Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 364 Ninety-nine blue dragon veins!

Nantian Island is an offshore island and is not far away.

On weekdays, Nantian Island has beautiful scenery, with clear sea water, blue sky, and the same color as water and sky.

Today's Nantian Island has sunk into the sea!

A huge blue barrier enveloped it, and then swallowed up the endless water of the sea and gathered it in the barrier!

Looking from a distance, a huge blue water ball appeared on the sea, with a diameter of more than three hundred miles.

The waves roll on it, the seawater roars, and the water ball spins, it is indestructible!

After absorbing the water of the sea, if the people of Shengtian Mansion wanted to penetrate the Nantian sea protection barrier and enter Nantian Island, they would have to go at least a hundred miles in the violent waves!

On the way, you have to endure the spiritual disaster of the barrier and the attack of the Nantian Guard!

Most of the Nantianwei are companion beasts with water attributes, and they are born in the sea. In this angry sea, even three or more Holy Heavenly Guards of the same level may not be able to do anything to one Nantian Guard!

At this time, within the huge water polo barrier, ninety-nine blue divine dragons were shuttled through it, roaring!

That is not a companion beast, but the spirit disaster ‘blue dragon vein’ that is integrated and controlled by the sea protection barrier!

The blue dragon vein and the emperor's wild dragon vein, water and soil, were all captured by the first ancestor Li Shenxiao and integrated into the barrier.

This blue dragon vein is cold and turbulent. It can also turn into ice to penetrate the opponent and mix in the sea. It is terrifyingly powerful!

Waves of roars of divine dragons were heard in the sea-protecting barrier.

Such a roar made the 250,000 Holy Heavenly Guards hiding in the distance frown!

This number is at least three times that of Nantian Sect!

This is the reason why many elders want to surrender without fighting!

Under the sun, the Holy Heavenly Guard, wearing white-gold armor, lurked on a deserted island. Looking around, he saw powerful men like clouds, densely packed.

However, at this moment, the faces of most people in the Shengtian Mansion's army were not very good-looking.

On the one hand, it was because the Nantian sea protection barrier in front of them was so majestic and turbulent that they felt tremendous pressure!

On the other hand, it was because the battle report of Donghuang Sect came out, and the result subverted their imagination!

At the core of these 250,000 people, the senior figures of Shengtian Mansion are all present.

They all looked serious!

"I didn't expect that Li Wudi, a member of the Li Saint Clan, would actually practice in such a way!"

"The holy realm of soaring straight into the sky is simply unimaginable and unheard of!"

The four holy kings all frowned.

"We have just gone out to fight, and we are encountering this kind of trouble. Although Li Wudi can't decide anything by himself, it is still a trouble." Jun Dongyao's eyes were blazing and murderous.

"Holy Emperor, Yunxiao Sword Sect and Black Ming Sect have all suffered losses, and their morale is low. It is estimated that they will not be able to suppress and tease Donghuang Sect, and will not achieve the effect of making Nantian Sect anxious. What should we do?" Nanling Saint King asked .

Ever since hearing the news about Li Wudi, the Holy Emperor has been silent.

Everyone discussed for a long time and still had to wait for his answer.

"Dong Yao." The Holy Emperor seemed to have made a decision, his eyes becoming colder.


"You lead sixty holy elders and seventy thousand holy heavenly guards to reinforce the Yunxiao Sword Sect and the Black Ming Sect."

"At the same time, with my will, let the Black Underworld Sect give up the Black Queen and attack together!"

"If the Hades Emperor is ignorant, do you know how to deal with him?"

The Holy Emperor's tone was very serious.

"I know, don't worry, father!" Jun Dongyao's heart was burning.

Finally there is a chance to make a contribution.

To be honest, he himself was worried that there was no one from the Shengtian Mansion to take charge of the overall situation in the Donghuang Sect.

Although Jun Niancang is here, he is still the youngest son. Apart from practicing, he has never seen any big scenes.

"So, the total number of the three armies is 200,000, and there are more than 160 elders. Do you know what to do?" asked the Holy Emperor.

"I know! With so many people, the Donghuang Sect will definitely kneel down and beg for help, and hook the Nantian Sect out!"

"Besides, there are fewer people on our side, which just gives them the courage to support them."

Jun Dongyao said.

"We have ten years to fight this battle. We should fight slowly and don't rush."

"Don't lose your strength because of small things, and let others find opportunities to rise."

"On your side, you must also try to avoid losses to Shengtian Mansion."

The Holy Emperor ordered.


"As for Li Wudi, it's best to surround him with enough manpower to kill him," the Holy Emperor said.

"Father, don't worry. There are more than 160 elders from the Holy Realm of Earth, and there are only a dozen or so of them left. How can we defeat them?"

Jun Dongyao smiled.

Hiding and hunting here is a boring thing.

How interesting it would be to fight against the Donghuang Sect!

As a result, the Shengtian Mansion army divided into two groups!

Even so, there are still a total of 180,000 Holy Heavenly Guards left outside Nantian Island!

As soon as Li Tianming broke through to the first level of the Heavenly Realm, Li Wudi and Ye Shaoqing came to find him.

Jiang Feiling and Li Qingyu also came over.

"Destiny, let's go back to the Suzaku Kingdom as soon as possible." Ye Shaoqing said.

"Why?" Li Tianming asked quickly.

