Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$915 Are you ready for evolution?

In the deep and vast night sky, the stars are like agile dancers, beating lightly.

Suddenly, shooting stars streaked across the sky like arrows, as if the elves in the universe were showing off their beauty and power.

The entire sky instantly became dazzling and shining, illuminating the vast land.

Facing such a spectacular sight, everyone was deeply shocked.

They stared up at the sky with dumbfounded eyes, feeling an indescribable awe in their hearts.

The children were even more excited and screamed: "Meteor! It's a meteor! Everyone, please make a wish!"

They all stretched out their fingers and pointed at the mysterious and gorgeous starry sky, their eyes shining with surprise.

However, the adults stood aside quietly, with frightened expressions on their faces.

They knew that such a dense concentration of meteors was anything but ordinary. These experienced adults have a deeper understanding of the laws of nature.

They understand that such celestial phenomena often herald the coming of some major event.

For a time, a shadow fell over people's minds, and uncertainty about the future made them feel hesitant and uneasy.

Some people began to pray silently, hoping that this sudden and strange sight would not have a great impact on their lives.

Others were lost in thought, trying to find clues from this rare celestial phenomenon and decipher its profound meaning.


Zhou Liu stood tightly on the rooftop, raising his head slightly, staring at the endless sky with eyes like a torch.

His expression looked extremely solemn, as if he was enveloped by an invisible weight.

It was a kind of alertness and worry that came from deep inside.

In the direction of the distant Longyan Mountains, a powerful and mysterious aura is coming continuously.

Despite the distance, Zhou Liu could clearly feel the presence of this aura. It was like surging waves, layer upon layer, endless.

This kind of aura is so huge that it is impossible to describe it in words.

Zhou Liu couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Can Shen Xingchen really walk up the mountain?

"This question lingered in his mind. For the first time in his life, he had a little doubt about Shen Xingchen, whom he had always believed in.

In the past, Shen Xingchen always showed unparalleled strength and courage, and was able to turn danger into safety no matter what kind of difficulties he faced.

However, at this moment, facing such a powerful aura, Zhou Liu began to question whether Shen Xingchen was really capable of climbing to the top of the mountain.


In the vast night sky, a shooting star streaked across the sky like a bright pearl.

Its trajectory is not straight, but seems to be controlled by an invisible hand, dancing gracefully.

The light of the meteor is sometimes bright and dazzling, sometimes dim and soft, like a gorgeous dance performance.

As time passed, this interstellar dance seemed to never stop.

However, gradually, the night sky returned to calm.

Those once flickering stars settled down again and hung quietly in their original positions.

The entire starry sky became quiet and peaceful, as if the dazzling scene just now had never happened.

Of course, it's not like the starry sky suddenly became silent.

In fact, this is because the legendary beast, Kunpeng, has put away its broad and huge wings and no longer controls the starry sky.

Li Qingzhou's eyes widened with surprise, and he shouted excitedly: "Wow! He can actually control the power of the stars and make them converge into huge tides. The strength of this mythical beast Kunpeng is simply terrifying!"

Zhulong Baiyu stared thoughtfully at the meteor shower that gradually calmed down, and said softly: "Brother Qingyun, if I can summon the dark night in the future, and you can control the stars as you like, then we can see spectacular scenes every day. It’s a meteor shower!”

When he said this, his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Taiping scratched his nose and interjected with a smile: "Baiyu, don't you have to close your eyes every time you summon the dark night? In this way, you won't be able to appreciate the beautiful meteor shower. Only we can see it." Got it.”

"Yes, you created the night with your eyes closed, so you can't see anything." Zhuxian Sword Spirit also followed suit and joked.

"Ah! Then I won't be able to watch the meteor shower at night?"

Bai Yu looked sad and slightly depressed.

After Li Qingzhou noticed the change in his expression, he quickly expressed relief: "You don't need to feel discouraged. When night falls, you will naturally be able to witness the beauty of the meteor shower. There is no need for you to create a dark night atmosphere."

"Yeah, I just have to be patient and wait for the night to come."

Bai Yu suddenly realized it, and his mood instantly became happy, and he danced with excitement.

The cycle of day and night is orderly, and night will definitely come as scheduled.

There is absolutely no need for him to interfere with this natural law.

"It's really troublesome. I'm too lazy to summon meteors every day. I have this free time, so I might as well give myself a good rest." Qingyun flapped his wings and muttered in a tired tone.

After the extremely difficult evolution just now, he felt as if he had been hollowed out, exhausted and exhausted.

At this moment, his only thought was to take a good rest. He didn't want to do anything but lie quietly.

After all, he has been working hard all the time. Now he finally has the opportunity to relax. Of course, he should enjoy this rare tranquility and comfort.

Qingyun walked slowly to a place that looked relatively flat and comfortable, and then lay down slowly.

He closed his eyes, feeling the soft grass under him and the breeze brushing his cheeks, and his heart was full of satisfaction.

"Now that I have successfully evolved into a mythical creature, there should be no next evolution!"

He thought silently in his heart, and a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Finally, I don't have to work so hard anymore, I can lie down and rest well."

Lying there, Qingyun felt as if he had merged with the whole world, and all the troubles and pressures gradually left him.

He quietly enjoyed the tranquility of this moment, letting his thoughts drift...

Li Qingzhou did not force Qingyun. Qingyun had been working hard all the time and had gone through many difficulties with him.

In the future, if Qingyun wanted to lie down and rest, he would not stop him.

He looked towards the Immortal Tree at the back and said with a smile, "Mu Yang, you are the only one left. Are you ready for the evolution?"

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