In the Sea of ​​the Dead, the fifth layer of the abyss, darkness is like a solid entity, oppressing every inch of space.

The air here is heavy and thin, as if even breathing is a struggle against fate.

Even Li Qingzhou felt that his breathing was a little heavy, and the golden-winged roc carried him upwards to the giant cave on the fourth level of the abyss.

During the ascent, the first thing I felt was the huge suction force from the bottom of the abyss.

This suction force was like countless invisible hands, tightly grasping their bodies, trying to pull them back into the endless darkness.

Every step forward requires a huge effort, as if fighting against the power of the entire abyss.

"Such a strong rising load. Is this the horror of the abyss? Is this why the abyss monsters cannot escape from the abyss?"

Li Qingzhou looked solemn, gritted his teeth and ordered: "The blue clouds continue to rise, Mu Yang unfolds the sky protection and the morning sun domain."

As the altitude increases, the pressure becomes more and more terrifying.

This pressure not only affects the body, but also directly affects the soul.

Qingyun's wings became trembling, and even his whole body trembled.

Even the golden-winged roc couldn't bear the rising load acting on it.

Li Qingzhou felt a splitting headache, as if there was a big invisible hand stirring inside his head.

There seems to be an invisible barrier between the fourth and fifth levels of the abyss, and only the most determined will and the most powerful force can break through.

"Come forward, we cannot be bound by the abyss!"

Li Qingzhou roared angrily.

Several pet beasts also echoed.

The horned dragon, the long-armed ape, the seven-tailed hidden fox, the Yuqi sacred tree, the seven-star sword spirit, and the golden-winged roc all erupted with powerful auras to fight against this rising load.

During the ascent, Li Qingzhou felt drastic changes in the surrounding environment.

The originally silent abyss began to hear strange roars and roars, as if the imprisoned monsters were roaring angrily, trying to prevent any creature from escaping.

These sounds echoed in the abyss, forming an eerie melody that made people shudder.


Finally, Qingyun broke through the shackles, dispersed the fog, and arrived at the giant cave on the fourth level of the abyss.

When entering the fourth level of the abyss, Li Qingzhou felt as if he had entered a whole new world.

Although the air here is still thin, you can already feel a breath of freshness.

Light also began to struggle in the darkness, forming faint spots of light.

This is the secret of the abyss and the reason why those monsters cannot leave.

They are bound by the power of the abyss, imprisoned by their own fear and despair.

"The rising load is indeed powerful. No wonder the monsters in the abyss cannot escape!"

Li Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

He had six extraordinary creatures, and they all felt such tremendous pressure during their ascent. Ordinary extraordinary creatures would probably be crushed by this pressure.

After resting for a while, Li Qingzhou went to the cave where Shen Tongguang was before and saw his notes.

I saw the introduction and research of black underworld crystal.

‘The Black Underworld Crystal is an irregularly shaped black crystal stone with a faint dark light emitting from its surface.

This crystal is an extremely rare mysterious item. According to my research, it has the ability to control skeletal creatures.

Under specific rituals, the holder can establish a spiritual connection with skeletal creatures through the underworld crystal, thereby controlling them to fight or perform other tasks.

However, the power of the Black Underworld Crystal does not come without a price.

While the holder uses it, he will gradually be eroded by the power of darkness, and his mind will become twisted and crazy. If the underworld crystal is used for a long time, the holder may even lose himself and become a puppet of dark forces.

Therefore, although the black underworld crystal is powerful, it must be used with caution.

There are a large number of bones in the Sea of ​​the Dead on the fifth level of the abyss. I can use them for experiments...'

Li Qingzhou looked at Shen Tongguang's research notes and couldn't help but feel excited.

"This black crystal is so dangerous. No wonder Shen Tongguang became crazy and terrifying in the end. It turns out that this black crystal also affected his mind."

Although the black underworld crystal can control skeletal creatures, it still has a backlash on itself. Even Shen Tongguang cannot avoid this backlash.

"What method did Shen Tongguang use to find such a large amount of black underworld crystals and control almost all the skeletal creatures in the Sea of ​​the Dead?"

Li Qingzhou was a little curious.

Shen Tongguang's control of so many skeleton creatures must not have been a whim, but may have been premeditated.

"So, what is his purpose?"

Li Xingzhou tapped the table and thought.

Perhaps his purpose is to take these skeleton armies to explore the sixth layer of the abyss, a place where there is no return!

The idea suddenly came to his mind.

With Shen Tongguang's persistence towards the Abyss and his desire for eternal life, with the last secret of the Abyss before his eyes, it was impossible for him not to be moved.

And it will be carried out by any means necessary.

These black underworld crystals and the skeleton army gave him the motivation and guarantee to go forth.

It's a pity that after meeting Li Qingzhou, the skeleton army was almost wiped out.

"Shen Tongguang's ambition is really big!"

Li Qingzhou sighed softly in his heart, turned another page, and continued reading.

This page records the research on black underworld crystals. It can be seen that Shen Tongguang attaches great importance to black underworld crystals and has done a lot of experiments.

‘The black Nether Crystal contains enormous energy. Although it is strange and polluted, if it can be purified and used, it can be used to upgrade pets.

According to my speculation, most of the extraordinary king creatures in the abyss rely on black Nether Crystal to upgrade.

Relying on the huge energy of the black Nether Crystal and absorbing the energy of the abyss characteristics, they can complete their evolution and become extraordinary kings above extraordinary creatures. ’

“Black Nether Crystal can upgrade pets!”

Li Qingzhou’s eyes lit up when he saw this line.

If he can use the energy of the black Nether Crystal to upgrade his pets, then his pets can reach the realm of extraordinary kings, which is not impossible.

The number of black Nether Crystals obtained this time is very large. Li Qingzhou even feels that he can upgrade all his pets to extraordinary kings.

He continued to read with curiosity.

‘Unfortunately, although the energy in the black Nether Crystal is very huge, it cannot be used directly. I have done experiments with ghost dream beasts. The diamond-level ghost dream beast cannot withstand the huge energy at all and will explode and die directly.

However, if it is a powerful extraordinary creature, it can be tried, but it needs a purification device to deal with the abyss pollution in the black Nether Crystal.

Due to the limited conditions in the abyss, I have not yet developed this purification device, but according to my judgment, the device of Linyuan University is likely to purify the pollution in the black Nether Crystal, making it pure and easy to absorb. '

"Linyuan University has a purification device that can evolve black Nether Crystal!"

Li Qingzhou was shocked again.

"After returning, I have to negotiate with Linyuan University and borrow the purification device to try it out."

Li Qingzhou casually flipped through a few pages, which were all Shen Tongguang's research on the abyss. In addition to the research on black Nether Crystal, there is also something called Wanjieshi, which occupies a large space.

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