They looked serious, there must be something urgent!

"During the Realm War, you told me about the three inspectors."

"I thought they knew where your hometown is, so they asked us to respond to 'Zhao Hang' inside Shengtian Mansion and monitor them throughout the process."

"I just received a message from Zhao Hang, saying that Ling Yichen and the other three people are heading towards the Suzaku Kingdom, and he has been following them secretly."

"Listen to him, Ling Yichen and the others should want to capture your parents and family and take them back to Shengtian Mansion to claim credit!"

Ye Shaoqing said in a serious tone.

"Didn't they tell others about the Suzaku Kingdom?" Li Tianming asked with a frown.

"No, since I want to take credit, I naturally arrest people and bring them back to Shengtian Mansion first. If I tell others first, they will share the credit."

While Ye Shaoqing was speaking, his companion beast, the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon, had already come out and coiled up in the sky.

He directly brought Li Tianming and Jiang Feiling onto the dragon body.

"There are dangers now. Please pay attention to your safety." Li Wudi warned before setting off.

"No problem, I'll be quieter." Ye Shaoqing said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon took off and took Ye Shaoqing, Li Tianming, and Jiang Feiling with him to return to the Suzaku Kingdom urgently!

In order not to attract the attention of Yunxiao Sword Sect, Ye Shaoqing took the east road and left quietly.

The speed of the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon was too fast, and Jiang Feiling could not withstand the strong wind, so she could only stay in Li Tianming's body in a spirit-possessed state.

"Let me go, when did you reach the realm of God's will!" Ye Shaoqing saw that the situation was urgent just now and was immediately stunned.

"Just these two days."

"This is too fast, are you even a human being?" Ye Shaoqing couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Tianming's cultivation speed is indeed very fast. He has only left the Suzaku Kingdom for more than half a year. He is probably stronger than Mu Yang.

"The breakthrough in the realm of providence is mainly due to the Donghuang Sword. Otherwise, it may take several months." Li Tianming said.

Breakthroughs in big realms require great opportunities.

Once the opportunity arrives, everything will fall into place; if the opportunity does not come, it will be useless for a hundred years.

"I feel that the resonance between you and Donghuang Sword is unmatched by anyone."

"Sure enough, that drunkard was right to hand over the Donghuang Sword to you. This guy's carelessness can be seen quite clearly."

"You have so many miracles. Are you really from a small place like the Suzaku Kingdom? Or is it that the Suzaku Kingdom is prone to giving birth to people with miracles?"

"For example, Miss Ling'er, Wu Di and I both think she is more magical than you!"

Ye Shaoqing praised.

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle." Jiang Feiling condensed into a spirit body and said in the strong wind.

"Uh, haha." Ye Shaoqing looked at the two of them speechlessly, probably complaining about "monster" several times in his heart.

"Master, we should be in time, right?" Li Tianming asked a little worriedly.

Ling Yichen and the other three were stronger than Mu Yang.

Once they get angry and hurt their own relatives for the sake of merit, it will be uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Zhao Hang is following them. Zhao Hang's strength is about the same as Ling Yichen's."

"If we are really slow, then we need someone in your family who can handle Song Yiqiao and Jin Yixuan."

Ye Shaoqing said.

"What state are they two in?" Li Tianming asked quickly.

"Zhao Hang's intelligence writing is at the fifth level of Heaven's Will Realm. Of course, it is the kind with the worst conditions. But he has rich combat experience." Ye Shaoqing said.

At the same level, the conditions for geniuses must be much higher than them, such as Yue Linglong's three-life beast master.

The Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon is already at its fastest speed, so there is no point in worrying now.

"Ling Yichen, if you dare to touch my family, you will be shattered to pieces!"

"In addition, it's time to settle the previous debts with you in Yandu!"

More than half a year ago, these three people brought a desperate situation to their family.

If he and Mu Yang hadn't turned the tide, there wouldn't be any Wei Mansion now!

Hoo ho ho!

The Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon is getting faster and faster!

While the wind was howling, Li Tianming had already stood up and watched the mountains and rivers passing by below!

Finally, half a day later, the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon had crossed the border of the Suzaku Kingdom!

Returning for the first time after leaving home!

At the end of the horizon, a huge city soon appeared. The city was like a fire, blazing like a boiler, and steaming!

This is Yandu!


Compared with the companion beasts in Yandu, the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon, as a fifth-level holy beast, is so high-level that its arrival is enough to scare the entire companion beasts in Yandu!

The Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon instantly locked the direction of the Tianfu Guards!

"what is that!!"

Countless people in Yandu ran out of the streets and watched the huge green dragon rushing past in the sky in their eyes.

"Dragon! Divine dragon! This is a sacred beast!"

"Where did the big shot come from? Could it be that he came from the Eastern Emperor Realm?"

The silent Yandu was boiling again.

Many people from the Royal Palace, Tianji Palace, Xingfu Chen Palace and other forces ran out and chased the dragon!

The Suzaku King, Qin Xiangguo, Xing Sheng, Chen Sheng and other figures all had confused expressions on their faces, shocked by the fifth-level holy beast.

Then, he chased after him!

"It seems to be heading to Tianfu!"

Everyone in Yandu followed the Qingxuan Jade Fire Dragon and rushed towards the Wei Mansion.

Little did he know that the Wei Mansion was currently engaged in a life and death battle!

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