The curtain of the national competition slowly fell under the spotlight. Linyuan University relied on the unparalleled tacit understanding and strength of the team to once again win the championship and achieve the feat of defending the championship.

This news quickly spread across the entire campus and even Linyuan City like a spring breeze, and every corner was filled with the joy and pride of victory.

At the celebration banquet, teachers and students of Linyuan University gathered together to toast to celebrate this hard-won honor.

The banquet was brightly lit and filled with laughter and laughter. Everyone extended their most sincere congratulations to the athletes who had brought glory to the school.

Li Qingzhou, this man of the hour, also appeared at the celebration banquet amidst everyone's expectations.

Dressed in simple yet elegant attire, with a faint smile on his face, he shook hands with his former classmates and friends, recalled the past, and looked forward to the future. The atmosphere was warm and touching.

However, for Li Qingzhou, this honor is just an episode in his life journey.

After enjoying a short time together, he decided to go to the abyss again.

The Abyss, this unknown realm at the edge of the world, seems to be a huge mystery in the universe, which is both imaginative and terrifying.

It is bottomless and vast, and contains countless ancient and powerful secrets. These secrets are both a treasure house of knowledge and a source of power.

However, along with it are endless crises and challenges. The abyss seems to be a huge whirlpool, constantly releasing the power of pollution and aggression, threatening the peace and harmony of the world.

As time goes by, the pollution of the Abyss gradually spreads to every corner of the world.

The originally clear rivers were polluted and turbid, the fertile land became barren and barren, and the creatures mutated into terrifying monsters due to the influence of the power of the abyss, wreaking havoc everywhere.

Human society has not been spared. Many cities have been destroyed by the power of the abyss. People live in fear and despair. The world seems to be on the verge of destruction step by step.

Faced with such a crisis, people began to realize that only by completely solving the problem of the abyss can the world return to true peace.

As the only mythical beast master in the world, Li Qingzhou is fully aware of his mission and responsibility.

But he never flinched because he believed that as long as there is light in his heart, hope will never be extinguished.

The abyss, that area that has been shrouded in mystery and terror since ancient times, is now even more profound and unpredictable under the cover of fog.

The thick mist seemed to have an entity, tightly wrapping the entrance of the abyss, making it impossible for the outside world to peek into the truth inside.

Even the sharpest eyes cannot penetrate this layer of fog and explore the secrets deep in the abyss.

Li Qingzhou was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a faint aura, which was a symbol of his unique power as a mythical beast master.

He stared at the entrance of the abyss below, his deep eyes shining with determination.

Even though they were far apart, he could still clearly sense the ubiquitous pollution power of the abyss. It was a sense of erosion that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, making people shudder.

"The pollution of the abyss is like an invisible sharp blade, cutting the foundation of this world all the time."

Li Qingzhou thought to himself, "If it is not contained and allowed to spread, sooner or later the world will be completely swallowed by the abyss. By then, all life will fall into endless darkness and despair."

Thinking of this, Li Qingzhou's expression became more determined.

He is fully aware of his mission and responsibility as a mythical beast master.

This power does not come out of thin air, but requires him to protect the world and fight against evil forces that threaten the peace of the world.

He could not sit idly by and let the pollution of the abyss continue to rage.

"Now that I have become a mythical beast master and have this powerful strength, I have the responsibility to bear all this."

Li Qingzhou secretly vowed in his heart, "No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are ahead, I will move forward bravely and never shrink back. I will use my power to eliminate the pollution of the abyss and restore purity and peace to this world."

So, he took a deep breath and mobilized all the strength and willpower in his body.

His figure shook slightly in the air, and then turned into a stream of light, speeding towards the entrance of the abyss.

His heart was full of determination and courage. He knew that this would be an arduous battle, but he also believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to defeat the pollution of the abyss and protect the peace and harmony of the world.

Passing through the thick fog that seemed to have substance, Li Qingzhou and his pet beasts stepped into the first layer of the abyss - the Abyss of Fallen.

This is the place where the power of the abyss is most directly displayed. The air is filled with thick black gas. They are like living poisonous snakes, twisting and entwining, trying to devour all creatures that break into this place.

However, when this black energy touched Li Qingzhou and his pet beasts, an astonishing change occurred.

They seemed to have encountered natural enemies, or encountered an insurmountable gap, and they dissipated automatically, as if Li Qingzhou exuded a power that made even the pollution in the abyss tremble.

This scene did not surprise Li Qingzhou.

Several pet beasts followed him. These companions who accompanied him on the battlefield were now even more brave and calm in the abyss.

They either soar in the air or crawl on the ground, their eyes shining with determination and fearlessness, as if no matter what challenges they face, they can fight side by side with Li Qingzhou until victory.

"Why are these black fogs suddenly like mice seeing a cat, avoiding them all?"

Bai Yu's voice was filled with a hint of doubt and a hint of pride.

He looked around and saw that the black fogs that were originally ready to move and try to invade, when they encountered his breath, they automatically retreated as if they had encountered a nemesis, opening up a safe passage.

Zhu Long's huge body rolled in the black fog, and every swing was accompanied by a thunderous sound, but what was surprising was that even with such a huge existence, the surrounding black fog seemed to have consciousness, cleverly avoiding its trajectory and not daring to approach it at all.

This scene made Zhu Long himself feel a little surprised and proud.

"Haha, Bai Yu, you have indeed become stronger."

The spiritual stone monkey Taiping smiled and joked, his eyes full of satisfaction and pride in the growth of his companions.

As mythical creatures, they have long transcended the mundane world. They not only possess extraordinary power, but also have a deep understanding and perception of all things in the world.

The pollution of the abyss is indeed not enough to pose a threat to them.

Zhuxian Sword Spirit showed his dominance and confidence more directly.

"How can a mere abyss stop my Zhuxian Sword? With one sword, everything can be broken!"

His voice was full of heroic spirit, as if the entire abyss was trembling under his sword intent.

As Zhuxian Sword Spirit's words fell, a sharp sword intent suddenly erupted, and the sword energy that was like a substance spread out. Wherever it passed, the black fog was split in two, and the surrounding air seemed to be cut into pieces.

This power made all the creatures present feel unprecedented shock and fear.

"Come on, let me chop a monster!"

Zhuxian Sword Spirit shouted excitedly, his fighting spirit was completely ignited, eager to find an opponent who could match him in this abyss and test his edge.

However, what responded to him was the silence and escape of the surrounding creatures.

Those creatures who sensed the terrifying sword energy of Zhuxian Sword Spirit were all scared to death and fled in all directions, fearing that they would become the next target to be killed by the sword energy.

Even those who were unable to escape in time due to various reasons lost their lives in an instant under the residual power of the sword. This shows that the sword intent of the Zhu Xian Sword Spirit is so strong that it is terrifying.

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