Feeling the touch of her beastmaster, looking at her worried eyes.

The leaf shadow bug was deeply touched. It rubbed the palm of its beastmaster's hand, then jumped off Feng Ling's hand and went to train on its own.

Feng Ling was worried because she didn't expect the insect system to be so weak, and was confused by the actions of the leaf shadow bug.


【Species name: Leaf Shadow Bug】

【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Level: Primary (662/1000)+】

【Skills: Impact (Entry Level 2/100) +, Silk Spinning (Entry Level 34/100) +, Poison Attack (Entry Level 0/100)+】

【Insect Energy 60 Poison Energy 32 Other Energy 8】

"Congcong, you said that the insect energy is more than half, so isn't 51 also more than half?" Looking at the Leaf Shadow Bug's spirit beast panel again, Feng Ling felt that since the insect spirit beast was weak, it couldn't fight head-on, and poisoning the opponent was a better choice. However, if he wanted to increase the power of the poison skill, he could only start with the energy absorption of the Leaf Shadow Bug.

*The host's idea is very beautiful, but it is difficult to achieve. The leaf shadow insect can absorb a large amount of poison energy because it has poison properties. *The host's idea is very full, but the reality is very skinny

*Leaf shadow bugs are bugs themselves, and poisonous bugs are also bugs. Therefore, most of the energy in the body is basically insect energy. When some insect energy is replaced by other energy, the insect energy will basically not be reduced. * This is also the reason why Congcong feels that his host has rich ideas.

After knowing that what he thought was in vain, Fengling began to take the leaf shadow bug around. Although it has been almost two months since he came to this world, he has been chased all the time and has not yet had a good look around.

Because of Congcong, Fengling walks without any burden at all, and he will not get lost no matter how he walks. It is better than navigation.


At the edge of a small stream, Feng Ling was fishing barefoot.

She had been eating compressed food every day these days. Although Cong Cong helped her find some wild fruits, Feng Ling still missed the taste of meat.

The girl in the sun had a bunch of gray-green bugs on her shoulders and was holding a small fish in her hand with a bright smile on her face.

The picture was extremely beautiful, if you ignore the bugs and their green hair swaying in the breeze...

Feng Ling, who had eaten her fill, was about to get up and leave when she heard Cong Cong's voice, *There is a mustard worm behind you. *

Cong Cong also read the basic information of the mustard worm to Feng Ling.

【A mustard bug, because it is worthless, it can only evolve to the intermediate form at most. One of the spirit beasts that no one has contracted, it will not actively attack humans and is a relatively neutral race.】

""Maybe it's attracted by the aroma of the grilled fish?" Feng Ling thought to herself. After all, grilling fish in the past would also attract some birds and the like.

Wanting to pack up and leave, Feng Ling picked up the remaining grilled fish and called Cong Cong in her mind:"Cong Cong, where is that mustard worm?"

Although Cong Cong didn't know what the host wanted to do, the danger posed by the mustard worm was almost zero, so she told Feng Ling: *In the bushes behind you.*

Feng Ling took the remaining grilled fish, parted the bushes, and put down the grilled fish.

The mustard worm, which was originally attracted by the smell, wanted to wait for the human in front to leave before going up to see what smelled so good.

Unexpectedly, the human suddenly came over, and when it wanted to run, the tempting smell hit it in the face.

The mustard worm's movement to run stopped.

The mustard worm looked at the human in front of it and then at the fragrant thing in front of it. Just when it wanted to take a bite and run, it heard the human in front of it say,"I'll give you my grilled fish. How about you fight my leaf shadow worm?""

"Leaf Shadow Bug?"Looking up at the gray-green bug on the human's shoulder, the mustard bug thought for a while and nodded.

After understanding that this was a deal, the mustard bug began to eat the grilled fish with relish. It had smelled the fragrance a long time ago. The grilled fish was in front of it just now, and its mouth was full of saliva.

After eating, the mustard bug began to fight with the leaf shadow bug. Looking at the leaf shadow bug and mustard bug in front of it, Feng Ling felt a little excited. After all, this was her first battle.

"Spin silk!" Feng Ling ordered directly.

The leaf shadow insect spit out white silk threads and shot them at the grass mustard insect in front. The grass mustard insect lived in the wild for so long and dodged it with a donkey roll.

Feng Ling thought that the leaf shadow insect could learn this donkey roll.

The speed and reaction of the grass mustard insect were much faster than the leaf shadow insect. The grass mustard insect also launched a silk attack on the leaf shadow insect.

Although the leaf shadow insect ran to the side, its tail was stuck to the ground by the silk spit out by the grass mustard insect.

Seeing the leaf shadow insect stuck to the ground, the grass mustard insect directly used the collision to rush up.

