Li Qingzhou walked briskly, as if he had just returned from a grand banquet, rather than experienced a thrilling battle.

There was a faint smile on his face, which was a kind of calmness and indifference after experiencing the wind and rain, which made the atmosphere at home become warm and peaceful.

Mother Yang Xiaoyun was standing at the door of the kitchen, still holding the spatula that had not been put down in time, looking at her son who returned home early with a surprised look on his face.

Her eyes showed both concern for her son's safety and confusion about his sudden return.

After all, in her opinion, the strange phenomena in the sky just now - lightning and thunder, and the appearance of a giant ape - all indicate that something extraordinary may be happening outside.

"Come back so soon?"

Li Deyun's voice was filled with surprise and curiosity. He walked quickly to his son and looked up and down, fearing that there were any injuries on his body.

He knew very well that the career his son was engaged in was full of unknowns and dangers, and he and his wife were always on tenterhooks every time they went out.

"Yes, Mom, don't worry, I'm fine."

Li Qingzhou responded to his mother tenderly, his eyes full of warmth and comfort.

He patted the back of his mother's hand gently, signaling her to relax.

"The matter has been successfully resolved. Linyuan City will return to its former peace in the future, and there will no longer be those unsettling factors."

Although his tone was relaxed, every word revealed unquestionable firmness and confidence.

As a mythical beast master, he has extraordinary strength and wisdom, enough to protect this land and everyone here.

This confidence comes not only from his strength, but also from his deep friendship with this land and his sense of responsibility to his family.

Li Deyun and Yang Xiaoyun looked at their son, with complex emotions surging in their hearts.

They realize that the little boy who once needed their protection has now grown into a big man who can stand alone.

His achievements and heights were something they had never dared to imagine.

But they also feel extremely proud of this, because they know that their sons have achieved all this with their own efforts and sweat.

At dinner time, the family sat around the dining table, enjoying the rare time of reunion.

Although the outside world is turbulent, this small home is full of warmth and tranquility.

They talked about their parents' affairs and shared each other's happiness and sorrows, as if all the troubles in the outside world had nothing to do with them.

And Li Qingzhou also found his own tranquility and strength in this warm family atmosphere.


The atmosphere in the mayor's office of Linyuan City was dignified and solemn.

As the mayor, Zhang Bijun stood tall and straight, looking intently at the big screen, where a remote meeting related to national security was taking place.

The middle-aged man on the screen, with a majestic face and deep eyes, is Xia Guode's highly respected elder.

Every word he said contained great power and touched the heartstrings of everyone present.

"You mean, Manik Pratt, the legendary beast master who has enjoyed a high reputation on Blue Star for decades, has actually died?"

The great elder's voice was low and powerful, revealing the shock that was hard to conceal.

This is not only a pity for the passing of a strong man, but also a deep concern for the changes in the pattern of the Xia Kingdom and even the global beast-controlling world.

Zhou Liu, as an important figure in the Xia Kingdom's military, was sitting in his seat with a solemn expression.

He knew well what the fall of Manik Pratt meant, and he knew more clearly how the beautiful country's attitude towards this matter would affect the next situation.

"The beautiful country has a high self-esteem. The loss of a legendary beast master this time is undoubtedly a huge blow to them. I am worried that they will not swallow this easily, and revenge may be brewing. "

Shen Xingchen stood next to Zhou Liu, with unquestionable determination in his tone.

"Hmph, they may still be immersed in the glory of the past, but they don't know that the power of the mythical beastmaster has long been beyond their understanding. If they really dare to attack, they will only bring humiliation and trouble to themselves."

His words were full of trust and pride in Li Qingzhou's strength.

After all, he witnessed the thrilling battle between Li Qingzhou and Manik Pratt, and knew the horror of the mythical beast master.

Hearing this, the great elder nodded slightly, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

"What Shen Xingchen said is absolutely true. Li Qingzhou's strength cannot be underestimated. But we cannot take it lightly. After all, the beautiful country will not easily give up any opportunity to attack its opponents."

There was a thoughtful poise in his words.

"Zhou Liu, you immediately dispatch troops to the border areas to strengthen defense and ensure that the security of Xia Kingdom is not violated. At the same time, we must also pay close attention to the movements of Beautiful Country and be prepared for all responses."


Zhou Liu stood up in response, his eyes flashing with determination.

He is fully aware of the great responsibility he shoulders and must go all out to ensure that the peace and tranquility of Xia Kingdom are not threatened by any threat.


The heavy rain poured down, as if the sky had cracked open, washing the earth mercilessly, and extinguished the previous arrogance of these blond and blue-eyed foreigners.

They were soaked to the skin, their hair stuck to their faces, and they were walking awkwardly through the muddy alleys. Every step seemed particularly heavy and urgent.

The rain blurred their vision, but their eyes were filled with unwillingness and resentment.

These young people were once students of the legendary beastmaster Manic Pratt. They followed their teacher and enjoyed glory and aura.

However, their teacher died unexpectedly, leaving them not only the grief of losing their loved ones, but also endless anger and shame.

"We can't just give up. The teacher fought for our glory. He can't die in vain!"

One of the blond men panted, clenched his teeth, and his voice was full of determination.

The rain slid down his cheeks, intertwined with tears, and it was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears.

The blond woman clenched her fists, and her eyes flashed with determination.

"Yes, we have to go back to the United States and tell the country what happened here. Let those Xia people know that our country will not let anyone who dares to provoke us go!"

Her voice echoed in the rain, with a hint of unquestionable firmness.

They quickened their pace. Although the rain blurred their vision and the road was muddy and difficult to walk, the faith in their hearts burned like a flame.

They knew that their current embarrassment was only temporary, and one day, they would return in a stronger posture and avenge their teacher.

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