Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$845 Abyss Purification Equipment

The sky after the disaster is like a rewashed canvas, blue and deep, but with a hint of subtle melancholy.

The sun shines through the clouds and falls dappledly on the earth, bringing a glimmer of life to this devastated land.

Li Qingzhou finally returned home.

His face was full of exhaustion, but his eyes shone with the desire to go home.

He walked quickly towards the hut that had survived the disaster, but his heart was full of anxiety.

Because there are so many beast masters in the community, the community did not suffer much damage from this disaster.

Compared to other communities without the protection of beast masters, only a small number of buildings here were damaged, and most of the buildings were still intact.

Seeing this scene, Li Qingzhou's anxious heart calmed down a little.

Soon he saw his home.

The moment he opened the door, Li Qingzhou saw his parents sitting at the table with complicated expressions on their faces.

Their eyes were fixed on Li Qingzhou at the door, with surprise, but also unconcealable worry and fear in their eyes.


Yang Xiaoyun's voice was trembling. She stood up and walked quickly towards Li Qingzhou, hugging him tightly with both hands, as if she was afraid that he would disappear again.

There were tears in her eyes, which were both joy and deep fear.

How can any parent not be worried when their son is away from home?

In a disaster, they worry more about Li Qingzhou's safety than their own safety.

Li Mingde also stood up, walked over, patted Li Qingzhou's shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's great that you are back. Your mother has been worried about you, afraid that something will happen to you."

"I'm just telling you, Qingzhou is a legendary beast master, how could something happen!"

He smiled slightly, but his eyes were full of deep worry and fear.

"You're still talking about me, but you've been talking about it yourself." Yang Xiaoyun rolled his eyes at Li Mingde.

"Ahem, just come back." Li Mingde coughed.

Li Qingzhou looked at his parents, and a warm current surged in his heart.

He knew that his parents were always worried about his safety even in this disaster.

He hugged his parents tightly, with tears in his eyes: "I'm fine, I'm back."

At that moment, the three of them hugged each other tightly, as if all their fears and worries were melting into this hug.


After several days of hard work, all monster corpses on the streets of Linyuan City have been centrally processed and burned according to the highest disinfection standards.

The abyssal pollution left by the monsters was also cleaned and disinfected by the Supernatural Power Administration using special instruments and equipment.

The damaged buildings are also being gradually restored and rebuilt.

The entire Linyuan City is starting to get on the right track.

After resting at home for a day, Li Qingzhou returned to Linyuan University.

At this time, Linyuan University was still in devastation.

Most of the teaching building collapsed, and the glorious school gate was also destroyed by monsters. The ground was full of potholes and looked very dilapidated.

After the abyss monsters wreaked havoc, they left indelible traces.

Although Linyuan University has been trying its best to recover, it will not be able to return to its original state in a short time.

It will still take some time to fully repair.

Qian Feng's office.

As soon as Li Qingzhou came in, Qian Feng walked up to Li Qingzhou with a smile, and then pulled him to sit on the sofa.

"Why do you have time to come to school today?" Qian Feng said.

"Come to school and see if there is anyone who needs my help." Li Qingzhou replied.

"No need to trouble you. Although this Abyss invasion has caused relatively large losses to the school, we can handle it, so we don't need to trouble you. You have already done a lot for Linyuan City, and you are tired enough."

Qian Feng meant it sincerely when he said this.

If it were not for Li Qingzhou, the entire Linyuan City would be destroyed. Everyone would not be spared and would be swallowed up by the Abyss Realm and become the nourishment of the Abyss.

It was Li Qingzhou who kept them alive today!

It was he who drove the monsters of the abyss back into the abyss and re-divided the two worlds.

"Principal Qian, you have given me the award."

Li Qingzhou smiled modestly.

"Oh, why am I giving you an award? What I said is the truth!"

Qian Feng looked at Li Qingzhou with admiration in his eyes.

In his eyes, Li Qingzhou is no longer an ordinary student, but a truly strong man who can make the abyss bow!

Li Qingzhou pondered for a moment, and then said: "Principal Qian, I found a research notebook by Shen Tongguang in the cave where Shen Tongguang lives in the abyss, which contains research on the Ten Thousand Realms Stone."

He said that when he turned his hand, a black stone appeared in the palm of his hand.

It’s the Wanjie Stone!

"According to the research notes, the Ten Thousand Realms Stone contains huge energy, which can open up a passage between the abyss and the human world. However, the energy inside can allow pet beasts to upgrade, but it just needs to be purified!"

"According to Shen Tongguang, Linyuan University has a set of equipment that can purify the Wanjie Stone. I wonder if it is true?"

Li Qingzhou came to Laiyuan University this time, of course, to purify the Ten Thousand Realms Stone.

If Linyuan University's purification equipment can really purify the Myriad World Stone, then the huge energy contained in the Myriad World Stone can be absorbed by the pet beast, and the pet beast can evolve.

After eliminating all the abyssal realms and abyssal realms in Linyuan City, he harvested a large amount of Myriad Realm Stones.

If they are all purified and absorbed by the pet beasts, it is not impossible for all the pet beasts to reach the level of extraordinary kings!

"Linyuan University does have a set of purification equipment, which is usually used to purify the pollution in the abyss, but for the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, I'm not sure it can be purified!"

Qian Feng said, holding the Ten Thousand Realms Stone with his fingers and holding it in front of his eyes to watch carefully.

Black light danced on the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, and black smoke emitted outwards. Even when he held it in his hand, it made him feel like his hair was standing on end.

The danger is very dangerous, the energy inside is dangerous and huge!

Even he, a legendary beast master, felt frightened.

The energy contained in this small stone is simply endless. Can the pet beast really absorb it?

Qian Feng is skeptical!

Let’s not talk about whether the purification can be successful. Even if it can be done, if you want to absorb the energy in the Wanjie Stone, the requirements for the pet beast are extremely strict.

If it is an unbearable amount of energy, it is very likely that the body will explode and die.

It's like placing a bomb in the belly of a pet animal to see if it can withstand the huge energy impact.

Either absorb all the energy and complete evolution, or be blown to ashes on the spot.

"I want to try the purification equipment. As you know, if an extraordinary creature wants to evolve into an extraordinary king, it requires an extremely large amount of energy. Under normal circumstances, a legendary beast master will not be able to reach the level of a legendary beast master in his lifetime. realm."

"But now that we have the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, this is a possibility. I want to give it a try!"

"You really want to try?"

Qian Feng looked at Li Qingzhou and saw that he was resolute, so he continued: "I can help you purify the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, but there is no guarantee of success, and it is also very dangerous for extraordinary creatures to evolve into extraordinary kings. You must be prepared. "

"I understand."

Li Qingzhou nodded.

He has absolute confidence in his pet beast.

In the abyss, faced with the siege of thousands of extraordinary creatures with bones, several pet beasts survived and defeated them head-on.

After this battle, several pet beasts have been baptized and completed their transformation!

Nowadays, both their mentality and strength have made leaps and bounds compared to before.

He believed they could step into the realm of extraordinary kings.

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