Feng Ling was just wondering, if there is no skill, the stone can't be cracked. But it doesn't look like a collision, I didn't expect it to be a fighting-type flying kick. I really didn't learn it, but fighting-type is not bad. After all, it is a skill of different attributes.

Because of the use of the healing spray, Pea Vine woke up after a while.

""Yin Yin!"

Hearing the call of the Night Hidden Butterfly, Feng Ling hurriedly walked closer to the side of Pea Vine.

When Pea Vine woke up, he saw two heads, one big and one small, looking at him worriedly. Before he could cry out in grievance, he heard the happy voice of his own beastmaster:"Pea Vine, you are so amazing. You actually learned the flying kick skill of the fighting system."


"I learned a skill? A fighting skill at that?"

In response to the puzzled question from Pea Vine, Feng Ling nodded in affirmation. Then he touched its head and explained,"It's just that for this skill you don't have to bump into it yourself, you just have to kick it out with your feet."

"Really, when have you ever lied to me? If you don't believe me, ask Night Hidden Butterfly."Looking at the hesitant pea vine, Feng Ling directly pulled out Night Hidden Butterfly to consume its trust value.

"That's right, when has my own beastmaster ever lied to me?"Thinking of this, Pea Vine nodded and barked twice, indicating that he believed in his own beastmaster.


Coming to the broken stones, Pea Vine picked up a relatively small piece of broken stone. Thinking about what he had just heard, he concentrated his energy on his legs and kicked it out quickly.

The broken stone was not kicked away as Pea Vine imagined, but broke from the impact point of his feet.

He looked at Pea Vine, who was circling around him because of happiness, with satisfaction. Because he had successfully released it once, Feng Ling was not afraid that Pea Vine would fail to release the skill. After all, there was the spirit beast panel.

"Later, when you practice skills in the dormitory, practice flying kicks more. This is also a skill that can be practiced in the room."

Feng Ling remembered that when Pea Vine wanted to practice seed cannons or bean pods in the dormitory before, she was scared.

Because the skills are more destructive, Feng Ling only allows Pea Vine to practice whipping skills in the room.

After many attempts, Pea Vine kicked all the broken stones. And after each kick, he would look at his own beastmaster, and after receiving an encouraging smile, he would continue to move to the next stone.

"Pea vine and night hermit butterfly, you all come and take a break, we will continue training later." Feng Ling, whose face was almost frozen with a smile, saw Pea vine using flying kick again, and hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

Because it was not time for lunch yet, Feng Ling only gave them some energy blocks and tree juice.

After resting for a while, Feng Ling planned to let Pea vine learn the entanglement skill directly.

The original plan for the two days of the weekend was to learn collision on the first day and entanglement on the second day.

Unexpectedly, he learned flying kick by mistake. As for the proficiency of training skills, Feng Ling thought that Pea vine could train by himself in the dormitory.

Although Pea vine is not as hardworking and determined to become stronger than Night Hermit Butterfly. But fortunately, he will still execute what he says, and he doesn't have to spend too much thought on training.

"Just use your vines to roll up the stone, and then wrap it tightly with all your strength, while releasing energy evenly."Before starting, Feng Ling tried hard to explain the information about entanglement.

From what she had just learned about collision, Feng Ling felt that learning skills mainly depended on the use of energy.

Although she didn't know how to convert the energy of other systems, entanglement was a skill of the grass system. It should be easier for pea vines to learn, so Feng Ling was extremely confident that pea vines could learn to entangle. But the result was... until the second weekend, the third weekend, the pea vines still hadn't learned to entangle.

Feng Ling lay on the desk, a little doubtful. Was there something wrong with her teaching method?

"What's wrong with you?"As usual, Chen Yuhan saw Feng Ling as soon as she entered the classroom and couldn't help but ask with concern.

Feng Ling organized her words before replying:"It's my pea vine. I want it to learn the skill of winding. I have been practicing for a long time without success. I wonder if there is something wrong with the way I practice."

"This is normal. When my Liang Jingjing was still a crystal duck, she practiced trampling for more than two months." Chen Yuhan said disapprovingly as she sat down.

"More than two months?"Feng Ling was really shocked by this time. After all, Leaf Shadow Bug only learned the insect bite skill after playing one game. Pea Vine learned the collision skill twice before learning the flying kick.

"Yes, this should be the first time for you to let the spirit beast learn skills."In Chen Yuhan's guess, the Leaf Shadow Bug is a primary insect spirit beast, so it should only eat and sleep, and has no time to learn skills.

After evolving, it has poisonous phosphorus powder, so it should be more to increase the proficiency of skills. And this time it is the pea vine that is learning skills, plus the wind bell's appearance, it is speculated that this should be the first time for the wind bell to let the spirit beast learn skills.

"I guess so.……"After all, the insect bites from the night-hidden butterfly and the flying kicks that the pea vine accidentally learned were not the skills that he wanted to learn.

During the break, Chen Yuhan brought up the topic of practicing skills with Liu Yiyi and Wang Yu:"Yiyi, how long did it take for your spirit beast to practice its skills?"

"My green moth has not learned to fly since its evolution."After saying this, Liu Yiyi sighed.

"When my Big Flame Bird was still a little Flame Bird, it took a month of special training to learn how to attack with its wings."

The Big Flame Bird, who was playing with the Monster Monkey and the Green Moth nearby, heard his beastmaster say this and quickly went over to slap him with his big wings.


Suddenly, the sharp and hoarse voice of the Great Flame Bird sounded. Hearing the accusation of his own Great Flame Bird, Lu Haoran quickly showed a flattering expression:"Yes, yes, that's because you learned it casually. If you are serious, you will definitely learn it in one day."

For this situation, everyone who has been familiar with it for so long is not surprised.

Thinking that this matter was started by himself, Feng Ling quickly added:"What Lu Haoran meant is that it is already amazing to be able to learn a skill so quickly. My Pea Vine has been learning for a long time and can't do anything."

Feng Ling took advantage of Pea Vine's absence and said randomly.


Hearing Feng Ling say this, the Big Flame Bird turned its head and called out proudly, expressing its agreement and then returned to the side of the Monster Monkey and the Green Moth.

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