How can it be so easy to evolve?"

Just as Yamamoto Shouyi hesitated, the entire island suddenly shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The ground trembled, rocks collapsed, and countless beasts in the forest fled in all directions.

Those Japanese beast masters were swallowed by the beast tide before they could react, and died tragically in an instant.

"What's going on?"

Yamamoto Shouyi also relied on Shuten Douji's ability to barely avoid the impact of the beast tide.

He could sense that the entire island was shaking, as if earthquakes often occurred in Japan.

At this moment, the island sank suddenly, and the sea water irrigated the center of the island, and it was instantly a vast ocean.

"The island is actually sinking!"

Yamamoto Shouyi had no time to be surprised, and quickly jumped into the air, looking at the sinking island with horror.


Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er looked at each other and felt that something was wrong. The island under their feet was shaking, and it seemed to be slowly sinking.

They even saw the sea water surging from all directions.

"No, the island is going to sink!"

Mu Qing'er said in horror.

Her Qingmu Spirit and Canggu Wood Monster connected all the plants on the island, and all the plants were conveying a message - run away, the island is going to sink.

"Qingyun, enter the sea."

Li Qingzhou looked at Qingyun next to him and hurriedly ordered.

At the same time, he took out a water-repellent jade talisman and handed it to Mu Qing'er, "This is a water-repellent jade talisman, you can breathe freely in the water."

With the cover of the trees, Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er quickly followed Qingyun into the sea.

Ruichi Baiyu also lingered, followed Qingyun, and slowly dived to the bottom of the sea.

Not knowing what happened for the time being, Li Qingzhou decided to wait and see, and the breath in the forest was too strong, even if Baiyu evolved into Ruichi, he might not be sure of winning.

After all, Baiyu had just evolved into the diamond stage, belonging to the first level of diamond, and Li Qingzhou estimated that the breath had at least reached the 9th level of diamond, and there was only a line of distance from the real extraordinary. Crossing this line, it will completely transform into an extraordinary creature, overlooking the world, invincible.


Qingyun carried Mu Qing'er and Li Qingzhou into the water, and his body slowly grew larger.

As soon as he entered the water, a pair of huge eyes suddenly lit up, and then a huge claw slapped over.

"What is this?"

Li Qingzhou was shocked.

Seeing this, Qingyun moved his tail, and the water around him surged, and the water in front of him was compressed, forming a water wall.

Bai Yu also immediately used the water flow control skill that had just evolved to further compress the water flow in front of him.

The compressed water flow formed a solid wall, blocking the attack of the giant claw.


The giant claw hit the water wall, making a muffled sound.

The wall formed by the water flow collapsed instantly, and the giant claw also stagnated slightly.

Qingyun also took this opportunity to swim forward at full speed.

Fortunately, the giant claw did not chase, so Li Qingzhou and his team escaped.

It was not until they walked far away that Li Qingzhou saw the giant claw just now. It was a turtle, an extremely large turtle, which was even larger than Qingyun in the current Qingyun Lingyou Kun form.

Information appeared in front of Li Qingzhou's eyes.

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