Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

$960 Eliminate hidden dangers!

The president's voice echoed in the solemn conference hall, and every word seemed to hit the hearts of every congressman present like a heavy hammer. The air was filled with unprecedented tension and determination.

There was an unquestionable light in his eyes, which was an unwavering protection of national interests and a fearless fight against unknown challenges.

"Since its founding, our beautiful country has been known to the world for its freedom, bravery and indomitable spirit. Today, facing this unprecedented threat, no matter who it is, no matter what kind of power is hidden behind it, we cannot retreat at all!"

The president's words were sonorous and powerful, inspiring everyone present.

The mythical beastmaster, this legendary existence, appeared like thunder breaking through the night sky, shaking the whole world.

However, in the land of the beautiful country, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

The president knew that this war was not only about the security and stability of the country, but also the ultimate test of the spirit and will of the beautiful country.

"We must mobilize all available resources, gather the most elite forces, and make the most thorough plans. Whether we want to go deep into unknown areas or seek breakthroughs in science and technology and strategy, we must go all out and leave no room for error!"

The president's order was like a horn, sounding the rallying order for the mobilization of the entire American nation.

The congressmen responded quickly, knowing that they had a heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

Some hurriedly left the meeting room and went to the military base to supervise the battle in person.

Some urgently convened a team of scientists to study countermeasures and strive to find the key to defeat the enemy at the technological level.

Others were responsible for coordinating domestic and foreign resources to ensure that logistics support was foolproof.

The entire American country seemed to be united by an invisible force at this moment. Whether it was a prosperous city or a remote village, they could feel this strong patriotic sentiment and determination to win.

The pedestrians on the street walked hurriedly, but their eyes were full of determination.

The media rushed to report, conveying the country's determination and courage.

And ordinary people expressed their support and blessings to the country in various ways.

On this day, the United States was facing a great enemy, but under this tension and solemnity, there was more unity and tenacity.

They believed that as long as the people of the country worked together, nothing would be impossible.

No matter what challenges it faced, the United States would stand firm and guard its dignity and honor.

However, reality is often more complicated and cruel than expected.

Although the United States was united and vowed to defend its honor and dignity, in front of Li Qingzhou's unimaginable absolute strength, these barriers that were once proud of seemed so fragile.

Li Qingzhou, the mythical beastmaster, rode his beast Qingyun, like a traveler through time and space, and easily penetrated the layers of defense carefully arranged by the United States.

Qingyun's huge body drew an elegant arc in the air, and wherever it passed, neither high-tech monitoring equipment nor hidden fortifications could cause any hindrance to it.

As Li Qingzhou gradually approached the capital, this once prosperous, bustling and vibrant metropolis seemed to have been mute-buttoned at this moment, falling into an unprecedented silence.

The streets were empty, shops were closed, and the once bustling scene was gone, replaced by a depressing and tense atmosphere.

People hid at home, watching this sudden crisis through TV, the Internet and other channels, with fear and anxiety in their hearts.

Standing on Qingyun's broad back, Li Qingzhou overlooked the quiet city, but his heart was calm.

He knew what kind of impact his arrival had brought to the city, but he also understood that his purpose was not to destroy, but to have more far-reaching considerations.

However, for the United States, Li Qingzhou's appearance was undoubtedly an unprecedented disaster and a severe test of the values ​​and beliefs they had long adhered to.

In this silence and tension, every step of Li Qingzhou's actions was particularly eye-catching. He was not in a hurry to take further action, but quietly observed the city, as if looking for something, or waiting for something.

As for the United States, although facing unprecedented difficulties, they did not give up resistance, but secretly gathered their strength to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.

"Who are you and why are you forcing your way into my country of beauty!"

The president appeared outside the hall and shouted at the figure in the sky.

"Li Qingzhou, the King of Zhenyuan of Xia!"

Li Qingzhou did not speak, and Shen Xingchen stepped forward to introduce him.

He felt that he was full of confidence, and he was not afraid even if he faced the country of beauty!

Because the one standing behind him was the invincible mythical beastmaster.

The president's face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water could drip down. His voice echoed in the empty square through the loudspeaker, with unquestionable majesty and anger.

"King Zhenyuan of Xia, your move is undoubtedly provoking the international order, and putting your personal will above the peace and respect between countries! Do you think that you can subvert the century-old foundation and dignity of my country of beauty by your own strength?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and he scanned the surrounding soldiers who were waiting in formation and the people watching in the distance, and continued: "Our beautiful country, as a globally recognized superpower, its military strength is not only for self-protection, but also for In order to fulfill our commitments and responsibilities on a global scale, our intervention in Xia State's affairs is based on a profound judgment of the international security situation and a firm commitment to global peace and stability. potential threat to the entire international community.”

"However, you, Li Qingzhou, stepped into the territory of our beautiful country in such an extreme and provocative way, ignoring international law and diplomatic procedures. This is not only disrespectful to our beautiful country, but also disrespectful to all those who are committed to maintaining world peace." Contempt for national efforts!”

The president's voice gradually rose, and every word was like a heavy hammer, striking the hearts of everyone present.

"Do you think that just because of your martial arts skills, you can do whatever you want? Let me tell you, this is a beautiful country, a country of freedom and the rule of law, and will never tolerate any form of violence or violation! Your behavior has touched us The bottom line will definitely be punished as it should be!”

Li Qingzhou stood at a high place, his clothes fluttering. Facing the president's angry accusations, there was no fear on his face. Instead, he became more determined and aloof.

"Sanctions? Haha, I, Li Qingzhou, have been traveling around the world for many years. Have I ever been afraid of sanctions from anyone? Since I dare to come today, I am ready to face all the consequences. Your beautiful country claims to be the world's policeman, but it has repeatedly interfered in other countries. Domestic affairs, even starting a war, this kind of behavior is the real threat to world peace! "

His words were like sharp blades, piercing the President's heart.

"I am not here to argue with you about who is right and who is wrong, but to eliminate hidden dangers and restore peace to the world!"

As Li Qingzhou finished speaking, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became tense.

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