"Is this the abyss?"

Above the abyss, a big bird and a flying dragon slowly flapped their wings and floated in the air, with two people standing on each of them.

Li Qingzhou stood on Qingyun's back and looked down.

He saw fog below, and a huge abyss with no end appeared in front of him, lying on the ground.

However, due to the fog, he could not see the situation in the abyss.

"Such a thick smell of pollution. Before entering the abyss, I already felt the air around me getting sticky."

Long Ze frowned slightly. The air around the abyss seemed to be different from the air in the normal area. The air here was thicker and sticky, and it felt like something was sticking to the skin.

"This is the pollution emitted from the abyss." Mu Qing'er said.

"It is said that the outermost layer of fog in the abyss can filter out most of the pollution emitted from the abyss. The pollution we feel is much lighter than that in the abyss." Zhou Ziqi said.

If there was no filtration of this layer of fog, the pollution in the abyss would have corroded all the nearby areas and turned them into a restricted area for humans.

Li Qingzhou looked at the abyss silently, and then looked back at the black forest not far away, and couldn't help but sigh.

A few months ago, he was like the group of students in the forest, carefully observing the abyss with the guidance of his instructor, and dared not approach.

But now, he has the ability to explore the abyss alone.

Li Qingzhou was wearing an ordinary sportswear, which looked like an ordinary sportswear, but in fact it was a high-level protective suit Xinyue developed by the Abyss Administration.

The high-level protective suit Xinyue can isolate most of the abyss pollution, and it is extremely flexible. Even the attack of extraordinary creatures cannot be broken in one blow.

"Get ready, we are about to enter the abyss."

Li Qingzhou reminded.

Mu Qing'er said: "The abyss is very dangerous. We'd better try to act together and don't disperse."

Longze and Zhou Ziqi nodded, and the two of them jumped lightly from the back of the flying dragon to the back of Qingyun.

Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er are legendary beast masters. Both of them are very powerful. Of course, it is safer to follow Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er.

Li Qingzhou's spirit moved, and the seven-tailed hidden fox Ping An was summoned immediately, lying at his feet.

The invisible spiritual power spread outward, sweeping the surroundings.

Li Qingzhou had the Chixiao sword spirit hanging on his waist.

"Qingyun, let's go."

Qingyun made a sharp cry, and then flapped his wings, dived down, sank into the smoke, and instantly disappeared at the end of the abyss.

The smoke outside surged, and soon filled the gap again.

The surroundings suddenly became dark.

The darkness enveloped every corner, as if even time had stopped flowing.

There was a suffocating sense of oppression in the air, as if countless eyes were peeping at you in the dark.

The ground was rugged and uneven, covered with sharp rocks and bottomless cracks.

Occasionally, some creatures with flickering lights would be seen cruising in the dark, as if they were looking for prey.

In the distance, some low and strange sounds could be vaguely heard, like ancient spells, or the wailing of wronged souls.

These sounds made people shudder, as if foreshadowing the upcoming danger.

An inexplicable pressure squeezed everyone's body, the light dimmed, and the surroundings were dim, and they could only barely see the surrounding situation.

"Is this the abyss?"

Long Ze looked around curiously.

Some debris, dry trees and twisted vines can be seen everywhere around, like demons, hideous and terrifying.

The first layer of the abyss, the abyss of corruption.

Looking up at the sky, the sky was gray and there was no sunlight.

The entire first layer of the abyss was shrouded in darkness.

"According to the school's records, the first layer of the abyss is called the abyss of corruption, located 0~1200 meters underground. The monsters here are not too powerful, and quasi-master beastmasters can deal with them, but after all, this is the abyss, we must be careful."

Li Qingzhou warned.

Mu Qing'er and others nodded at the same time, concentrating on alert.

They did not light torches or other lighting tools. In this dim environment, if they suddenly lighted the fire, it would attract the attention of all the monsters around.

Moreover, among the few people, Li Qingzhou and Mu Qing'er were already legendary beast masters. Even in this gray environment, they could see the surrounding situation clearly, just like in the daytime.

Longze and Zhou Ziqi also reached the master level of beast masters. Their strength was extraordinary. Even in the dim environment, they could roughly see the situation around them.

Because Qingyun was too big, Li Qingzhou directly put it into the beast control space, leaving only Ping An and Chi Xiao Sword Spirit by his side.

Mu Qing'er summoned a strange green wood pet, which was an extraordinary creature evolved from her Qing Xiao Wood Spirit, the God of Grass and Trees.

The God of Grass and Trees stayed by Mu Qing'er's side, exuding the smell of grass.

The God of Grass and Trees was an extraordinary creature of the wood system, and had absolute dominance and control over all the plants around him.

A faint green light shone from its body, drifting to all parts of the abyss like a firefly.

"This is the God of Grass and Trees communicating with the surrounding wood plants in advance, which can eliminate some potential dangers." Mu Qing'er explained.

The God of Grass and Trees is an extraordinary creature. Even in the abyss, it is considered a strong one. It is no problem to explore the surrounding situation.

The green light is scattered and released, providing the surrounding situation at any time.

Long Ze collected the flying dragon and followed Mu Qing'er, forming a formation of four people.

Because of the perception of the God of Grass and Trees, Mu Qing'er walked at the front of the team, providing information about the surroundings at any time to avoid danger.

Long Ze and Zhou Ziqi walked in the middle of the team, and Li Qingzhou was the last.

The first layer of the abyss was like a barren land, with some small and terrifying sounds coming from time to time, as if there were many monsters hidden in the darkness, trying to devour the passing creatures.


After walking for a while, Mu Qing'er suddenly raised her hand and signaled everyone to stop.

Long Ze stared forward and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

There was a piece of rocky land in front, and no dangerous monsters were found.

"That big stone is a monster."

Li Qingzhou said calmly.

Hearing this, Long Ze hurriedly looked at the big stone, only to see that the stone was no different from ordinary stones. After looking carefully for a long time, he couldn't see what kind of monster it was.

"Dare to block our way, just kill it!"

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