Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

982 The true meaning of the mythical beastmaster

After purifying the chaotic and deep border of the abyss, Li Qingzhou quietly returned to Linyuan City in the glimmer of morning light.

This city seemed to be the harbor of his soul. No matter how turbulent the outside world was, it could always give him a rare tranquility and peace.

His steps were still steady, and his eyes flashed with a depth and indifference beyond his age, as if the earth-shaking feat that rewrote the pattern of the beast taming world was just a necessary journey in his life.

Although the purification of the abyss caused a great uproar in the entire beast taming world, its impact was so far-reaching that it was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples.

The old pet training system was shaky under the impact, and countless beast tamers had to re-examine their own path and explore new possibilities.

The new species in the abyss that have never been seen before and have strange abilities and forms are like the brightest stars in the night sky, attracting the attention of all beast masters. They are fanatically pursuing the traces of these new pets, eager to tame them and become their powerful partners.

However, in this wave of enthusiasm and change that swept the world, Li Qingzhou was like a hermit who was detached from the world, and his heart was not disturbed at all.

He knew that the real power did not come from the noise and pursuit of the outside world, but from the peace and determination in his heart.

For him, the purification of the abyss was nothing more than the fulfillment of a responsibility and mission. It was his deepest commitment and protection to the world as a beast master.

After he returned to Linyuan City, his life was still simple and regular.

Every morning, he would jog along the familiar trail, breathing the fresh air and feeling the pulse of the city.

In his spare time, he would sit in his own courtyard, holding an ancient book in his hand, immersed in the ocean of knowledge, or chatting with his parents, or playing with several pets that have been with him for many years, enjoying the rare tranquility and warmth.

He is not indifferent to the disturbances and changes in the outside world, but observes and thinks from a more macro and profound perspective.

He understands that every change is the driving force for the world to move forward, and in this change, beastmasters should keep a clear mind, keep their original intentions, and continue to explore and move forward.

However, as the feat of the abyss purification gradually unveils its mysterious veil, the truth is like the morning light, shining on the earth, illuminating the hearts of countless people.

The name Li Qingzhou, from being unknown at the beginning to being resounding through the sky today, has become a hero and idol in the hearts of countless people.

In Xiaguo, his deeds are widely praised, and people talk about this young beastmaster with extraordinary power in the streets and alleys and after dinner.

His image was portrayed by artists in various forms, from lifelike sculptures to colorful paintings, and every detail revealed their admiration and praise for him.

The media of Xia State rushed to report on him, regarding him as the pride of the country, and some even proposed to build a monument for him to be recorded in history forever.

And this admiration and pursuit was not limited to the borders of Xia State.

As the information spread, beastmasters and people around the world were shocked by Li Qingzhou's feat.

They crossed borders and expressed their respect for this mythical existence in various ways.

In a distant foreign country, Li Qingzhou's name was translated into various languages ​​and became a common symbol that transcended cultural and linguistic boundaries.

People regarded him as a legendary figure who could purify the abyss and bring peace to the world, and they were full of infinite admiration and yearning for him.

In this context, Li Qingzhou gradually became the only mythical figure.

Every time he appeared, he would attract countless people to watch and cheer.

Every decision he made seemed to have some mysterious power that could lead people to a better future.

However, in the face of such admiration and praise, Li Qingzhou always maintains a humble and firm heart.

He knows that his strength does not come from personal glory and status, but from his deep understanding and persistent pursuit of the way of beast control.

He rejected all the false names and glitz and chose a more difficult path - continue to explore the mysteries of the beast control world and bring more peace and hope to the world.

He believes that only through continuous efforts and exploration can he truly realize his mission and value.

In this process, he will continue to interpret the true meaning of "mythical beast control master" with his actions - not only possessing extraordinary power and wisdom, but also having a heart that strives unremittingly for world peace and justice.


In the vast Longyan Mountains, Li Qingzhou carefully selected a site and built a simple but elegant residence by himself.

This residence is surrounded by mountains and rivers and surrounded by lush forests. It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the world and integrated into the embrace of nature, as if it is a piece of pure land specially prepared by nature for this legendary beast control master.

Although the residence is simple, it reveals the ingenuity of the owner.

The roof is covered with verdant vines, blending in with the surrounding natural environment.

The furnishings in the house are simple and practical, and each item seems to carry some special meaning, recording the time Li Qingzhou spent with his pets.

Here, he can temporarily put aside all the disturbances of the outside world and share tranquility and harmony with his beloved pets.

Speaking of pets, they are undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence in this residence.

All these pets are mythical creatures, possessing extraordinary power and wisdom.

Their bodies are huge and agile, with wisdom and majesty flashing in their eyes, and every casual move seems to contain the power to destroy the world.

However, in the vast world of Longyan Mountains, they finally found their own stage.

In the city, due to limited space and numerous rules, the power and nature of these pets are often greatly restricted.

They yearn for freedom, and they yearn to run and soar on the boundless land to show their true style.

Therefore, Li Qingzhou decided to bring them to Longyan Mountains, so that they can release their nature in the embrace of nature and enjoy true freedom and happiness.

During the days in Longyan Mountains, the relationship between pets and Li Qingzhou became closer.

Together they explored the mysteries of the mountains and challenged the limits of nature.

Shared the joy of victory and overcame the hardships together.

The pets not only got physical training and growth here, but also established a deeper bond with Li Qingzhou in spirit.

They became Li Qingzhou's most loyal companions and guardians, and together they guarded this pure land that belonged to them.

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