Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2124 The Second Sword Lineage Heir

Next, Lanhuang, Xianxian, and Yinchen all roughly performed their skills.

As for Ji Ji, Li Tianming asked her to perform. She rolled her eyes, jumped off the pink star source, and stared at the gems on Dong Shenyue's hairpin.

It was only then that the sounds of thunder and meows came from below.

There was a burst of lightning and thunder, and thousands of thunder seas condensed into a cat in Li Tianming's arms. It whined and continued to sleep.



After reading it, the two elders looked at each other, a little confused.

"Grandpa and grandma, you must underestimate us, we are awesome."

Yinghuo slapped his chest and boasted.

"Yes Yes Yes."

They had a premonition that Broken Sword Peak would probably be in a state of chaos in the future.

"Grandma, what do you think?" Li Tianming asked expectantly.

"It's very powerful, and very special... very special, and the resources are also good. They already have more than 9,000 star points. Count the nine-star universe beasts. The six companion beasts are 'super-perfect', and the number is enough. But …”

"But what?" Li Tianming asked.

"Weird." Dong Shenyue said.

Her views were not beyond Li Tianming's expectations.

Because these ancient chaotic beasts, even in the Sun and Purple Obsidian Stars, many people are not optimistic about them.

Even Dong Shenyue can't see how scary they are, which is actually quite normal.

Their power is often revealed in battle.

On the level of talent, the ‘Ten Tribulations Consciousness God’ has to come forward to shake the world.

Li Tianming is famous for his ability to recognize the spirit of the Ten Tribulations.

"Five companion beasts are perfect. In the entire Dark Star, only the Sword God Lin clan has six 'super-perfect' 'sword beast companion beasts'. The fact that you can have six companion beasts also means that you are a descendant of the Lin family. "

Lin Yan was thoughtful and then sighed.

Super perfect?

Li Tianming had seen this word in the information card of Tianqiong Battlefield.

Five is perfection.

Six is ​​beyond perfection, which is very rare in the starry sky.

"Feng'er's talent, although not a genius, is indeed more than a little bit better than Mu'er's."

"His cultivation has been cultivated in the cave world for a hundred years. If he accepts our training from a young age, he should be able to get close to the body that transcends the Heavenly Star Wheel."

Lin Yao said seriously.


Dong Shenyue is still very satisfied with this.

"The shortcomings in the early stage will be made up for later, and Feng'er still has a chance. At the very least, he has hope to become a qualified second-line heir." Dong Shenyue said.

They were all controlling their excitement.

To be honest, they would feel panicked if they didn't check it.

What if this child is similar to Lin Mu, what will he do in this life?

What if they were no longer around and 'Lin Feng' couldn't protect himself and was despised and despised by others, it would definitely be miserable.

Even though they looked calm, in fact they were already bursting with tears.

"My child, you are very lucky. Your parents have given you all their good luck."

Dongshen Yue spoke with great sincerity.

"Is there any hope that I can survive here?"

Li Tianming asked with a smile.

"As long as you are diligent, persistent, and endure hardships, we assure you that it is absolutely possible. We will try our best to make you keep your head up and live." Dong Shenyue said.

Just after she finished speaking, she became serious again and said, "I'm not kidding you, grandma is very strict!"

"It's not a big deal, after all, your grandson is the king of trillions of living beings, and his psychological quality is quite strong." Li Tianming said with a smile.

The two of them felt too heavy.

Therefore, Li Tianming always wanted to inject some joyful atmosphere into this new home.

"This temperament is very similar to your father." Dong Shenyue said.

"Similarly confident and confident?"

Li Tianming asked with a smile.

"It's the same as not crying without seeing the coffin." Dong Shenyue glared.

"Ha ha!"

Li Tianming thought to himself, just after showing the companion beast, the two elders came to the conclusion that he could survive. If he showed the consciousness again and then told them that he was only thirty, wouldn't they be shocked?

Before showing the Consciousness God, he asked casually: "On Dark Star, are there more beast control masters or Consciousness God practitioners?"

"Are you stupid? You know nothing about Dark Star, how dare you come back?"

Dong Shenyue knocked him on the head again.

"What's the meaning?"

"Dark Star is the world of beast masters. The royal families of the thirteen realms all have only one consciousness clan, and it is new. Ninety-nine percent of the entire Dark Star are beast masters! There are basically few cultivators. Divine." Dong Shenyue said.

Li Tianming was stunned for a moment.

He used to be in the Sky Realm, where the world was divided into four parts: beast masters, consciousness gods, ghost gods, and illusory gods, and it was very balanced.

Among them, the Huantian God Clan is the strongest.

Who would have thought that the main star of this boundless realm would be the beast master?

Even the main stars are all beast masters, which shows that the entire Infinite Realm is dominated by beast masters.

This situation is somewhat similar to Yanhuang Continent.

There are no spiritual practitioners there either.

In other words, consciousness is not popular here!

Thinking of this, Li Tianming thought to himself: "Double cultivation of companion beasts and consciousness gods is the characteristic of the Yanhuang God Clan. My companion beast in the Tianxing Sky Battlefield setting comes from the Blood God Contract. If I show both systems, it will make the Huantian God Clan It’s easier to find me... Then don’t expose your consciousness for the time being and use it as a trump card.”

The Huantian Divine Clan is still stronger than the Lin Clan!

The key is that Lin will not protect Li Tianming now.

There are only two people, grandparents.

Because of this, Li Tianming didn't want to use all his cards.

Only by keeping a hand can there be a way out.

Anyway, now that the companion beasts have been strengthened, Li Tianming's combat effectiveness will be reduced by 20% without the need for consciousness.

The greater effect of knowing the spirit in ten calamities is to bluff people.

He decided to keep a low profile for now.

Instead of showing his consciousness, he made up a random reason and showed his Taiyi Illusionary God to his grandparents.

This phantom god is very powerful!

After the presentation, the two elders' eyes were brighter and they were more excited.

Obviously, they really saw the hope of the 'Second Sword Vein'.

More importantly, Lin Mu has a child.

A descendant with ‘dignity’.

"Today's Sword God Lin, there are too many people who want to see your jokes. Your capital is really good. Although it is not enough compared to the superiors, it is more than the inferiors. In the future, if you practice hard, you can go out and meet people."

What the two elders hope most is that Li Tianming can live well and have some dignity.

Li Tianming showed the companion beast and the phantom god, giving them hope.

He could see that the reason why the second elder concealed his excitement was because he was afraid that Li Tianming would become proud and complacent.

Seeing the light in their eyes, Li Tianming suddenly understood Li Muyang.

"Dad said that his grandparents are his regret in this life, and he wants me to make up for it."

"I never knew how to make up for it, but now I understand."

No need to shine much.

Just be there for them.

As long as they are healthy, happy, and living with dignity, they will be satisfied.

"Today I didn't show my consciousness or say that I am thirty years old, but one day, there will be a suitable time. At that time, I will let them be proud of me."

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