Because his competition ended too quickly, there was still some time before school was over.

It was still early, so Li Qingzhou decided to go to the training hall to train his pet.

The training hall was very quiet. The lower grade students were in class, and the third grade students were preparing for the exam, so that Li Qingzhou was the only one in the entire training hall.

Li Qingzhou's mind moved, and a green ripple rippled in front of him. The summoning diagram appeared, and then the three-tailed fox Ping An and the stone monkey Tai Ping walked out of the summoning diagram one after another.

The stone monkey Tai Ping looked around and was very interested in the new environment outside.

But Ping An looked lazy and unsurprising. He didn't know how many times he had come to this training hall, and he was no longer surprised.

Li Qingzhou mainly wanted to train the stone monkey's multiplication skill today.

He had seen the stone monkey use multiplication several times. Although it had a large bonus to the attack power, it consumed too much physical strength. At this stage, the stone monkey would not be able to continue multiplying for more than ten minutes, and its physical strength would be exhausted.

Is there a way to increase attack power while reducing physical consumption?

Li Qingzhou pondered.

Can part of the body be multiplied? If the whole body is multiplied, physical consumption is large, but if the power is concentrated to multiply part of the body, what will the effect be?

Li Qingzhou remembered the "third gear" skill of a guy wearing a straw hat. Biting the tip of the thumb and blowing air into it, the bones will expand and part of the body will become huge. The destructive power of this skill is quite amazing.

Maybe you can try it.

"Can you multiply your arm?" Li Qingzhou looked at the stone monkey Taiping and asked.

Taiping nodded, then it stretched out its hand, and its arm became a circle larger, but its body also became a circle larger.

"It only makes your arm bigger, and the body does not change. Do you understand?"

Li Qingzhou reminded him when he saw this.


Taiping nodded again.

It stretched out its right hand, and its arm suddenly became one circle larger, then two circles, three circles, and finally its arm became as thick as a telephone pole, but its body was still as thin as before.

Ping An shook his three furry tails and watched the show beside him.

The stone monkey's IQ was really high, and he understood it after explaining it once.

Li Qingzhou was very satisfied, and his idea was feasible.

"Very good."

Li Qingzhou touched Taiping's head and praised.

The stone monkey Taiping looked calm.

Isn't this as it should be? What can't this monkey do.

"Okay, next just multiply your palm." Li Qingzhou continued to give orders. He was ready to make persistent efforts and let Taiping master the "third gear" skill in one go.

The moves that the Pirate King can do, the Monkey King can also do, this is very reasonable!

But this time the stone monkey's multiplication was not so smooth. Every time it wanted to multiply the palm, it must multiply the arm. There is no way to multiply only the palm.

It seems that this requires a higher skill proficiency and requires multiple practice attempts.

Fortunately, the stone monkey Taiping was very ambitious. He was not discouraged at all. Instead, he became more and more courageous and tried again and again.

In the end, he was exhausted and still failed.

"It's okay. Failure is the mother of success. If you fail many times, you will succeed."

Li Qingzhou comforted him. He didn't think he could succeed at once. After all, this level of multiplication control requires a lot of practice to achieve the effect.


Taiping protested. There was no word failure in the dictionary of the monkey king.

It struggled to stand up, but fell flat on its face.

Li Qingzhou looked at it funny and took out a peach and a thunder grass from his backpack and handed them to Taiping.

"Eat first and recover your strength." It stroked the head of the stone monkey Taiping and said gently.

Taiping held the peach and started to eat it, temporarily forgetting the failure just now.

Ping'an shook his three tails and walked in front of Li Qingzhou, looking at him eagerly. The stone monkey was eating, and he wanted to eat too.

"How can I let you starve?"

Li Qingzhou smiled and threw a peach to Ping'an. Ping'an's three tails wrapped around the peach, wiped it, and started to eat it.

After eating the peach, the stone monkey Taiping wiped his mouth, then stood up again and continued to practice happily.

To become the monkey king, you must overcome all difficulties and cannot stop here.

It used all its strength to control the partial multiplication of its body and tried again and again.

Li Qingzhou felt ashamed when he saw the stone monkey working so hard. He couldn't be lazy and had to work hard to improve himself.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate.

The beast control space was opened up through meditation, and naturally it can also be improved through meditation. After strengthening, the beast control space can more intuitively improve the recovery efficiency and growth rate of pets, and can also improve the spiritual power of the beastmaster, allowing him to contract more pets.


After an unknown period of time, Li Qingzhou was awakened by the stone monkey's call and exited the meditation state.

The stone monkey raised a huge palm in front of Li Qingzhou, and his proud expression was beyond words.

"Look, I did it!"

Ping'an's palm was as big as a manhole cover, and it looked like a little monkey holding a big manhole cover.

"Very good." Li Qingzhou touched Taiping's fluffy head and praised.

Raising pets is like raising children, you need to praise them more, so that they will have the confidence and motivation to continue to grow.

However, the stone monkey Taiping's comprehension is really good. Li Qingzhou has only seen monkeys with high comprehension and hard work, the Monkey King 500 years ago.

"First, you should get familiar with the feeling of multiplication. You should be able to multiply any part of your body at any time and any place."

Li Qingzhou gave new instructions.


The stone monkey Taiping was full of confidence.

To practice the 'third gear', you must be able to multiply anytime and anywhere. For example, when you are in a reduced state, you can quickly get close to the enemy, and then multiply your arms at the moment of getting close. This will not only not lose flexibility, but also increase your attack power, and consume less physical strength.

Of course, this is an ideal state, which requires constant practice to achieve.

After dozens of times of practice, the stone monkey can control the multiplied parts of his body at will.

When it is in the wild, the frequency of using the multiplication skill is not high, so it cannot be well controlled for a while.

But it is a silver-level pet after all, and its IQ is very high. With a little practice, it can control the multiplication of parts of its body at will.

Li Qingzhou walked to a standing sandbag and said to the stone monkey Taiping:

"Now use your local multiplication ability to hit this sandbag, and multiply only when your fist hits the sandbag. Do you understand?"

The stone monkey Taiping nodded, looking eager to try.

Taiping raised his fist and punched the sandbag, but the sandbag did not move at all. Then his fist suddenly became bigger and leaned against the sandbag, as thick as the sandbag.

Taiping's fist was multiplied after hitting the sandbag, so there was no hitting power at all.

It scratched its head, it seemed wrong.

It must be the problem of this beastmaster, how could this monkey have a problem?

"Try again, multiply before hitting the sandbag."

Li Qingzhou said, he felt like he was teaching a child.

Taiping nodded again, then stared at the sandbag, moved his arms, and punched out.


There was a loud noise, and the sandbag shook violently. This time Taiping succeeded.

Its fist was multiplied before hitting the sandbag, and then the multiplied fist hit the sandbag, and the power increase brought by the multiplication made the sandbag shake violently.

"Well, the boy is teachable!"

Li Qingzhou nodded with satisfaction, just like a teacher seeing that the student has completed the homework well.

The stone monkey Taiping was calm, isn't this natural? How could this monkey not learn it.

Li Qingzhou estimated that at this rate, Taiping only needed to practice for a few more days to fully master the "third gear".

Ping'an chased his three tails and circled in place. It was too bored and could only rely on this to kill time.

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