The boat moved forward quickly, while Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er sat happily at the bow, enjoying the sea breeze.

The sea was vast and the sun was shining.

The two sat side by side, enjoying the quiet time.

This trip was a great harvest. Once the materials and gold, silver and jewelry obtained from the Japanese beastmaster were sold, at least several hundred million yuan could be earned.

At the same time, for Li Qingzhou, the biggest gain was that Baiyu successfully evolved from the platinum level to the diamond level, and from the dragon to the Ruichi, getting one step closer to the legendary Eastern Dragon.

Li Qingzhou turned his head and saw Baiyu swimming in the sea. Baiyu's figure was like a huge long rope, rising and falling in the sea water. Now Baiyu's body length has exceeded 10 meters, and it can be easily identified in the sea water.

After transforming into Ruichi, Baiyu was also extremely excited, and his affinity with water has greatly improved. It followed the waves in the sea water and enjoyed the joy of swimming in the sea.

Qingyun turned into a big fish, swimming slowly beside the boat, occasionally emerging from the water and blowing bubbles.

The two pets played in the sea while acting as the escort of the cruise ship.

With a Platinum Level 9 and Diamond Level pets escorting, the boat that Li Qingzhou was riding was even safer.

"You have so many kinds of pets, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, everything."

Mu Qing'er sat by the boat, looking at the two pets in the sea, and couldn't help sighing.

Li Qingzhou's pets are indeed many kinds. There are Baiyu and Qingyun swimming in the water, which can exert great combat power in the sea.

In the air, Qingyun can also transform into a big bird and soar into the sky, and the transparent cloud monkey can also ride on the clouds.

On land, there are the five-tailed black fox who is good at mental attacks and the wood-type pet Xingchen Muling.

In comparison, Mu Qing'er's pets are much more monotonous. Her pets are all wood-type pets, which have limitations in many scenes, but his talent for controlling beasts can be perfectly exerted, with both advantages and disadvantages.

Mu Qing'er used her hand to stir the sea water, "What kind of species is your pet after it evolves?"

"Rui Chi!"

Li Qingzhou replied.

"Rui Chi, like a snake but not a snake, has four claws, horns on its head, and can even swim in the water like a fish, which is really strange."

Mu Qing'er's eyes lit up, and she liked Bai Yu more and more. It was a pity that Bai Yu was Li Qingzhou's pet, otherwise he really wanted to contract one himself.

"Where are we going next?" Li Qingzhou asked, looking at the vast sea.

The sea was vast and boundless, and there was no ship or island to be seen. There was nothing but water.

"Keep driving southeast, and you will eventually reach Canglong Island." Mu Qing'er was full of confidence.

Li Qingzhou nodded, and looked back into the distance. That was where they had just left, the sea where the extraordinary creature Tianyuan Shougui was located.

"I didn't expect that the first island I encountered on the Dead Sea was formed by an extraordinary creature. The Dead Sea is really dangerous."

"The Dead Sea is vast and boundless, so there are naturally many dangers. And that Japanese beastmaster has so many treasures, so his identity is probably not simple." Mu Qing'er was a little worried.

They killed the seriously injured Yamamoto Shouyi and robbed his property.

But the beastmaster who can own two diamond-level pets and has a secret base in this vast sea is definitely not an ordinary person.

"As long as we are careful, it's okay. No one in the vast sea can find out that we killed the Japanese beastmaster."

Li Qingzhou said.

There was no one else on the island except the injured Japanese beastmaster.

And the two did not leave any traces there, so it is impossible to be tracked under normal circumstances.

"Hey, look over there, it's land!"

Mu Qing'er suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed.

Following the direction pointed by Mu Qing'er, looking forward, a black shadow can be faintly seen.

The boat slowly approached, and the shadow gradually became larger, and it was a piece of land.

This is an island, but this island is continuous, like a continent, much larger than the island formed by the back of the Tianyuan Longevity Turtle before.

"Is this the International Market!!"

Mu Qing'er's eyes lit up. Before coming to the Dead Sea, she had carefully read the information about the Dead Sea and knew that there was a huge island on the Dead Sea called the International Market.

In the International Market, human cities were built for guests on the sea to come and rest.

The Dead Sea is not under the jurisdiction of any country and has its own system.

The International Market also has its own rules, and all people entering the island must abide by them.

Beastmasters from all over the world trade, rest, and consume here.

Because it gathers beastmasters from various countries, it is named the International Market.

Here, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

"Let's go and take a look." Li Qingzhou also became interested.

He called out to the sea surface twice, and the sea surface suddenly broke open, and a huge dragon head suddenly appeared on the water.

Bai Yu widened his eyes and looked at Li Qingzhou in confusion. He was swimming happily in the water and wanted to continue playing with Qingyun in the water, but was called up by Li Qingzhou.

Qingyun also emerged from the water and floated quietly beside the boat.

"Let's go back to the secret realm pendant first. We want to take a look at the International Market." Li Qingzhou said.

With a flash of light, Bai Yu and Qingyun were collected by him into the secret realm pendant.

On land, with two huge pets like these, there will definitely be people watching, and according to the information he has, the rules of the International Market and Linyuan City are the same, and beastmasters are not allowed to summon pets privately in the city.

Otherwise, all beastmasters will wander around the city with various pets, and the city will definitely be in chaos, and once a conflict occurs, the entire city will be destroyed.

Once diamond-level pets fight, the aftermath of the battle is enough to destroy a city.

Mu Qing'er also put away her pet.

The boat slowly approached the shore and stopped in the harbor, and the two stepped on solid land.

At the harbor, they fixed the boat and walked towards the shore.

Along the way, you can see beastmasters of various skin colors and countries. Li Qingzhou blinked curiously. This is his first time to come to the International Market, and he is full of interest in everything here.

And before that, he lived in the territory of Xia Country. Except for the few Japanese beastmasters who visited Linyuan University before, he had never dealt with foreign beastmasters.

Now, beast masters of all colors and countries are coming and going on the streets, making it very lively.

"It is indeed a market of all nations, with beast masters from all countries." Mu Qing'er said excitedly.

People were talking to each other at the port from time to time. Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er listened attentively, but found that they could not understand what they were saying at all.

Language barrier........

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