Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 666 Return 【Subscription】


Unexpectedly fast!

Chen Wenwen thought that Qingluan's wings were fast enough, and he didn't know what speed was and what it meant to walk against the wind when he was taken away by the eagle.

Even with Sharingan turned on, he could only see colorful colors flashing in front of his eyes, and couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly.

Now what he can see clearly is the old man standing on the wind with him.

The two remained relatively still.

Looking at the old man with a familiar face, Chen Wen tentatively said, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

Ye Pengfei was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "I've been retired for fifteen years, it's normal if you don't know me."

Chen Wen is now nineteen years old. Fifteen years ago when he was still in office, Chen Wen was only about four years old. It is normal not to know him.

"Fifteen years of retirement?"

After hearing this, Chen Wen suddenly had a thought, and exclaimed, "General Ye?!"


Ye Pengfei laughed and said, "I thought you guys only knew about Huo Xiao!"

"Where? General Ye, you are my parents' idol!"

Chen Wen chuckled.

He really didn't know Ye Pengfei well, he had only vaguely seen it in some books or websites.

The reason why I remember it is because of Huo Xiao.

Although he couldn't see his surroundings clearly, Chen Wen could still sense that Chen Fan and Liu Jianguo were not there.

Chen Wen frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Principal and the others are dead? Will nothing happen?"

It was too dangerous for the two of them to intercept the Eight Great Demon Saints.

Moreover, when he was in the space channel, he could see clearly that Chen Fan was injured, very seriously.

"don’t worry!"

Ye Pengfei looked indifferent, and said in a calm tone: "Tiantianba snake is a rare space-type legendary pet beast, if Liu Jianguo wants to leave, there are very few monsters that can stop it.

As for Chen Fan, he will escape.

Among the eight legendary pet beasts, there is only one soil type, so it is difficult to keep him. "

Hearing what Ye Pengfei said, Chen Wen heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon, the two rushed back to Wanshan City.

As soon as he returned to Wanshan City, Chen Wen summoned Dashewan and released Ma Tianxing and the others.

Seeing Ma Tianxing and the five of them, Ye Pengfei couldn't help laughing and clapping his hands, saying hello three times in succession.

Being able to attract the two of them has already met their expectations, and they didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Before Chen Wen and the others had time to share the information they had discovered, both Liu Jianguo and Chen Fan returned to Wanshan City very quickly.

Liu Jianguo's side is fine, but Xiao Hei has some wounds on his body.

But Chen Fan couldn't hold it anymore.

In successive battles, he fought against many with one opponent, and most of the time he took the enemy's attack hard.

His body has long been riddled with holes, and it is maintained entirely by strong mental strength and secret medicine.

When he returned to Wanshan City, his mind relaxed, and the trauma he had suppressed before erupted in an instant, causing him to pass out directly.

Seeing Chen Fan fall from the sky, there was an uproar from the secret defenders below.


"Legendary Chen Fan!"

"how come?"


At this moment, a soft whirlwind fell out of thin air, and caught Chen Fan like a cushion.

Handing Chen Fan to the nearby medical beast master, Ye Pengfei stepped on the strong wind and came to the sky above Wanshan City.

"do not make noise!"

"I am Ye Pengfei. Now I will take over Wanshan City. Everyone returns to their posts and prepares to fight!"

The old man standing in the air suddenly exuded a terrifying murderous aura. For a moment, many people recalled the general who once commanded the Secret Guard Army.

"Ye Pengfei?!"

"General Ye!"

"It's General Ye!"


Unlike Chen Wen, most of the secret guard generals and beast masters in Wanshan City are in their thirties.

They grew up listening to Ye Pengfei's stories. Ye Pengfei was their idol when they were young, and he had an amazing prestige in their hearts.

Therefore, as Ye Pengfei revealed his identity, the flustered Wanshan City immediately felt relieved.

After falling to the ground again, Ye Pengfei looked at the several medical beast masters who were treating Chen Fan, and ordered: "Stabilize Chen Fan's injury and send him back to the Southwest Military Region Hospital for treatment."

Then, he looked directly at Chen Wen and the others.

"You guys, protect Chen Fan!"


Ma Tianxing and the others took orders without saying a word.

Chen Wen couldn't help but said: "I can resist six epic monsters..."

Wanshan City is now scarce in combat power, and he thinks that he has good strength and can play some role.


Ye Pengfei interrupted Chen Wen directly, and said in an unquestionable tone: "This is an order!"

Liu Jianguo said softly: "Go back!"

After saying that, both of them turned their heads to look at the horizon, where eight rainbow lights came through the sky.

The medical beast masters placed Chen Fan in a special device, put it on the broad back of the Ripper Eagle, and flew towards the space passage.

Ma Tianxing patted Chen Wen on the shoulder and said, "Our most important task is to bring the information back."

"I know!"

Glancing at the backs of Ye Pengfei and Liu Jianguo, Chen Wen didn't speak any more, but saluted them, then turned around and walked towards the space passage with Ma Tianxing and the others.


After leaving Wanshan Secret Realm, Chen Wen and others sent Chen Fan, who was seriously injured and unconscious, to the nearby Southwest Military Region Hospital.

After that, they were left in the barracks.

Soon, everyone was called into a conference room.


Gao Song asked everyone to sit down, and then said directly: "Report the information you have collected one by one, and repeat the information."

Chen Wen was the instructor of the investigation team, so he sat in the first position to the left of Gao Song without hesitation.

Hearing Gao Song's words, Chen Wen looked at everyone in embarrassment.

While everyone was wondering, Chen Wen spoke.

"Warcraft in the Mountain and Sea Realm call themselves demons, ordinary and elite level monsters are small demons, rare extraordinary level are big monsters, epic level are demon kings, legendary level are demon saints, and mythical level are demon gods.

It is worth mentioning that between the demon saint and the demon god, they have another level - the great saint.

The fighting power of the Great Sage seems to be no less than that of the demon god, but it is slightly inferior to the demon god..."

When they first heard the level of monsters in the mountain and sea world, everyone was a little bit disapproving.

After all, this is only superficial information, and most of them have collected relevant information.

But when everyone heard "Great Sage", many people turned their heads to look at him.

In their information, there is no level of great saint.

Gao Song's expression became serious in an instant.

For him, this information is very important.

The so-called little demon, big demon, demon king and so on before are nothing more than a change of ranking, not important information.

But the newly added level of the Great Sage is different.

The Great Saint's combat power is no less than that of a demon god, so why didn't he become a demon god?

What is the difference between the great sage and the demon god?

For human beings, the mythical level has always had a veil of mystery.

If they figure out the difference between the great sage and the demon god, it may help them uncover this veil, and then the mythical level will be opened to them.

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