Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$952 Japan, the Emperor, dies!

Li Qingzhou stared at the sea that had been ravaged by war and strewn with corpses. His eyes were deep and calm, as if he could see through all the suffering and injustice in the world.

The sea breeze brought saltiness and whine, but it could not shake the firmness and determination in his heart.

"This incident started because of me and will end because of me. Any enemy who dares to set foot on the sacred territory of Xia Kingdom and trample on our dignity will be punished as they should be. No one will be spared."

Li Qingzhou's words were low and powerful, and every word was like an oath bursting from the bottom of his heart, resounding through the sky.

After saying this, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, moving at an astonishing speed, as if it had penetrated the constraints of space and headed straight for Japan.

This is not just a journey of revenge, but also to maintain the peace and order that should exist between the two countries and to make Japan fully understand how heavy the price of provocation and aggression is.

Japan has been soft before, but when it finds an opportunity, it will jump out and disgust people. This time, they must be taught a lesson.

Let them have a long memory and not dare to have evil intentions again.

When Shen Xingchen witnessed all this, a flash of admiration and expectation flashed in his eyes.

He knew very well that Li Qingzhou was not only the guardian of Xia Kingdom, but also a legendary mythical beast master whose strength and wisdom were extraordinary.

Such an opportunity is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for learning and experience for Shen Xingchen, who is also a beast master.

"The actions of the mythical beast master are indeed extraordinary!"

Shen Xingchen admired secretly in his heart, and then followed without hesitation.

He was eager to witness with his own eyes how Li Qingzhou used his extraordinary beast-controlling skills to control divine beasts, gallop across the battlefield, and inflict devastating blows to the enemy.

The two of them walked one behind the other, like two bolts of lightning piercing the sky, quickly disappearing into the distant skyline.


In the capital of Japan, an island country located on the edge of the east, in the magnificent palace, the emperor sits on a dragon throne with a majestic and deep face.

The sunlight filtered through the delicate paper windows and dappled his face, adding a bit of mystery and majesty to him.

In the main hall, the atmosphere was tense and warm. Ministers dressed in gorgeous court uniforms lined up on both sides, vying to report the latest war situation and strategic deployment to the emperor.

One of the ministers had an impassioned voice, with greed and fanaticism shining in his eyes. His words ignited the atmosphere of the entire hall like a flame.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, after months of careful preparation and training, our elite Japanese troops have successfully merged with the American army that came from afar. The two countries' allied forces have strong soldiers and horses and strong morale, just like two unstoppable forces. The torrent vows to break through Xia's defenses and completely conquer its territory. Under such powerful force, Xia's decadent army and backward tactics will be as fragile as paper and fall apart in an instant. The country will take this opportunity to become the overlord of the East and realize the hegemony that all previous emperors have dreamed of!"

The minister's words were full of desire for victory and yearning for power. His words not only inspired all the ministers present, but also made the emperor's eyes flash with unconcealable ecstasy and expectation.

The emperor slowly stood up, his figure appearing taller and more majestic under the sunlight.

He looked around, with both infinite longing for the future and a calm look at the coming war.

He knows that this war is not only a contest of military strength between the two countries, but also the ultimate test of the will, wisdom and strategy of the two countries.

"Very well, my warriors are ready. Their swords are thirsty and eager to sharpen their edge with the blood of the enemy. This battle is not only for the glory and future of Japan, but also for us. The survival and development of the nation. We want the world to see that even if we live on an isolated island in the sea and have poor resources, our Japanese people still have an indomitable will and a courageous determination to move forward. After this battle, Japan will once again stand tall in the world. to become a true eastern power!”

The emperor's words resounded through the hall like thunder, and every word was full of power and determination.

His words were not only encouragement and encouragement to his ministers, but also a call and encouragement to the entire Japanese people. At this moment, the entire country of Japan seemed to be united by an invisible force, looking forward to the coming glorious moment.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the main hall.

The man was wearing a loose sweatshirt and looked to be in his early twenties.

But the powerful aura exuding from his body is unmatched by anyone.

After a while, another figure came through the sky.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Shen Xingchen's sudden appearance.

"How dare you invade our Japanese territory alone? You are simply asking for death!"

A Japanese minister in gorgeous official uniform, with a livid complexion, shouted angrily, with unconcealable horror and anger in his voice.

His words were like thunder, echoing in the hall, quickly awakening the sense of crisis in everyone present.

"Come here, capture this arrogant person quickly without any mistakes!"

Following his order, the surrounding guards reacted quickly, drawing out their weapons and surrounding Shen Xing and Chen. The atmosphere was instantly tense, and a war seemed about to break out.

Shen Xingchen was the number one expert in the Xia Kingdom, and his strength was unfathomable. His arrival undoubtedly put great pressure on these Japanese ministers.

However, when they saw that there were only two people around Shen Xingchen, the fear in their hearts gradually dissipated and was replaced by a sense of confidence.

After all, this is Japan's territory, and they can mobilize their troops anytime and anywhere.

Although Shen Xingchen is powerful, there is no way he can compare with the entire Japanese country.

"Perhaps, our Japanese army has already broken through Xia's defense line, and they came here just to make a final struggle!"

The minister reminded.

Before he finished speaking, a guard immediately came forward to protect the emperor closely to prevent any unexpected events.

Shen Xingchen glanced at everyone in the Japanese palace with disdain, his eyes full of contempt.

Then, he turned to Li Qingzhou respectfully and said softly: "Li Shinhwa, this is the emperor of Japan."

Li Qingzhou followed Shen Xingchen's guidance and his eyes fell on a middle-aged man hiding behind everyone.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint smile: "I give you two choices. First, surrender to the Xia Kingdom immediately, pay tribute to our country every year, and hand over your Japanese method of breeding pet beasts; second, there is a dead end. "

After hearing these words, the emperor suddenly became angry and sneered: "It's ridiculous! How could I, the majestic Emperor of Japan, easily succumb to a brat like you who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth? If you want me to surrender and pay tribute, you still need us. The method of raising a pet beast is simply a fantasy!”

He roared angrily: "Come here! Take down all these arrogant people!"

However, just as the emperor finished speaking, soldiers from all around came like a tide, but Li Qingzhou still looked calm.

He waved his sleeves gently, and a powerful force burst out instantly, knocking away the soldiers who were rushing forward.

Immediately afterwards, people were shocked to find that the Emperor of Japan was held tightly by an invisible hand and hung in mid-air. The emperor's face was red, his veins were bulging, and he obviously couldn't breathe.

In this way, the Emperor of Japan lost the breath of life in full view of everyone...

Japan, the emperor, die!

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