Yinglong Baiyu slowly woke up, and between his sleepy eyes, a familiar figure came into view - Li Qingzhou!

It was overjoyed, and hurriedly flapped its wings, rushing towards Li Qingzhou like a bolt of lightning, landing firmly next to Li Qingzhou, and stretched out its head to gently rub the other person's cheek.

"You're here!"

Yinglong Baiyu couldn't hide his excitement, and there was a hint of grievance and complaint in his voice: "It's so dark in this mountain, and I'm so bored guarding this big rock alone!"

During these days, Yinglong Baiyu has always stood by the Ten Thousand Realms Stone.

It was quiet all around, and there was no one to talk to to relieve my boredom.

It had also longed to soar in the sky, but when it thought of Li Qingzhou's entrustment before leaving, it gave up the idea and did not dare to slack off at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to lie on the Wanjie Stone and take a nap all day long.

At this moment, I was so happy to see Li Qingzhou coming.

"You did a good job, here you go."

As Li Qingzhou spoke, he took out a huge and tempting piece of ferocious beast meat from the space ring.

He carefully handed the piece of meat to Yinglong Baiyu, as if giving an extremely precious gift.

Without hesitation, Bai Yu opened its mouth big enough to swallow everything and took a sharp bite.

Instantly, the rich aroma of meat filled the air, making people salivate.

As the sound of chewing sounded, Bai Yu's face gradually showed an expression of extreme satisfaction, as if nothing else in the world could compare with it at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingzhou stretched out his hand, gently touched the energy ring in his hand, turned his gaze to the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, and said softly: "Now, let's try this brand new energy ring!"

Liu Dawei, who was standing aside, hesitated for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Lord Zhenyuan King, you only need to use your spiritual consciousness to connect to this energy ring, and you will be able to control it freely."

"However, it should be noted that due to the extremely large amount of energy that this new ring can hold, there may be some slight mental tingling when initially used. But please rest assured that this is a normal phenomenon. Just be patient for a moment.”

Liu Dawei had already experienced that kind of pain firsthand when he was conducting experiments at school.

At that time, the strong mental shock he suffered was almost unbearable. It felt like being pierced by thousands of fine needles at the same time. It was simply a nightmare.

Because of this, he deliberately warned him in advance to prevent King Zhenyuan from feeling uncomfortable or even getting angry with him later during the use.

"It doesn't matter."

With a thought in Li Qingzhou's mind, a powerful and pure spiritual power surged out like a tide and quickly merged with the ring in his palm.

In an instant, he felt a weak but not negligible mental impact, but for this legendary level beast master, this level of impact was simply insignificant.

Like a stream flowing into the ocean,

As a legendary beast master, Li Qingzhou's mental power is so huge that this kind of impact is not worth mentioning at all.

Li Qingzhou looked calm and calm, as if he was not affected at all.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the mysterious energy ring, continuously releasing powerful power.

Following a flash of dazzling light, the Ten Thousand Realms Stone and other related ancillary equipment flew into the ring as if attracted by a magnet.

The moment the Ten Thousand Realms Stone was sucked into the energy ring, the huge energy fluctuations that originally enveloped the entire Longyan Mountain Range suddenly dissipated without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Li Qingzhou couldn't help clenching his fists, his face full of excitement: "Finally succeeded!"

At this moment, he clearly sensed that the Ten Thousand Realms Stone had been safely included in the energy ring and was in an unusually stable state.

This carefully developed treasure lived up to expectations and was able to withstand the impact of the majestic energy contained in the Stone of All Realms.

Liu Dawei's eyes widened and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief - Li Qingzhou completed the spiritual connection with the energy ring so easily!

What's even more amazing is that there is no trace of pain on his face!

Liu Dawei couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart: "It's true as the rumors say, the beast master is so powerful! He can easily withstand such a strong mental impact and is completely unaffected..."

At this moment, Li Qingzhou had successfully put the mysterious energy ring on his finger.

He looked at it with satisfaction, turned to look at Liu Dawei with a smile, and expressed his gratitude sincerely: "The development of the energy ring this time was very successful, thank you for your hard work."

Facing Li Qingzhou's praise, Liu Dawei was flattered and quickly bowed and responded: "You are serious, this is all a subordinate's job. It is my greatest honor to have the opportunity to serve King Zhenyuan!"

His attitude was extremely humble, and his eyes were full of awe for Li Qingzhou.


After collecting the Ten Thousand Realms Stone, Li Qingzhou was in a good mood, so he decided to go to Linyuan University for a walk.

This Ten Thousand Realms Stone is a treasure!

With it, it is like mastering the divine power to create the abyss anytime and anywhere, and you can enter and exit the abyss at will.

Now that all the preparations needed to go to the place of no return are in place, Li Qingzhou's next plan is to deeply explore the ultimate secret of the abyss.

But before that, let's go to Linyuan University to get together with classmates and friends, and take this opportunity to relax our tense nerves.

Linyuan University.

Students return to the peaceful and harmonious campus life again.

In the battle club, Longze and Zhou Ziqi and a group of people are training hard.

They are doing their best to prepare for the upcoming new national competition.

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