Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Wakanda Three

   The speed of the airship is not fast, and there is a huge porthole beside the table, and Sherik can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way from a height.

   Flying over the valley between the two mountains, the airship turned, and a building came into view.

This is the royal city of Wakanda. The buildings here are not the same as the outside. They rarely have a regular four-square shape, each with its own curve. Thatched roof.

   There are high and low buildings, full of a different kind of beauty. There is a big river passing through the middle of the city, dividing the city into two sides, there are many ships on the water, and the port is crowded with people, and it looks like a busy city.

He also saw a building that looked like a arena, and soon the airship stopped in front of a huge building. It was the very huge pyramid-like building that looked at from a distance, but it was not a pyramid, just its shape. It looks like a trapezoidal pyramid with many podiums.

   The airship was parked on a dedicated tarmac, and when you got down from below, you saw a long boarding corridor. At the end of the corridor, several people were waiting there.

   Sherik tightened the briefcase in his hand, and followed the strong guard towards the few people.

   "Mr. Murphy, this is our majesty."

   "Hello, Your Majesty King Wakanda! This is Sherik Murphy, and I am here to discuss with you on behalf of the gods of Taoyuan Town, which is causing you trouble."

   "Hello, Mr. Murphy, welcome to you, this is my wife, Ramonda."

   "Hello, Queen, you are so beautiful."

   "Thank you"

   "This is my daughter Su Li."

   "Hello, Your Royal Highness, I am glad to meet you! You are so cute!"

   "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Murphy, can you let me touch the... on your head?"

   "Su Li!" Ramenda glared at her angrily.

   "Queen, don't mind. Many people in our town have asked me this way. I have agreed with conditions. Of course, the princess doesn't need conditions. It can't touch it, only see it."

   Su Li still couldn't help her curiosity, and touched the battery cursor on Sherik's head a few times.

   "It has a little bit of temperature! It's not nothing!"

   "Yes, your Royal Highness, I basically don't blow my hair after washing my hair."

   "Thank you Mr. Murphy, you will call me Su Li from now on."

   "Okay, Your Highness Su Li."

   "Mr. Murphy, let's go, let's talk inside."

   National Five Tchaka invited him into a domed hall, and placed it according to the tables and chairs on this side, which should be the usual meeting place.

   There are blankets made of animal skins on the ground, which look like wolf skins.

   There are some abstract paintings hanging on the three walls of the hall.

   "How about these paintings? I drew them. I threw away all the heads of the beasts before, because they stinks and are not good for the body."

   "Sorry, Su Li, I don't study abstract painting deeply, but I can see that this is a painting about the wilderness, isn't it?"

   "Yes! Mr. Murphy, you are the first person to see the first connotation of my work! How do you know the Wakanda language? Is it really as you said, is it bestowed by a god?"

"Yes, Your Highness Su Li, I can speak more than 30 languages. This is the standard equipment for the townspeople in Taoyuan Town. As long as someone brings an unfamiliar language to our town, or let our gods find out, we The whole town will automatically learn this language." As the mayor, oh vice, he can pick out some less important secrets to enhance his diplomatic integrity.

   "It's so amazing! Did the people of Wakanda visit your Taoyuan Town?"

   Sherik shook his head and said, "Not so, Your Highness Su Li, but our **** found this place."

   "Then did he discover our royal city?"

   "It should be, but he only teleported me to your...outside the cover. This is an expression of respect for you."

   "Mr. Murphy, I heard that you were in the village outside of us in a flash. Is that true? What is that?"

   "That is a teleportation array, a teleportation magic."

   "Can you send magic? Can you?" Su Li stood up anxiously.

But Sherik shook his head and said, "Sorry, I won't. Your Royal Highness Su Li, it is our old... My **** sent me over. Although I am a priest, it does not mean that I know magic or magic. Magic."

   "Like those popes?"

   "Almost, I am now managing the Taoyuan Town of God's Domain, and I am the deputy (...) mayor."

   "Wow, that's super cool! Can I go to your town to see it?"

   "Yes, you are welcome to come here."

   "Can I also take a teleportation array?"

   "Uh, this should be fine, we are old... our **** is very kind."

   "Awesome! When shall we leave? Can I bring some equipment for testing during the transfer?"

   "Su Li, well, your question is over! Be polite! Mr. Murphy has just arrived." King Tchaka interrupted Su Li's conversation, although he actually wanted to know the answer.

   "Oh, sorry, Mr. Murphy, I didn't mean that just now, please forgive me, I was just curious and anxious." Su Li immediately apologized.

   "I can understand, you seem to be a researcher doing research, don't you?"

   "Mr. Murphy, this child Su Li has an endless curiosity since she was a child, so she went to study for many degrees, and now she is doing research at home and making some contributions to the kingdom within her capacity."

   "Your Majesty, you have a good boy, really." Murphy remembered all the things his son had before he was 20 years old. There is no harm if there is no comparison, and it hurts a bit.

   "Mr. Murphy, I don't know why you are here this time?" Tchaka asked straightaway.

   "Your Majesty, do you need a safe, stable, high energy density, small body, and convenient energy source?"

   Techaka hasn't answered yet, but Su Li said anxiously: "Of course you need do you have any?"

   He sighed inwardly, sigh..., my daughter is really only doing research materials, not suitable for running a kingdom. This quick answer brought the negotiation directly into a passive situation.

Murphy looked at Tchaka and smiled, picked up his briefcase, opened it, and took out two beautifully packaged boxes of different sizes. For these two boxes, he dragged the trip for a day before coming here. , This is what motivated everyone in his planning department to do it all night. This box is very exquisite, just like a work of art.

   He put the big one on the table beside him, opened the small one, revealing an irregular magic stone the size of a pigeon egg with a faint light inside.

   "Your Majesty, this is the Sorcerer's Stone. The energy in it is in trillions of degrees."

   "Huh? Mr. Murphy! Sorry, could you please say it again?"

   "Okay, Your Highness Su Li, this is a Philosopher's Stone. The energy in it is in trillions of degrees."

  Su Li took a breath: "Mr. Murphy, trillion degrees, are you sure you are right?"

   "It is a trillion degrees, there is nothing wrong, it has been calculated."

   "Dad!" Su Li ran directly to the armrest of Tchaka's sofa chair, and shook her hand, which was self-evident.

   Sherik smiled...


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