Feng Ling touched the soft hand that was wrapped around her arm soothingly, and replied to the staff with a smile:"Then I'll trouble you."

"You're welcome. What price range of spirit beast eggs do you want to see?" The staff smiled more sincerely to such a polite customer.

"What are the price ranges? Are there any differences or considerations?"Although Feng Ling knew that gambling eggs had different prices, she only thought that the spirit beasts that came out of spirit beast eggs of different prices had certain differences in attributes.

But if you know what kind of spirit beast eggs it is, why don't you just buy the finished product?

"The price of spirit beast eggs ranges from 100,000 star coins, 200,000 star coins, 300,000 star coins, 500,000 star coins, and 1 million star coins. The staff first briefly introduced the price differences.

Then they began to introduce the differences between spirit beast eggs of different prices:"The spirit beast eggs used in our Baoshan gambling egg are all brought out from the secret realm, and we ensure that there are no dead eggs or the like. The spirit beast eggs of 100,000 star coins have variegated patterns. The higher the price, the purer the pattern and color. The spirit beast eggs of the 1 million star coin level have colors and patterns that are basically within five colors."

"OK, thank you. We want to see the spirit beast eggs at the price of 200,000 yuan." Feng Ling told the staff the price she wanted to see while calling Cong Cong frantically in her mind:"Is there anything particular about this? The purer the pattern and color, the higher the probability of the spirit beast being rare?"

*Even if the eggs are laid by the same beast, they will be different. There are almost no identical eggs. Often, the more powerful the beast, the higher the quality and talent of the remaining eggs, and the purer the pattern and color. *

Listening to Congcong's description, Fengling suddenly became confused:"What if the eggs are laid by a royal insect beast?" If the final hatch is still an insect beast, then doesn't it mean that I spent millions to buy a primary insect beast?


*The source of spirit beast eggs is generally obtained in secret realms, except for the breeding house. However, it is not so easy to obtain high-level spirit beasts in secret realms, let alone the royal level.……*

Wind Chimes"……"

"so? Why can't you hit the pain point directly when answering questions?"Although Feng Ling wanted to complain, she could only ask Cong Cong again in a nice tone.

*In fact, it is the same as the development of the upper limit of human spiritual power.

Many people become D-level beast masters once they are artificially awakened, but only half of them can become C-level beast masters.

A big reason for this is that they are not talented enough.

Some spirit beasts can have characteristics or intermediate skills as soon as they are hatched, all because their genes are strong enough.

*Congcong, who found that his host did not grasp the key points, could not help but give an example.

Then he remembered that his host could not access these things, and could not help but add: *Like those wealthy families, they only care about the talent and potential of spirit beasts. Just like the highest level of spirit beasts that the host knows is the emperor level, but at the level that the host cannot access, there are even emperor-level or divine beasts.

After Congcong's explanation, Fengling understood it as soon as she thought about it. Like other spirit beasts, the high value of the sale is because the potential of the race itself is good, just like the dragon system. Which dragon spirit beast is weak? That is because the potential of the dragon race itself is high enough, so the evolution time required is also relatively long.

At the same time, she once again felt the benefits of having Congcong, the cheating device. Although his own spirit beast does not have any good qualifications or talents, at least it can evolve smoothly.

It seems that I have to be nicer to Cong Cong in the future...

After arriving at the gambling egg room with 200,000 star coins, the staff left.

Feng Ling pulled Ruanmianmian in.

There were many people in the room who were choosing spirit beast eggs that suited their taste.

Some people who did not choose spirit beast eggs also walked out.

There were also several staff members watching at the door to prevent anyone from summoning spirit beasts to destroy the spirit beast eggs.

After all, just picking them up and putting them down would not cause any harm to the spirit beast eggs.

Although the spirit beast eggs are much harder than imagined, they cannot withstand the skills of the spirit beasts.

"Feng Ling, what is the relationship between the purity of the pattern and color of the spirit beast egg and the price?"In fact, Ruan Mian Mian was a little nervous when she saw the staff, after all, she and Feng Ling did not intend to buy it.

Fortunately, Feng Ling was behind her to comfort her. After hearing the price difference of the spirit beast eggs, Ruan Mian Mian really wanted to know this question, but because the staff was beside her, it was difficult to communicate with Feng Ling

"The more powerful the spirit beast, the purer the pattern and color of the spirit beast egg, and the better the talent and qualifications of the spirit beast."Feng Ling summarized what Cong Cong said.

"So that's how it is!" Ruanmianmian had no doubts about what Fengling said. After all, Fengling got full marks in the written test, and Fengling's academic performance was also very good.

There were many spirit beast eggs placed in this hall, and there were more or less people observing or touching each egg around it.

Moreover, the patterns on each egg were indeed different. Some looked like garbled characters, and some were some nonsensical lines.

And these eggs all have some characteristics, that is, the colors are changeable and very messy, and only a small area has the same color.

Fengling guessed that this was the so-called price difference. If the spirit beast eggs were priced at 100,000 star coins, they should all be messy colors, and there would not be this small area of pure color.

Fengling pulled Ruanmianmian to a place where there were fewer people. While observing the appearance of the spirit beast eggs with Ruanmianmian, she asked Congcong:"How is it? Can you feel the life energy in the egg?"

*Unable to perceive……*Congcong didn't know why, but its perception couldn't penetrate the eggshell.

Although Fengling was a little disappointed, there was no better way. After putting away her own purpose, Fengling looked at the spirit beast egg in front of her. Since she couldn't achieve her desired goal, she would just relax and broaden her horizons. After all, Fengling had never seen a spirit beast egg before. Without an accurate target, Fengling was in the mood to observe the spirit beast egg.

The surface of the spirit beast egg looked very smooth, and there were no bulges or anything like that at the connection of patterns or colors. Although it looked very messy, it was not eye-catching at all. Most of them were spliced with green or grass color.

It looked more like colorful spliced glass, but the spliced glass pieces were smaller and more fragmented, and several colors were mixed together. It was a color that was neither good-looking nor ugly.

Thinking of this, Fengling pulled Ruanmianmian over and continued to move forward to touch it with her hands. After all, Fengling also saw that others touched it with their hands.

It would be a waste not to touch it. With this idea, Fengling and Ruanmianmian touched the spirit beast egg in front of them at the same time.

It felt as smooth as it looked, but it was not slippery. When Feng Ling was about to withdraw her hand, she heard Cong Cong's cry:"Wait, I seem to feel the energy of a living being!" After hearing Cong Cong's voice, Feng Ling touched the spirit beast egg twice more. After Cong Cong confirmed that there was a living being in it, Feng Ling withdrew her hand.

"How is it? Do I need to touch it for a while longer to feel the life form?"Feng Ling thought it was probably because she didn't touch it for long enough.

*No, it's because the position of the spirit beast is slightly offset, so it's not very obvious. * Although Cong Cong felt that Feng Ling's words were a bit presumptuous, he just thought that Feng Ling didn't understand his own abilities.

How could he need time to feel like those inferior products? It seems that the host doesn't have a clear enough understanding of himself...

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