Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Mary Jane

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After the first get out of class was over, school bully Wiltz Burns came to her, and then didn't see her again after the second.

In the evening, Peter and Ned each earned more than 20 peaches and came back quickly. They bought a bunch of potatoes and planned to have a barbecue party in the backyard. They had no experience in roasting this thing, but this thing was better than cheap, and they could let them toss with experience.

After the fire started, the two of them took the roasting hairpin and skewed each one to bake it, but before half of it was roasted, the quarrel next door rang again.

This time the rack lasted for half an hour!

The two scorched once, and when the second one seemed to be about to ripen, they saw the door to the backyard next door opened, and a slender figure ran out of it.

Both knew that it must be Mary.

She cried in her backyard for more than ten minutes, and the two tried not to make a sound to avoid being embarrassed by her.

But helplessly, Peter's cell phone rang suddenly. Although it was possible to communicate on the walkie-talkie through Taobao chat, Aunt Mei had obviously not been able to adapt to this, and the phone continued to ring every day.

"Hey, it’s me, Aunt May, well, I’m at home, Ned is with me, we’re baking potatoes, no, it’s not like that. We heard that potatoes contain higher energy, so I want to try if it’s true. In this way, buying fast food is a waste of money, no, of course not. We are in the back yard and don’t light the house. Don’t worry. Aunt Mei, um, okay, just failed to bake one, it’s burnt out, now this one It seems better, I’m going to try it. Well, I know, I promise to go to bed before eleven o’clock! Okay, good night Aunt Mei, I miss you, no, I can do it myself! Well, good night."

As soon as the call came down, the cry of the next room disappeared, and a head was exposed to the wall.

"Hi! Mary." Ned had to say hello to her.

"Peter, Ned, can I come over?"

"Well, come here, I'll move a chair."

But Mary jumped and jumped from her yard into Peter's yard.

It turned out that she had already got Scuds too, oh no, the female called Cao Shangfei.

She had a good grasp and settled very steadily when she went down. She walked to their barbecue in silence, Ned gave her a seat, and then moved a chair.

"Is there any beer?" she asked.

"No, we are not adults, we can't drink that thing, but there are drinks, can Coke?"

"Okay." She took the Coke that Peter handed over, opened it and drank it, seemingly thirsty.

Under the light, they saw that the swelling on her face had not completely subsided, and there was still a trace of blood on the edge of her lips!

She drank a bottle in one gulp, frowned, and pressed her face with her hand. It should be said that it was a tooth, which seemed to be painful.

How much did it hit her?

How could her father be like that? Pity she doesn't have a mother, otherwise, maybe the situation would be better.

"Thank you."

"Why does he treat you like this..." Peter still couldn't bear his kindness and curiosity.

"I saved more than four hundred peaches as a flying horse. He asked me to take all of the dollars and give it to him for safekeeping. I don't want to. He just wants to drink and gamble. The angel halo healed his body. Instead, he got worse and beat me. , Why didn’t he become a flying rider? Obviously he can keep fit and make money, so why is he not willing to..."

"Mary, won't Wills help you figure out a solution?"

"Don't talk about him. I broke up today. I asked him to take me far away. He didn't want to."

"Mary, he is your father no matter what, where are you going? You are not an adult yet!" Peter said, after all, he had a crush on him. Seeing her pitiful appearance now, his heart softened, but suddenly he saw that Ned was dying. Watching him perform quietly with an inexplicable expression on his face, he was suddenly shocked! Annie!

I'm the one who wants to be Anne's knight!

Almost ruined, almost cheap Ned this guy!

Law kju Ned!

The most insidious and cunning is you!

"He is not worthy to be my father! I earned my tuition after junior high school. He never gave me a cent. Peter, Ned, can anyone of you take me away? I can. To be someone’s girlfriend, just take me out of here and never come back."

"Sorry, Mary, I have someone I like." Ned quickly picked himself out of the matter.


"Mary, I'm sorry, I can't..."

Mary also seemed to know that Peter was a good boy, and it was impossible to do such an extraordinary thing for her. She dropped the Coke bottle in her hand and hid her face and started crying.

The two were in a panic, not knowing how to comfort them.

"Mary, there is actually a place. As long as you collect enough money to go there, your father can't do anything with you, and the salary of the job there is extremely high. You can rely on your current grass flying skills to be there. The wind rises," Ned said like a pimp.

"Where? Tell me where I am!" Mary asked quickly.

"Taoyuan Town, there is a God's realm where the gods are located. No one can commit crimes. If you go there, your father will not even beat you. If you scold you, you may offend the gods. The end will be very miserable. But, over there now In the big development, UU Reading school has not resumed classes. Where did you go, what about your studies?"

"Do you think I don't even have a stable family environment. Will I have school?"

The two are speechless, yes, they don't have a good family environment, so what about their studies?

"Mary, how many peaches do you have now?"

Mary shook her head, "It was all taken away by him, and he actually threatened me with a knife..."

"I sponsor you a hundred peaches, Ned!"

"I also sponsor a hundred... peaches."

The two added her friends, and then sent her a hundred peaches one by one in the system. It's not that I can't give more, I'm afraid she will misunderstand...

Two hundred peaches are now equivalent to almost 1,300 US dollars, enough for her to buy a ticket to Taoyuan Town, and there is still some leftovers. When you get there, as long as you have hands and feet, you don't need to be afraid of starving to death.

The two told her how to take a plane and how to transfer to Taoyuan Town. Although they had never walked like this before, Aunt Mei walked twice and told them about the itinerary, so they now know how to travel without Annie's special plane. The situation went to Taoyuan Town.

"Peter, Ned, thank you, I will make money in the future, and I will return it to you, thank you."

"Mary, my Aunt Mei is now in Taoyuan Town. If you go there, you can go to her first, maybe you can get some help from her. I mean temporary residence or something. By the way, bring a thick Clothes, maybe it’s still cold over there. The weather there seems to be controlled by Tao Shen, which is different from other places."

Peter went to find paper and pen, copied Aunt Mei's phone number and address to her, and she took it and hid it inside her clothes.

"Thank you, Peter..."

Peter just forced a laugh, he was a little afraid of Mary's changed eyes...

And Ned was smiling.

Fa Kju Mona Ned!

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