Feng Ling gave an order in a panic:"Continuously spit silk on yourself!"

Although the leaf shadow insect did not understand, it still obediently spit out balls of silk threads on itself continuously.


The leaf shadow insect that was spitting silk threads was knocked to the ground by the grass mustard insect, and then the voice of its own beastmaster was heard:"Spit silk after the poison attack, don't let the grass mustard insect leave."

The leaf shadow insect's leaf-like hairs seemed to come alive and wrapped around the grass mustard insect's head.

As a result, the grass mustard insect, which was stuck to the leaf shadow insect due to the collision with the spitted silk, could only retreat after being attacked, but could not leave because of the new spitting silk attack. The entry-level poison attack has a 5% chance of making the target fall into a poisoned state.

This is what Fengling is betting on. As long as the grass mustard insect can be put into a poisoned state, it will be slowly worn down to death.

This was also Fengling's original intention in choosing the leaf shadow insect. If you can't beat it, just stay alive.

I don't know if it's because of bad luck, but the grass mustard insect The insect did not trigger the poisoning until it fell into a coma.

The leaf shadow insect was eating the poisonous scorpion grass because it consumed too much energy.

After putting the unconscious grass mustard insect next to the stone and waiting for it to recover, Fengling went into the water to catch some fish and prepared to continue to bribe it when the grass mustard insect woke up. No, it was to reward it.

Fengling was reluctant to use the healing spray. She had planned to use it if the grass mustard insect was poisoned. After all, this thing is quite expensive...

The leaf shadow insect was eating the poisonous scorpion grass next to the unconscious grass mustard insect.

On the other side, Fengling was grilling fish while asking Congcong all sorts of questions:"Let me see how many points I have."

【Points: 10】

"Ah, it's only 10 o'clock."Feng Ling was a little disappointed, but she also understood. With this golden finger, the growth of her spirit beast will be much faster in the future.

For example, other spirit beasts may take half a month or even a month to master a skill from entry level to mastery, but as long as her spirit beast has enough energy, it only takes one day.

*This is because the mustard bug is a very weak primary insect spirit beast. *Cong Cong explained diligently, but in his heart he was complaining crazily:"If the host's leaf shadow bug was not too weak, maybe there wouldn't even be these 10 points!"

In order not to hit his own host, Cong Cong kept silent about this part.

The mustard bug was awakened by the fragrance and opened his eyes drowsily. The humans and firelight he had met before were reflected in his blurry eyes.

He looked at the sky and realized that it was not safe around here. After thinking for a while, the mustard bug was about to leave quietly.

Then he heard the voice of the wind chime:"Grass mustard bug, are you awake? Come and eat grilled fish!"

The mustard bug, who was about to leave, immediately crawled in front of the wind chime and stood up:"Mustard, mustard, mustard mustard."

Wind chime:"……"

Feng Ling pondered for two seconds:"Cong Cong, what is it saying?"

Cong Cong also pondered for two seconds: *I am not a spirit beast, you are asking Ye Ying Chong, why are you asking me? *

One day it will replace the brain of this host...

Yes, why didn't I think of it! Sure enough, staying with Cong Cong for a long time will make you stupid!

Feng Ling, who felt that she had understood the truth, turned to Ye Ying Chong and said:"Translate what the grass bug said?"

Ye Ying Chong:"Ying Ying, Ying, Ying Ying."

Feng Ling was shocked. Through the translation of Ye Ying Chong, the grass bug said that it would be dangerous at night by the stream. It means to let them leave quickly.

Ye Ying Chong looked at the worried expression of his own beastmaster, and then looked at the grilled fish and grass bug on the ground.

It's time to protect his own beastmaster. If it weren't for himself, he wouldn't have come here.

Thinking of the worried expression of his own beastmaster after he hit the tree in the morning, he felt that he had to work harder for himself and his own beastmaster!

"" Shadow, shadow, shadow."

The leaf shadow insect came to the mustard insect and started to attack. The mustard insect was stunned for a while, looked at the human in front of it, then looked at the leaf shadow insect and nodded:"Mustard, mustard"

Although Feng Ling didn't understand what the mustard insect was saying, she understood what the leaf shadow insect was saying!

What did she mean that she couldn't even beat the mustard insect, let alone other spirit beasts?

And she had to give away her grilled fish?

Weak human?

After talking, the mustard insect could take Feng Ling and the leaf shadow insect back to her family for the night, but she had to give them the grilled fish.

Although, well, it was true. Compared with the uncertain danger, it was better to go back with the mustard insect in front of her.

Looking at the two insects in front of her, Feng Ling, who was following behind with the grilled fish, realized what it meant to be a community cow.

It turned out that the leaf shadow insect was so lively?

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