"The damage of the two attacks is different because your first attack triggered the sniper feature."

Peavine nodded to show that he already knew it, and at the same time he felt embarrassed for not completing his beastmaster's instructions immediately.

Looking at the somewhat frustrated and awkward Peavine, Fengling touched its barrel head and said nothing. After all, it was just a child who was less than two days old.

After seeing the two completely different pits, Fengling's body, which was about to get up, stopped.

What if the proficiency of the feature can only be increased after the feature is triggered? Thinking of this, Fengling immediately opened the Peavine's spirit beast panel and directly increased the value of the D-level sniper feature to the maximum!

【Sniper (C-level 1/1000)]

After taking a look at the characteristic proficiency which is completely different from the skill proficiency, Feng Ling decided to max out the C-level sniper characteristic without much thought.

【Sniper (B-level 1/10000)]

Looking at the proficiency with a zero added to the end and the remaining 1806 points, Feng Ling fell silent.

After clicking on the sniper on the spirit beast panel, you can see that the probability of sniping is now 10%

"It seems that the probability of sniping does not increase by 5% with each level increase."The main reason is that the poison attack skill of the Night Hidden Butterfly increases the probability of poisoning by 5% each time the proficiency is improved.

Feng Ling did not plan to do anything fancy this time, after all, the last Mi Mi Feng incident was still vivid in her mind.

Feng Ling planned to let Cong Cong keep the perception state on to see if he could find anything good. But...

Feng Ling did not find anything good after more than ten days. However, relying on the long-range attack of the pea vine, a lot of points were added. After all, as long as you hide and aim at the target, it will be fine.

Most of the spirit beasts in D-level No. 29, Hong Kong and Macao Beilun (Penglai) are primary spirit beasts. Intermediate spirit beasts will only appear in the deeper parts of the secret realm or in the three more dangerous areas marked.

Feng Ling did not intend to enter. First of all, there was the risk. Secondly, there were too many people going there, so it would not be her turn to get the good things. Anyway, the purpose of her coming this time has been achieved, and she just needs to stay for a while longer.

"Are there really geocrystals over there in the swamp?"

"Can I still lie to you? There are so many swamp tadpoles and marsh frogs. If the swamp tadpoles want to evolve into marsh frogs, they must have earth crystals.……"

Feng Ling, who had lived in the tree hole for several days, listened to the sound gradually fading away. She had to say that she was a little tempted. Although the earth crystal was not a rare item like the water stone, it was not divided into different qualities like the water stone. However, according to what was just said, the amount of earth crystal should not be small. Just when Feng Ling was still hesitating, Cong Cong, who had also heard the conversation, could not bear it any longer.

"Didn’t you say last time that wealth and honor are sought in danger? Now you have two intermediate spirit beasts, what are you afraid of?"In fact, Cong Cong wanted to say that you still have me, but he thought about it and didn't say it in the end...

Feng Ling in the tree hole used the guild bracelet to check the map and discussed with Cong Cong, and chose a direction. He planned to take a shortcut. Anyway, he had to arrive earlier than the previous two people, and then ambush and see the situation.

Although it was a shortcut, he relied on Cong Cong to guide the direction throughout the whole process. The Night Hidden Butterfly flew in the air, alert to the surrounding environment, although he didn't know why his own beastmaster didn't take those easier roads but went through the overgrown areas.


The pea vine in Feng Ling's arms once again used the seed cannon to deal with the spirit beast that wanted to attack, and then continued to observe the movements around it.

Maybe because the place where Feng Ling was walking was sparsely populated, there were more wild spirit beasts. However, the energy consumed by the intermediate skills was already something that the pea vines of intermediate spirit beasts could bear.

After arriving at this piece of land that was obviously much more moist than other places, Feng Ling had just taken two steps when she received a scream from Cong Cong:"Host, be careful, there is a swamp under this land!"

Upon hearing that, Feng Ling took several steps back, hid behind a tree and patted her chest. When

Cong Cong sensed that there was a swamp under this layer of land and that her host had stepped on it, she really experienced the thrill of bungee jumping!

She looked around and found that there were basically no big trees, only some small bushes. After finding a slightly larger tree. Feng Ling followed the same method and let the Night Hidden Butterfly use the insect bite skill to tear the bark of the tree. When the Night Hidden Butterfly was tired, she let the Pea Vine use the seed cannon to continuously attack the inside of the tree.

Feng Ling looked at the Night Hidden Butterfly and the Pea Vine who were working together, and once again felt the benefits of having two spirit beasts. For example, when digging a hole at Mimi Feng's nest for the first time, the Night Hidden Butterfly and herself were needed. Feng Ling, who had freed her hands, looked at the surrounding environment and felt that she was like a contractor who was inspecting the construction site and the workers.

But I don't know if it's because the Pea Vine feeds back to me, I don't feel very tired. Thinking of this, Feng Ling also told Cong Cong about her doubts.

*Didn't the host notice that he didn't stop on the way to the swamp? *Congcong also knew that his host didn't feel much about this power that was revealed unconsciously. After all, this kind of feeling can only be seen as a big change in the eyes of outsiders.

After Congcong said that, Fengling recalled the situation of the past two days of traveling.

In the past two days, even meals were eaten while walking. Except for the need to prepare shelter in advance at night, it seemed that he was always on the road.

Of course, meals were also energy blocks eaten by night-hider butterflies and pea vines, and Fengling's was even simpler. A Mineral Power brand candy could do it.

And���The road was remote and difficult to walk. But I was so busy that I didn't feel anything.

At night, Feng Ling opened the map in her guild bracelet in the completed tree hole and discussed with Cong Cong:"According to the map, Cong Cong, when do you think they will arrive at this place?"

*If there are no accidents on the road, the fastest arrival time will be the day after tomorrow. The host can observe the surrounding situation tomorrow and make preparations. *

Cong Cong rationally analyzed the current situation, but in this unknown state, he could not provide any good suggestions to his host.

However, Feng Ling thought about collecting information about the surroundings first, such as the nearby spiritual beasts.

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