Sumerin Ring, this is an extremely advanced space prop.

It actually has an independent space inside, allowing people to enter and exit freely.

Even if you are at the bottom of the abyss, which is called "there is no return", you can still move freely.

At this moment, in the Sumerin Ring, Li Qingzhou's figure gradually appeared clearly.

He was standing there quietly, staring at the front.

And at his feet, there were several pets lying on the ground to rest.

These pets seemed to have reached a tacit understanding. They all lay tightly beside the immortal tree Mu Yang, enjoying the healing power it brought.

You know, in the previous fierce battle with Hydra, these pets experienced huge consumption.

Especially the six-eared macaque Taiping, it directly faced Hydra's fierce attack and evil pollution.

Although it has an indestructible body, it still suffers a lot of wear and tear.

The roots of the immortal tree Mu Yang are deeply rooted in the land like a dragon, constantly absorbing nutrients from the depths of the earth.

Its broad crown is like a giant green tower, and its leaves are shining with bright and mysterious green light, as if containing endless vitality and energy.

Among the lush branches and leaves, several crystal clear, gem-like fruits are hanging, exuding an alluring fragrance that makes people salivate.

Li Qingzhou looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The fierce battle with the mythical creatures is really exhausting."

He slowly approached the pets.

The six-eared macaque was sitting leisurely on the tree trunk, carefully combing his shiny hair, and kept muttering in his mouth: "Chiji! That disgusting big snake is so dirty, it made me dirty all over."

While complaining, it shouted to Qingyun on the side: "Qingyun, give me some water, I have to wash it well."

At this time, Qingyun turned into a small and exquisite fish, floating lightly on the edge of the tree trunk.

After hearing the call of the six-eared macaque, it just slowly spit out a few bubbles, and then lazily replied: "The big lake next to it is full of water, you can just go there and take a bath."

Obviously, Qingyun didn't want to move his body.

"It's too far over there, I'm too lazy to move."

Taiping scratched his head and said helplessly.

Qingyun swung his tail a few times, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Taiping's attitude: "You are lazier than me."

"I'm not lazy at all, I'm just taking a rest."

Taiping retorted unhappily.

It felt that it just wanted to find a comfortable place to rest for a while, how could it be called lazy?

However, no matter how it argued, it really had no motivation to go to the big lake to take a bath at this moment.

So, a fish and a monkey were deadlocked in place, and no one was willing to move first.

After hearing Taiping's request, Yinglong Baiyu said, "Brother Taiping, let me help you clean it!"

She waved her jade hand, and a stream of clear spring water fell from the sky, like a silver thread, and sprinkled on Taiping.

"Haha, great!"

Taiping raised his arms excitedly to welcome the cool spring water.

However, in the next second, something strange happened.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, strong winds, and heavy rain poured down.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

Mu Yang, who was on the side, saw this and quickly cast the skylight protection. A layer of golden light enveloped everyone's head, blocking this sudden rainstorm.

However, Taiping was not so lucky.

He was soaked by the rain without any defense, as if he had become a drowned chicken, and looked very embarrassed.

"Oh, Baiyu, you have too much water!"

Taiping looked at his wet hair helplessly, and complained in his heart.

However, he was not angry, but felt that it was an interesting experience.

"Sorry, the power is a little out of control."

Yinglong Baiyu said with a little apology and a little naughtiness, blinking his big and lively eyes.

As a dragon, he has the powerful ability to call the wind and rain, but he was negligent just now and failed to accurately control the power, resulting in a downpour.

At this moment, the entire Xumi ring was soaked thoroughly, and the air was filled with thick water vapor.

"Qingyun, clean up the water."

Li Qingzhou looked at Qingyun with a wry smile.

He really didn't want the place where he rested to be wet and sticky.

Qingyun showed a helpless expression, gently swung his tail, and the water vapor on the ground was like being lifted by an invisible hand, rushing to the sky, and then accurately fell back into the lake.

"Give me some water to wash too!"

Taiping shouted hurriedly.

This time, Qingyun did not refuse, but spit a bubble with understanding.

Then, a stream of clear water gushed out like a fountain, forming a beautiful water curtain, gently falling on Taiping.

Taiping let the water flow over his body, feeling the coolness and comfort like a spring flowing through his body, as if all the fatigue and pressure were washed away at this moment.

He looked at Qingyun gratefully, his heart full of joy.

He gently reached out and picked a green leaf from the tree next to Muyang, then put it into the water. As the water flowed, the leaf danced in the water.

Taiping smiled and gently wiped his body with the leaf, feeling the gentle touch of nature.

He washed for a long time until his body and mind were fully relaxed.

Finally, he lay comfortably on the thick tree trunk, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the tranquility and satisfaction.

At this moment, he felt as if he had merged with the whole world, and his mind became extremely pure.

After a wash, Taiping felt refreshed.

The fatigue and dirt brought by the battle with Hydra were completely washed away, his body regained vitality, and his spirit became particularly excited.

He took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air filling his lungs, as if he had been reborn.

"You all worked hard!" Li Qingzhou looked at the pets in front of him, his eyes full of gratitude, and said softly.

After the fierce battle with Hydra, these pets have made great efforts.

They defeated the legendary mythical creatures with their mortal bodies!

In the eyes of outsiders, this is simply an incredible miracle.

However, Li Qingzhou and his pets really did it.

Li Qingzhou smiled slightly, turned to Mu Yang and said: "Mu Yang, take out the jade energy fruit on you and share it with everyone."

Mu Yang's body was full of heavy fruits. Except for a few immortal fruits that were not fully ripe, the other jade energy fruits were ripe and exuded an attractive aroma.

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