Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 95: Each showing his special ability

Li Qingzhou turned his head slightly and looked back in surprise. There was nothing unusual behind him, and he didn't find any strange pets.

There was only a short and fat middle school student sitting there, who was answering questions with his head down.

When Li Qingzhou turned around, the feeling of being spied on came to his mind again.

It seemed that he could see through his body and directly see the answers to the test paper on his desk.

He remembered that he had seen a beast-controlling talent called "perspective" in a book that recorded beast-controlling talents. It can see through objects within a certain range and see what is behind the objects.

This beast-controlling talent is mostly used in reconnaissance, medical treatment and other aspects.

Obviously, some of the students behind Li Qingzhou have this beast-controlling talent, and they are peeping at his test paper unscrupulously.

He picked up the draft paper on the table and covered the test paper, covering most of the test paper, and then continued to answer.

Li Qingzhou clearly felt that the eyes behind him stagnated, and after staying for a moment, they moved away.

Perspective can see through his body, but when the two pieces of paper are put together, it is impossible to accurately see the content of the test paper behind the draft paper.

After all, they are still middle school students, and the development of their beast control talents is not mature yet, so they cannot achieve extremely accurate perspective.

"Teacher, I apply to go to the toilet."

In the quiet classroom, a male student raised his hand and reported.

The male invigilator wearing black-rimmed glasses in front nodded and indicated that it was okay.

The male student left the desk and walked to the door of the classroom, but the male invigilator wearing glasses followed him and accompanied him to the toilet.

If there are special circumstances, candidates can raise their hands to report, and they can only take action after obtaining permission from the invigilator, and all actions must be accompanied by an invigilator, and only one student is allowed to take action at a time.

After a while, the male student who went to the toilet returned to the classroom, and the male invigilator wearing glasses stood in front of the classroom again.

However, Li Qingzhou's spirit fluctuated slightly. He could feel that the male student who came in was not the male student who just went out.

There is a subtle difference between the two.

The male student was looking at the test paper on the desk, writing down the questions as if he was inspired by God. The questions that were previously blank were filled with answers in an instant.

It was as if he copied the standard answers.

Li Qingzhou looked at it carefully, and then suddenly remembered that there was a talent for controlling beasts, called clones.

You can create another clone, and the clone has some of the abilities of the original body. Within a certain range, you can control the actions of the clone.

Li Qingzhou guessed that the male student's talent for controlling beasts was the clone. He took the opportunity to go to the toilet to create a clone and left the clone in the toilet. The clone could look up the answers to the test questions in the toilet and feedback to the original body.

The reason why Li Qingzhou's spirit fluctuated was because he noticed that the male student's mental power had weakened, and he gave part of his spirit to the clone.

"Hmph, it's really like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers! In a theoretical exam, I can see so many cheating methods." Li Qingzhou sighed in his heart. At the same time, he looked at his test paper. He had answered all the questions. He was going to check it again and hand it in after it was correct.

He looked at the test paper and suddenly his mind fluctuated again. This time, it was a small metal screw on the desk that caused his mental fluctuations.

[Name: Variable Metal Monster]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Bronze 3]

[Qualification: Silver]

[Skills: Mimicry, Metal Cannonball, Solid as a Rock]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolutionary Path: 2]

[Introduction: It looks like a pool of liquid metal and can be transformed into any metal object. It has very good ductility and high hardness. It usually feeds on metal ores. ]

The small screw on Li Qingzhou's desk was transformed by the variable metal monster. It looks very similar to an ordinary screw, and it is attached to the desktop. It looks like an ordinary screw hit on the table.

His eyelids twitched. He had just glanced at the male student who had been cloned when the metal monster took advantage of the situation. If he hadn't looked at the desk more, he wouldn't have found it.

Li Qingzhou put the pen on the small screw to completely block it.

The small screw transformed by the metal monster took small steps and moved to the side secretly.

But all its actions were seen by Li Qingzhou. No matter where it moved, the pen was always on top of its head.

After trying for a while, he found that he couldn't get rid of it. The small screw transformed by the metal monster turned into a drop of metal liquid, flowed down the desk leg, and disappeared from Li Qingzhou's sight.

Just when Li Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief, he found that there were many tiny insects in the classroom since some time.

They were black and smaller than rice grains.

[Name: Possessed Gu Worm]

[Attribute: Worm]

[Level: Black Iron Level 3]

[Qualification: Black Iron]

[Skill: Possession Control]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolution Path: 1]

[Introduction: It looks as black as sesame seeds, has two pairs of black tentacles, and six pairs of legs on the lower part of its body. It can possess dead pets and control them. ]

The Miao girl in the last row of the classroom was leisurely writing the answer to the last question. The name on the test paper was Chen Xingyu.

In the classroom, almost every student has a black possessed Gu worm hidden in their hair. The possessed Gu worm looks through the gaps in the hair to check the answers of each candidate's test paper, and transmits the answers to the Gu worm mother body on Chen Xingyu through the special communication method between the possessed Gu worms.

Chen Xingyu knew the answers of most students without any effort. She could get the correct answer with a slight comparison.

The test paper has been answered, and she is admiring her masterpiece at this moment.

The possessed Gu worms on the candidates' hair evacuated silently and returned to Chen Xingyu's body.

Except for Li Qingzhou, no one found that these Gu worms had appeared before.

Li Qingzhou was very curious about Gu worms. Southern Xinjiang has always been shrouded in mystery. There is very little information about Gu worms, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand Gu worms.

Just like what we just saw, Chen Xingyu can control dozens of Gu worms at the same time, which is not normal.

It is already a genius for an apprentice beastmaster to control two pets, but it is impossible to control dozens of them at the same time!

He guessed that it should be similar to the sandworm group he encountered in the desert before. There is a king of Gu worms in the group of Gu worms. Controlling the king of Gu worms means controlling the entire group of Gu worms.

"Interesting!" Li Qingzhou said in his heart, with a smile on his lips.

I didn't expect that in a theoretical exam, I could see so many pets and methods.

From the beginning of the theoretical exam, they fought wits and courage, and each showed their magical powers. It is worthy of the entrance exam of a top university.

I have learned a lot!

As time goes by, more and more strange cheating methods appear, which is dazzling.

However, there are also those who are caught by the invigilator and directly disqualified from the exam.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

The crisp and rapid bell rang, announcing the end of the theoretical exam.

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