Beasts And Natural Disasters, Three Phantom Gods At The Start, I Am The Strongest

Chapter 269 Illusion? Fraud? Under the illusion of God, there is nothing to hide

"Pa Dong, you are really amazing!"

"Huh, I still have some skills, and I'm worthy of praise for doing a good job, little civet cat."

Neither Yamato nor Shiryu thought that Padong would give them such a big surprise and actually won.

No matter how much Loya despised Catherine Diemei and others, she had to admit that in the eyes of many people, these villains were indeed the strongest.

Yamato believes that if they voluntarily join the Beasts Pirates, the old man in her family will definitely welcome them and grant them a high position that is not inferior to Fei Liubao. Maybe the position of the three disasters can also be moved.

But no matter how strong it is, it is not the same as losing to their little civet cats.

Eudemons and raccoon form competition is high!!

"Hee hee hee..." Pa Dong twisted and twisted shyly there, embarrassed by the praise, and smiled naively with his two small claws covering his mouth.

"It's too early to praise now." A voice suddenly sounded beside Pa Dong, and he didn't know when Loya came over.

Seeing a flame rising from Loya's palm, gently flying towards Catherine Diemei's body, everyone present couldn't help but startled.

What is this for?

Destruction? Does Loya have such a big hatred with her?


Even the pure and innocent Yamato realized something.

Is Catherine Diemei still alive?

Impossible 357, that sword pierced through the heart, how could such a fatal wound be alive, and the person present is not not good at Observation Haki, that is the best technique to capture the breath of life, no one can Escape.

Previously, Katrin Diemei's vital signs indeed declined rapidly after being fatally injured until she died.

But Loya is not the kind of person who is aimless. Could it be that the woman with a long nose like a tengu is still alive?

When this thought first appeared in everyone's heart, they saw that Catherine Diemei's 'corpse' had already turned into a flame, and it gradually burned to the ground in the public eye.

There was no reversal in the whole process, and Katrin Diemei did not jump up to resist, as if she was dead.

Everyone was a little stunned again, it seemed that the natural disaster was thinking too much, and Katrin Diemei was still dead.

However, the reversal of the matter came so quickly, a shrill howl sounded out of nowhere in the ground, like the wailing of an evil spirit from hell, with endless pain and grief.

"what sound!?"

There was such a sound suddenly under the ground, scaring the surrounding pirates to jump away, even Pa Dong's face turned pale, (bded) trembled, because he had a vague feeling that the sound seemed to be death. Catherine Butterfly.

But how is this possible!

Her body was clearly just now...

Pa Dong's brain suddenly flashed, and he thought of something: "Could it be that the one who just died was a substitute?! She lied to us all...'

By the way, this woman, like herself, is also the way for Grandmaster to change. She can change into anyone. If she also learns from herself, changes into another self, and then hides it, so everyone thinks she is dead?

It must be so!

Thinking of this, Pa Dong couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

I have just been happy for nothing, and I have never defeated that woman at all. If it is not for the boss, I am afraid that I will really be deceived by the other party.

But at this time, a large warm hand reached out and touched his small head, as if the sun shone into the deepest part of his heart, soothing his restless mood.

"Don't be discouraged, you did beat her, and even killed her once, but the cat has nine lives, and it is estimated that this guy's Nine Tails fox form has such characteristics..."

Loya was also a little surprised that this guy's ability was indeed something. Not only did he secretly sacrifice his life, but he also created hallucinations on everyone present to ensure that everyone believed that she was really dead.

After all, foxes are the most cunning and the most deceiving.

If it wasn't for the wide coverage of his Observation Haki, plus the blessing of the power of the three phantom gods, even if the powerful talent of its invalidation could not be applied to the main body, it would indeed greatly weaken the impact. .

"Nine lives?!" Pa Dong was really surprised. Cats have nine lives, and there is such a saying? But she is a fox, but what the boss said must be true.

Of course it is true, because this characteristic is not only possessed by the Nine Tails fox of Katrin Chomei, the current Admiral Army in Wanokuni, Kurozumi Orochi, its snake snake fruit, phantom beast species and Yachi Orochi also have this special talent .

Eight heads, each head represents a life, if you want to kill him completely, you must cut off all the heads!

"Ah, her body didn't turn into ashes, but turned into a tail!!" Yamato's exclamation suddenly sounded.

As everyone looked, they discovered that the flame that burned on Catherine Diemei's body had been extinguished at some point, leaving only a fox's tail that was yellow from the tail to the center, and only the tip was white.

At the same time, screams continued to be heard under the ground, and as the screams got closer, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and the surrounding air was burned by the high temperature and became distorted, not only that , Even breathing is difficult.


I saw that something suddenly burst out of the ground, with a dazzling firelight, that was the dead Catherine Diemei...

Constantly thrashing on the ground, trying to extinguish the golden flames on his body.

However, that golden flame is like hell fire, no, it is the fire of the gods, the fire of the sun!

This is the flame that kills Blackbeard and burns the darkness that devoured everything!!

"No, no, don't kill me.

"Please, let me go, ah ah ah ah..."

"It hurts, it hurts! 39

Catherine Diemei was scared, really scared, the threat of death and the pain made her dare not take any luck, and kept begging for mercy.

Because in just an instant, her life has been burned to death twice, no, three times...

No matter what method she uses, it seems that she has been seen through, and it seems that the flame will not disappear until it is burnt out.

But no matter how she cried and begged for mercy, Loya was unmoved, the golden flame seemed to recognize her, and it must be burnt to the ground.

Its tragic and terrifying scenes also caused the Ochoku Pirates who were fighting against the beasts to flee in fright, or kneel down to beg for mercy, daring not to resist.

The members of the Baroque Work Club looked at the young figure with more and more awe.

This is the power of the Four Emperors, it is too terrifying.

With the death of Catherine Diemei, the only important members of the Blackbeard Pirates are Van Oka, Lafitte, and Poison Q...

Oh no, they seem to have lost too...

I saw Weibull raised his right hand and one elbow in an extremely classic posture. In a trance, people felt like seeing a tall figure standing upright...

That's... Whitebeard?!.

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