The Night Hidden Butterfly was enjoying the touch of his own beastmaster, but the hand that was originally caressing his head suddenly clamped his already small head.

Then came a violent shaking, and before he could adapt, he felt his perspective spinning. At the same time, he heard the somewhat anxious voice of his own beastmaster. After quickly stabilizing his body, the Night Hidden Butterfly immediately released the poisonous phosphorus powder and wind skills according to the command.

After releasing the skills, the Night Hidden Butterfly finally saw what was chasing them. It was a dozen marsh frogs!

""Yin Yin!"

After hearing what Ye Yindie said, Feng Ling also understood what the current situation was, but she didn't understand where the swamp tadpoles that Cong Cong mentioned before had gone?

Although the swamp tadpoles are water-based spiritual beasts, and their shape is also the same as their name, they have two thick hind legs between their tails and bodies. Although they cannot leave the water source for a long time like the marsh gas frog, they will not disappear after launching an attack.

Perhaps it was a telepathic connection. Feng Ling was still thinking about the swamp tadpoles when she heard Cong Cong's new round of screams: *Turn!*

Immediately, Feng Ling hugged the pea vine in her arms and went directly to the side. He jumped and even rolled on the ground several times. After getting up, he continued to run in the previous direction. Feng Ling was not the only one who felt panic and his heartbeat accelerated when he heard the explosion. Cong

Cong, who had been sensing all the time, didn't think it was a big deal when he first discovered the swamp tadpoles, and didn't tell Feng Ling at the beginning. It was not until he found that a group of marsh gas frogs were following the swamp tadpoles and began to gather energy that Cong Cong realized something was wrong and hurriedly reminded his host to run away.

Although it was the host himself who was trying to escape, it was also related to his own life, so during this period of time, Cong Cong didn't dare to make a sound to disturb Feng Ling.

"Fire the seed cannons continuously!"Feng Ling hung the pea vine on his shoulder and let it hold on to itself before immediately giving the order to counterattack.


Although the swamp tadpoles and marsh frogs stopped attacking after leaving the swamp, Feng Ling still ran back to his tree hole in one breath. Although he was exhausted, he still didn't dare to breathe loudly. Picking up the green water fern that had been placed in the tree hole in advance, Feng Ling raised his head and crushed the green water fern to make its water flow into his mouth. After replenishing the water, Feng Ling was puzzled. Why did he suffer such an attack?

"Could it be that there are geocrystals nearby?"This was the first thing Feng Ling thought of. After all, the reason why she came to this swamp was entirely because of the geocrystals.

*It is also possible that there are earth crystals in that direction, but no matter what, we cannot get them. *Although Congcong is also envious, the earth crystal that can make so many swamp tadpoles evolve into marsh gas frogs may be a mine.

However, Congcong does not intend to tell his host about this conjecture, although wealth and honor are sought in danger. But Congcong, who just experienced the life of a desperate person, does not intend to experience this feeling again so soon, so he plans to change the subject: *I don’t know how many points I just got? *

Hearing Congcong say this, Fengling opened the spirit beast panel. The most important thing is the spirit beast panel of the pea vine. The night-hidden butterfly has been acting as a security guard this time and has no chance to fight.

After all, due to the attribute restraint, using pea vines to fight can greatly shorten the time and improve the efficiency of obtaining points.

【Species name: Pea vine】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Level: Intermediate (156/10000)+】

【Features: Sniper (B-level 30/10000) +, Overload (D-level 3/100)+】

【Skills: Seed Cannon (Mastery 6/500) +, Whip (Entry Level 36/100) +, Pod (Entry Level 26/100)+】

【Points: 3609】

"As expected, defeating an intermediate spirit beast gives you more points. Almost 1,000 points have been added so quickly."Feng Ling, who was looking at the spirit beast panel, was quickly distracted, and Cong Cong took the opportunity to continue the conversation.

*Anyway, there are many swamp frogs in the swamp, and both of its attributes are restrained by pea vines.

Let's rest for a while and then go to earn points.

*Cong Cong wants his host to quickly erase the information about the ground crystal.

Because the pea vines have been using the long-range skill seed cannon recently, the proficiency of the seed cannon has greatly exceeded other skills.

Although the skill damage of the pod is not bad, the disadvantage is that it requires the enemy to actively touch it.

After thinking about it, Feng Ling still increased the proficiency of the seed cannon directly to the great success, and then increased the proficiency of the pod to the small success.

Seeing that there were only 1541 points left, Feng Ling closed the spirit beast panel with satisfaction. It is impossible to make them evolve again in a short time, and breaking through the upper limit of their own mental power is a longer result.

It is better to use the points directly on the pea vines and quickly accumulate points in the secret realm now. After all, it costs 1,000 star coins.

However, Feng Ling did not intend to go deeper. After all, she almost lost her life just now. Fortunately, she had Cong Cong's reminder and ran fast. She was fine...

Later, Feng Ling also saw other people running out of the swamp. One of them saw Feng Ling and advised her:"There are a lot of marsh frogs in there. You have to be careful not to go too deep.""

""Okay, thank you. I'll remember that." Feng Ling always smiles at the kindness of strangers. After thanking them, she chose another direction and walked into the swamp.

Danger is often accompanied by opportunities, which is one of the reasons why there are more people in the swamp. Unlike the first time Feng Ling came, she stayed inside for a long time without meeting anyone, and finally met Li Yan and others near the exit.

This time Feng Ling walked more carefully. After reaching a certain distance, he began to move sideways to avoid accidentally entering a deeper area.

However, correspondingly, the number of wild spirit beasts has indeed been greatly reduced. However, there are still many large and small swamp pits, and if you don't look carefully, you will really step into them. Every time Cong Cong reminded, Feng Ling would let Pea Vine use the seed cannon skill on the puddle.


As the pea vine gathered energy, with a"bang", the wind chime gained more than 100 points.

Although the points of a primary spirit beast were slightly less, the tadpoles in the swamp pit gathered in groups.

Fortunately, the seed cannon of the pea vine was directly upgraded to the great success level before, otherwise it might not be able to kill these tadpoles in the swamp instantly.

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