Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Money

Sherik came back and brought me nearly three tons of vibrating gold. He also abducted a princess and some maids or assistants by the way.

   Fortunately, I turned the research-type black swan back. Otherwise, the old man would still have to work hard to figure out how to trick Zhenjin. She had a set of answers in her mind.

   As for Zhenjin's technology, there are many applications, but I saw it so big that I had forgotten all of them after a sleep, which proved that those things are not my food at all.

   I am the creature on the magic side.

  Because she is a princess, the richest princess in the world, she also came to me in the name of my god, so the old man was rare to dress grandly and decently, and met her in the temple.

   The little girl was very curious. It was no different from Annie when she was a child. I decided to keep a little distance from her and act too close. She would definitely become the same as Annie. Believe it or not?

   So, when the meeting was over, she turned her head back and forth step by step with full of curiosity, almost exploding.

   The old man’s strategy is right, she just wants to touch my invincible aura, who knows if she will assault me ​​as a princess.

   She still wants to learn magic, but that’s not okay, my doglegs haven’t started learning yet...

   I checked my clothes again and again, and it was indeed okay. Annie and Nancy were doing experiments recently and didn't have time to talk to me, so my home is safe for the time being.

  Familiar slippers, familiar gowns, crutches, and my invincible halo is behind me.

   That's right, it's like a god.

   I didn't make a fool of myself this time.

  My sales are much worse than that of Ms. Swann, should I dress up? But no matter how you dress up, an old man is probably not much better. Do you want me to put on Annie's slippers? Impossible!

   Hurry up and get my magic ring!

   It seems that I have not finished an important thing, what is it?

   If you can't think of it, don't think about it, let's get a ring first.

  The processing of vibrating gold is quite special. It can only be melted once. The so-called two-ton vibrating gold this time is actually a vibrating gold mine, and the metal content in it is already as high as 80%.

   It just so happens that I have been experimenting with fire magic recently...

   Yeah! Come to think of it, I'm melting the iceberg!

   I almost forgot about it! But the iceberg is really stubborn, the harder it melts as you go inside.

Yesterday I set up a fire magic circle that uses magic stones to supply energy, and set it up there to barbecue the iceberg. However, at that speed, it may take some time to melt the iceberg. I will check it out in a week. Now a lot of mist is rising, I am so old, staying there for too long, will get arthropathy.

   I engraved a few words on the oversized armrest of the throne: "Go and turn off the gas in a week." I don't want to forget it when I come, and love the elegant Chinese calligraphy that I copied.

   Annie said that in such a cold weather, she was afraid that two of her classmates would be sick.

   Want to get sick in Taoyuan Town? Just ask for a gift package to get rid of the disease, right? They are still so young, what kind of waivers do they want? It's not an old man, get out! Do you check in Daddy every day?

   The temperature in Taoyuan Town has risen by over ten degrees, and it is now around minus twenty degrees. Some people who have been strengthened can take off their jackets when they leave the mirror space. It seems that there is no problem.

   It's a pity that the old man has planted a peach tree for 20 years, and he hasn't eaten the fruit yet. This time it all freezes to death. It has been a miserable year for the crops in Taoyuan Town.

   My fault. Does the ghost know that "Aurora Ass" is so fucking?

No, no, I have to make the learning conditions of ice skills a little bit more sluggish. This thing is a cold nuclear bomb. The difficulty of training after -230 degrees should be 0.01 as the scale value, and after -270 degrees, it should be even more so. 0.00001 is the scale value, and every scale increase requires an astronomical experience value. I hope they can have the long life of the gods in the fantasy channel.

   Shall I plant another batch of peach trees? You must choose a good seedling this time. Did the sapling dealer lie to me before? Fortunately for you, the old man can't remember you anymore. If you let it go now... Hmph, the old man will let you know what the end of the peach tree sold to the old man does not grow immortal peaches!

   Annie is coming soon! Hurry up and get out of here! Why is the winter vacation in country M so long? Is this to torture the elderly?


   The first 100 grams of test vibrating gold is considered useless.

It’s actually not that difficult to melt Zhenjin Mine. It’s just super heat-specific, and melting it requires a lot of stable heat. This old man is good at it. Add a magic stone. The magic flame is estimated to burn to the wasteland. Anyway, the iceberg is that and that. The Philosopher’s Stone has maintained such a large magic flame for several days, and the Philosopher’s Stone has not changed much.

  According to the old man’s peach power conservation law: the greater the power, the more energy is consumed! Fire magic that consumes such a small amount of energy must be a garbage magic. Researching a magic array for barbecues in the wild will be the end of it. The direction of this magic is to continuously raise the temperature.

   consumes little energy, so it cools quickly. Once the energy supply is stopped, it will quickly extinguish.

But it also has a good feature. It does not consume oxygen. Therefore, when there is energy supply, it can be burned in water. With temperature changes, there are many kinds of colors. Like wildfires, it is not very lucky. We Chinese It doesn't matter if you don't learn.

   This 100-gram vibration finance has turned into a lump. I don’t know how to describe the shape of a rake, I lack a mold.

   First try the function of vibration gold, copy the code of the hanging ring...

   is running...

   As expected, it works!

  Vibration is a good magic material.

   Steal a chicken and try teleporting magic...

   I tried a hundred or eighty times, and this vibrating gold really worked well, and I tried it myself again, without any surprises, it completely realized the function of the hanging ring.

   But it still has a lot of space left. Will these spaces be too big enough to copy all the things in the minds of tens of thousands of people.

   Try to copy the main process of the person into it?

   What if it is executed? What if? What should I call it? A bunch of people? What's your last name? Doo Zhenjin? The Chinese called Zhenjin can circle the equator, believe it or not?

   Try using mine...

  Failed to run? What's the situation?

   Try the code of this chicken and make the most of it before UU reads to make the soup.

   Successfully run!

  What's the situation?

   Why? Can't people?

   Try someone else’s... Pete!

   Successfully run!

  What's the situation?

   Why? Why do others do it, but mine do not do it?

   Am I really a god?

  Look at what's going on with Pete...

   can’t’s natural, this vibrating gold has no organs, but I can simulate some organs for you to use...

   It's okay... Its perception is normal, oh yes, there is no memory, copy Pete's memory over...

   "Father? Is that you? Father? What happened to me?"

  A magical scene! Two Petes...One Pete, and a Tuo Jinping Pete.

   Build him a land, sun, moon, lake, trees, house, and give him a dog.

   "Daddy, are you the creator of the world? This is amazing! Daddy, send me a woman!"

   Get out!

  With vibration gold, does my Taoyuan system no longer need to be put on people?

  Try it!

  :. :

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