Hou Tongfu's face turned pale and blue, and he stood there blankly watching the stone monkey and the three-tailed fox watching his pet.

Without the command of the beastmaster, the Blade Wind Mantis could only stand there and dare not move.

The little whirlwind was pinched in the palm of the stone monkey, and trembled even more.

Weak, pitiful and helpless.

After a period of inner struggle, Hou Tongfu uttered three words with difficulty: "I give up!"

He lowered his head, his face as pale as paper.

"Give up!"

"Don't you have another pet? Why do you give up directly?"

"Is the stone monkey's jumping and hovering so abnormal? It caught the little whirlwind in the air at a height of 3 meters."

"How come they both have two pets? This is unreasonable!"

"I still want to see a wonderful battle, just like this?"

"It ended too quickly!"


The students outside the battle room obviously didn't have enough to watch. The wonderful battle they imagined did not appear. Instead, Hou Tongfu gave up as soon as Li Qingzhou's stone monkey made a move.

The battle ended too quickly!

Zhou Ling was relieved to see Hou Tongfu admit defeat.

The small whirlwind wind core in the stone monkey's palm is very fragile. It may break with a slight collision.

If a pet animal dies at the exam site, she, the invigilator, will also bear the corresponding responsibility and will be assessed accordingly.

"Student Li Qingzhou, let the stone monkey release the wind core." Zhou Ling said to Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou nodded. This is just a competition, not a life-and-death battle. He would not hurt people or pet animals. At the moment when the stone monkey Taiping grabbed the wind core, Li Qingzhou communicated with Taiping with his spirit, asking it to be careful and not to crush the wind core.

"Give the wind core back to them." Li Qingzhou ordered Taiping.

The stone monkey Taiping scratched his head, looked at the three-tailed fox Ping'an, and then reluctantly released his palm.

At the moment when the stone monkey opened his palm, the small whirlwind immediately flew up, and the wind elements around it gathered to form a whirlwind that wrapped around the wind core, and flew quickly towards Hou Tongfu, then hid behind Hou Tongfu, not daring to look at the stone monkey opposite.

"The winner is Li Qingzhou." Zhou Ling uttered these five words with ease.

Li Qingzhou put the two pets into the beast control space, and then nodded to Zhou Ling with a smile.

There is only one round left, and you can continue to train after the competition.

The stone monkey Taiping has not mastered the lightning yet, and there is no time to waste.

The last round of competition is in the afternoon.

After lunch, Li Qingzhou went to the training hall.

It was still early, and he was going to practice more with the stone monkey Taiping.

In the training hall.

The stone monkey Taiping was holding the lightning prism and was receiving the baptism of lightning.

Lightning jumped on the surface of the lightning prism, and strands of electric light radiated from the surface of the lightning prism, hitting Taiping's hands and body.

The stone monkey Taiping did not use the petrification skill, but used his body to bear the lightning.

His body was slightly numb, especially the arm holding the lightning prism, which was as if it was pierced by thousands of fine needles, itching unbearably.

All the golden monkey hair on his body exploded.

But Taiping did not groan, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

When he was in the Tianze Martial Arts Hall, he took the monkey monster's lightning cut head-on, and the power of the lightning paralyzed his whole body and could not move. He hoped that he could also master that skill.

As long as he persisted, there would be a chance!

Ping'an lay on the ground, biting the peach in front of him, and looking up at the stone monkey Taiping who was entangled by lightning, shaking his three tails boredly, just as if to cheer Taiping up.

After half an hour of continuous electric shock, the stone monkey Taiping has completely adapted to the feeling of coexisting with lightning.

The lightning on the lightning prism has weakened a lot. In the past few days, the stone monkey Taiping has to hold it when he sleeps, which consumes a lot of the lightning collected in the lightning prism.

Li Qingzhou asked the owner Yang Xiao when he was in Tianze Martial Arts Hall. He said that the lightning element in the lightning prism is too strong, and the absorption effect is not good if it is eaten directly.

At present, the lightning element of this lightning prism has been consumed by more than half, and it should be edible.

Taiping has been eating food rich in lightning elements during this period. He has eaten several bundles of thunder grass, but the accumulation of lightning attributes in his body is not much.

It can only gather a small group of messy electric current in the palm of its hand now, which has no power at all.

"Take a bite of the lightning prism." Li Qingzhou said to the stone monkey Taiping thoughtfully.

The stone monkey Taiping tilted his head and looked at Li Qingzhou in confusion. This thing looks inedible.

Ping'an's three tails stopped shaking and shrank into a ball. It didn't want to eat that thing. It tried to reduce its presence as much as possible so that the beastmaster would not see it.

"It's okay. I've consulted before. Lightning Prisms can be eaten." Li Qingzhou said with a warm smile, "You just need to petrify your whole body, and that's it."

The prerequisite for learning the lightning cutting skill is to master the petrification skill, just to prevent the electric current from hurting the fragile organs in the stone monkey's body.

The stone monkey Taiping looked at the lightning prism in his hand blankly, and then a resolute expression appeared on his face.

Since Li Qingzhou said so, he could only believe him.

It petrified its whole body directly, and bit the lightning prism stuffed into its mouth with its petrified teeth.


A sound came out of Taiping's mouth, as if there was an explosion in his mouth.

It tried hard to chew the lightning prism, and the electric current jumped in its mouth, just like eating popping candy.

After chewing, Taiping tried to swallow the broken pieces of the lightning prism.

As the pieces of lightning prism went down his throat, an electric current spread from his body, making his whole body feel numb.

Taiping smacked his lips and licked his lips.

Although it didn't taste good, the feeling of the lightning of the lightning prism jumping on the tip of his tongue and the current flowing like blood in his body made him feel new and strange.

The lightning prism seemed to be edible!

The stone monkey looked at the remaining lightning prism in his hand, bit it off without hesitation, and then chewed it as hard as he could.

It ate the lightning prism like a peach in no time.


Taiping opened his mouth and burped loudly, and a weak arc of electricity came out of his mouth.

It patted its bulging belly and looked at Li Qingzhou, indicating that it had finished eating.

"Okay, let's try again now, condense lightning in the palm of your hand." Li Qingzhou was delighted to see the stone monkey Taiping eat the entire lightning prism neatly.

He could feel the abundant lightning attribute in the stone monkey, and now the stone monkey was simply a small mobile power source.

The stone monkey Taiping stretched out his right palm, palm facing up, lightning gathered in the palm, and then covered the entire palm, shining brightly, and the surrounding air was filled with the sound of lightning exploding.

Raikiri, it's done!

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