Everything flows, except for silence.

There was no sound in this world, as if time had frozen.

The surrounding fields are vast, like falling into an endless abyss, and all the colors disappear in an instant.

Li Qingzhou felt as if he had fallen into water, a deep pool of ink, as dark as night, without any light or beauty.

The surroundings were wet and sticky, and the vision was obscured by heavy fog, making it difficult to see the road ahead clearly.

Not only that, even the powerful mental power is like a mud cow entering the sea at this moment, and it is difficult to detect the situation one meter away from the body.

This weird atmosphere is frightening, as if you are the only one left in the world, floating alone in this unknown darkness.

"Is this the legendary place of no return?"

Li Qingzhou's eyes widened, trying desperately to see the surrounding environment clearly, but everything in front of him was pitch black, as if he was swallowed by endless darkness.

However, fortunately, he has a close spiritual connection with several powerful pet beasts and can roughly sense their location.

"You all come closer and don't move!"

Li Qingzhou spoke to several pet beasts with his mental awareness, with a hint of nervousness and vigilance in his tone.

He knows that this place is full of unknown dangers, and if he is not careful, he may fall into an irreversible situation.

"This abyss is simply a bottomless pit, we must be extremely careful!"

Li Qingzhou thought to himself.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, he decisively issued an order to shrink the defense.

After all, in this strange and terrifying environment, staying cautious and united is the key to survival.

As a result, several pet beasts gathered around Li Qingzhou, forming a tight defense circle, preparing to jointly face the upcoming challenges.

come down.

There seems to be no end, falling endlessly!

Li Qingzhou couldn't remember how long he had fallen in this endless dark mud.

Everything around him was so monotonous and depressing, with no change at all.

What's worse is that this weird passage seems to be a trap that only allows one-way passage. He has no control over his body to stop falling or rising up.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't change the situation.

Even his extremely powerful pet beast, whose strength has reached the realm of an extraordinary king, seems powerless at this moment, completely unable to withstand this despairingly powerful falling force.

This is the legendary abyss - that terrifying place where there is no way back!

It is a place where there is no escape and no resistance. Once you fall into it, you are destined to die...

Faced with such a desperate situation in front of him, Li Qingzhou's heart did not waver, as if nothing could shake him in the slightest.

If it were any other ordinary beastmaster in this situation, he would probably have a mental breakdown and be at a loss.

However, Li Qingzhou is different - he has an extraordinary strong willpower and calm mentality. Such a harsh environment does not pose any threat to him at all.

Not only that, Li Qingzhou also holds a "trump card" in his hand that can help him escape from danger, the Ten Thousand Realms Stone hidden in the energy ring!

This mysterious stone contains endless power and can pass through numerous obstacles and open a channel connecting the abyss and the real world.

With it, Li Qingzhou can easily get out of the current predicament and regain his freedom.

Because of this, he acted so calmly and calmly, without any trace of panic.

At this moment, Li Qingzhou stood quietly like a sculpture, silently staring at the bottomless dark abyss below.

He was waiting patiently, waiting for the moment when his body stopped falling...


I don't know how much time has passed, it seems like a long century.

Just when Li Qingzhou was about to lose his patience, he suddenly felt that his falling speed began to slow down.

Immediately afterwards, the dense darkness that originally enveloped him gradually became thinner, like a veil being slowly lifted off.

As the darkness faded, the surrounding scenery gradually changed from deep black to gray.

When Li Qingzhou finally touched the ground with his feet, he found that his feet were no longer as soft and weightless as before, but were replaced by a hard and solid touch.

He carefully stepped on it a few times to make sure he could stand firmly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he raised his head and looked at this strange place carefully.

What appeared in front of him was an endless void, so empty that it made people feel frightened.

There are neither mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, nor even a breath of wind here.

The whole world is like a still picture, except for gray, which gives people a desolate and lonely feeling.


Following a sharp cry, the six-eared macaque Taiping could no longer bear the deathly silence around him.

It finally managed to stabilize its body and took a few steps forward, eager to explore whether there was anything out of the ordinary ahead.

However, in the next moment, Li Qingzhou's face became extremely shocked.

They saw Taiping running wildly from behind them!

This scene was so weird that Li Qingzhou was stunned.

Just now, I clearly saw Taiping running towards the front, but now he suddenly appeared behind him!

Moreover, Li Qingzhou did not find any energy fluctuations.

"Is there an obstacle in front of you that blocked your way, so you chose to take a detour back?"

"How did you run to the back?"

Li Qingzhou stared at Taiping and asked suspiciously.

Taiping stretched out his furry claws and scratched his head, his eyes full of confusion.

It shook its head and muttered to itself: "No, I have been running straight forward and did not encounter any obstacles... But I don't know why I ran to the back?"

Before this, Taiping was indeed sprinting forward with one heart and one mind, while not forgetting to pay attention to the movements around him.

But what happened that caused it to run to the end of the team in the end, and even it itself was confused.

Even the extraordinary king, who has the future listening skill, can hear a little bit of the future and predict the future, the six-eared macaque has lost his insight into the future here.

"Do you realize what's going on?"

Li Qingzhou looked at the other pets behind him.

Several pets looked confused, saying they didn't know.

"That's weird!"

Li Qingzhou stood there, lowering his head in thought.

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