A few days later, Li Qingzhou received a message from Qian Feng that the list of sacred relics sealed by Linyuan University had been sorted out, and he was invited to go over and choose.

Linyuan University President's Office.

Qian Feng looked at Li Qingzhou with a smile and said, "These are the sacred relics sealed by Linyuan University, a total of 13 pieces, take a look, see if there are any that you can use."

Qian Feng was in a good mood.

He went to Kyoto to attend a high-level academic exchange conference two days ago, where he was in the limelight and proud.

Linyuan University has produced a legendary beastmaster like Li Qingzhou, and this news has spread among various universities.

This makes Qian Feng, the president, very proud.

Especially when he met the president of Jinghua University, he was even more proud.

Although Linyuan University and Jinghua University have been ranked as the two top universities in Xia Country in recent years, Linyuan University has always been suppressed by Jinghua University.

After all, Jinghua University is located in Kyoto, with unique resources, and many talented students are enrolled. In the past two years, it has won the championship of the national competition, which has made Linyuan University unable to raise its head.

However, this year is different.

First, Linyuan University won the championship of the national competition, and then Li Qingzhou successfully promoted to a legendary beastmaster.

Linyuan University is in great glory.

This is a legendary beastmaster. In the history of the entire Xia country, legendary beastmasters in their twenties are also rare.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe a legendary beastmaster in his early twenties as a genius.

This also made Linyuan University receive awards from the Education Bureau, and the funding, students, and academic resources are much more than in previous years.

Even the leaders in charge of the education system in Xia country were a little polite to him.

This surprised Qian Feng a little, and it also showed that the entire Xia country’s top leaders were optimistic about Li Qingzhou and Linyuan University.

This also made Qian Feng more determined to cultivate Li Qingzhou. Such a genius must be cultivated with all his strength.

The more outstanding Li Qingzhou is, the higher the benefits of Linyuan University will be.

In other words, Linyuan University and Li Qingzhou complement each other. Linyuan University provides resources for Li Qingzhou. Li Qingzhou grows rapidly and improves his strength, which can enhance the popularity and status of Linyuan University, thereby allowing Linyuan University to obtain more educational resources.

"Thank you."

Li Qingzhou could not hide his excitement and looked at the list in his hand.

This is a very detailed list. Each sacred relic has a picture, and the description and introduction of the sacred relic next to it.

It is some research and inferences of sacred relics by previous scholars.

For example, the first sacred relic is a bone item similar to the spine. The note next to it is "It is speculated that it comes from a snake creature. The specific shape is unknown. The abyss is strong and should be used with caution. '

Most sacred relics are a small piece of bone from a large creature or a crystal formed by the crystallization of life.

Just looking at the description and pictures on the list, Li Qingzhou can't see the reason.

Because the white jade is particularly compatible with the sacred relic dragon ball, it can succeed at one time and be promoted to an extraordinary creature.

But after returning to Xia Country to check the information and ask the teacher, Li Qingzhou finally understood how great the risks of ordinary creatures evolving into extraordinary creatures are.

Many people failed in this process, and their pets either died or became monsters controlled by the pollution of the abyss, and some even caused huge crises.

Many seniors at Linyuan University have lost their strength due to failure to advance, and some even lost their lives.

This is why Mu Qing'er dared not use the sacred relics outside to upgrade her pets to extraordinary creatures.

The risk is too great.

Li Qingzhou is a little scared when he thinks about it now, so he must be cautious this time.

He carefully checked the list, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Hey, coccyx."

The picture of the sacred relic is a piece of bone, about one meter long, and it is speculated that it is a coccyx.

There is a line of text next to it.

'It comes from some unknown monster in the abyss, and the fluctuation of mental power is detected on it. It is speculated that it is a monster of the mind control type. '

"Coccyx, spiritual power..."

"This sacred relic is somewhat compatible with Ping An. I wonder if it can be used. Well, let's choose this one."

Li Qingzhou made up his mind and looked at Qian Feng who had been waiting quietly beside him, and said, "Principal, can I see this sacred relic?"

He pointed to the tenth item, the sacred relic that looked like a tailbone.

"Of course, but you have to be careful. It contains powerful spiritual power. A professor in the school once wanted to use this sacred relic, but his pet beast had not yet swallowed it, and it was already shocked into an idiot by the spiritual power on it."

Qian Feng warned.

"I will be more cautious."

Li Qingzhou nodded.

After confirming the sacred relic required, Principal Qian Feng took Li Qingzhou to the secret room where the sacred relic was stored.

The sacred relic is sealed in an underground secret room directly below the library.

Enter the library, then enter the underground passage, and pass through three gates before you can reach the basement where the sacred relic is stored.

The door of the basement was tightly closed, and spells appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Li Qingzhou recognized it at a glance. It was a sealing spell, which was cast by the strong men of the school to block the remaining abyss pollution emitted by the sacred relics.

After all, it is an item from the abyss. If it is not stored properly, it may cause death or injury to students, so the school is particularly cautious and imposes a special sealing spell.

The abyss pollution left by the sacred relics can be particularly strong in some cases, so each access control has a seal on it, which is reinforced layer by layer to prevent any leakage.

"This is the secret room where the sacred relics are sealed. I will open the door now."

As Qian Feng spoke, he took out a talisman, held it between his hands, and then slowly burned the talisman. The spell that appeared on the door gave off a bright light, which dimmed after a moment.

The door slowly opened, and you saw a small secret room, surrounded by thick walls and no windows. There were only small tables in the middle of the room, with dark boxes placed on the table.

I don’t know what material the boxes are made of, but there is a label with a number attached to the top of each box.

"In the box is the sacred relic. The sacred relic you want is No. 10."

Qian Feng walked over quickly and took out the box marked with the number 10.

"When do you plan to use the sacred relic?" Qian Feng handed the box to Li Qingzhou.

"The sooner the better."

Li Qingzhou answered.

"Okay, I will protect you personally."

Qian Feng said.

Using sacred relics is extremely dangerous. If there is an accident, Li Qingzhou may not be able to cope with it.

After all, he is a legendary beast master, so even if there is any accident, he can still come to the rescue.

"Thank you principal."

Li Qingzhou nodded gratefully.

"There is a seal on the box, please open it when you use it." Qian Feng reminded.


Li Qingzhou nodded.

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