Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 231: Dedicated old man

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Long, long, long long...

Suddenly discovered that my super power can be attached to the touch of the wizard! I used this tentacle to experiment at close range before, and I really didn't notice this.

When I couldn't open any door, this wizard's touch became my magical technique to extend the range of super powers.

It is invisible and tasteless, it can be big or small, it stretches very fast, and there is no resistance interference. It is really the best match for my superpower.

But when the tentacles entered the scope of the "Aurora Judgment", the energy on them was drained in the blink of an eye, and the tentacles disintegrated.

How does it feel like a black hole...

The sunlight seems to be bent when it passes through this place, forming a shell-like thing on it, which is not very obvious, it can only be seen with a telescope that I have stolen...I have created a black hole. Is it out yet?

No way, use water.

The water is continuously sprayed towards the place in the manner of shrimp punches. Under the low temperature of space and a near vacuum environment, the water will become a straight line of ice.

One day later, the waterline finally reached the realm of "Aurora Judgment". It was frozen. Fortunately, it is still moving forward. Even if there is a break in the middle, as long as the distance is not more than three meters, my superpowers are all It can be accessed, and the other super powers I attached to are not affected by the low temperature.

Two days later, when I woke up, I found that a few beads were actually connected. Forget it, there were four missing. Perhaps Domam took it away when he escaped, robber!

The bead is still more than ten kilometers away from Domam, so I have to wait. Fortunately, I have plenty of water, and I have used less than one-fifth.

After waiting patiently for a while, the waterline finally reached the surface of Dommam, and I finally connected to many processes in which the program was running in a stepping state. The terrible low temperature could actually freeze the program to the point of running a sentence every second!

The process names of these processes are very similar. Is Domam a collection of N processes?

N times schizophrenic?

I randomly selected a process to check and found that his instant message was only one: "God forgive me!"

Looking at the other processes, it is the same.

These process codes are a bit different from humans, and some cracking is required to understand them. After a cursory look, most of its code can be parsed, indicating that its original body may be a human.

But Domam is too dangerous. This is the existence of 30 billion "Aurora Trials" that have not been able to completely kill. I am a pseudo-god who can't bear even one, so if I let it return to freedom, it will be estimated at that time. I have to call Papa Ma to spare my life.

I forced all its processes to terminate, which is equivalent to killing its human personality, making it a dead thing.

A dead Domam is a good Domam.

My superpower is like this. Once it can be connected by him, even if the other party’s process is temporarily unresolvable, it can be killed by forcibly terminating it. At this point, this superpower is invincible and perverted. Of.

I have forgotten how long I have not used this function. It seems that I have used this function several times when I just crossed over. I have dealt with a few life and death crises, and then I haven’t used it again. Maybe it’s the experience of life and death crisis. Remember this.

Of course, this super power is not without its shortcomings. It can have a pitiful range of action without a medium. It is short and weak, it is super useless! It's the kind that requires sugar daddy to live.

If the enemy launches a long-range attack on me outside its range, I will be a dead end.

However, now that I have magic, my survivability has been greatly improved, but it is still dangerous. Kama Taj dies many mages every year, which shows that magic is not omnipotent and invincible.

I transferred a bead into its interior, and the process space and storage of the bead became something like a bottomless pit. It was huge. Then when I tried to use magic, I set the magic energy call address to the storage space of this bead. .

There is a traversal, and the energy access address must be found.

Such a large energy source can't be wasted, this is the coolest part of touching the corpse in the game...

Have a cup of 82 degrees Coke and wait for the result.

What about the escaped Domam?

I thought for a few hours, and thought of a way, that is to lay densely packed vibrating beads in this outer space, oh no, you can use Annie 3, I can’t afford to use vibrating, and I have to make it as small as possible. It is not easy to be discovered, and some "Aurora Trials" are solidified on it, which is like a torpedo. If Domam dares to come, these beads are probably enough for him to drink a pot, but how can these beads follow the earth?

This is a problem...

Aso, talk about nasty science again!

I'm responsible for making beads, and these sciences let Banner and the others do it.

Lu Xun once said that it’s better to have more dog legs, and if you have no way, you just step on it.

After driving away Domam, the earth should be able to live for a while, and the remaining shrimp soldiers and crabs should not be a problem to deal with the doglegs, and I can be my **** club with peace of mind.

The wonderful old life beckons to me.


Good luck this time, I found the address so soon!

Double happiness is coming!

Open an arbitrary door in the middle of the corpse, and leave you!

The mission is complete, go home!

Wait a minute, cut a piece of Domam and go back to Banner to study it. Maybe they can study anything. The science is also very colorful.

There is an extra door in the office mirroring space. After three jumps, you can connect to Domam’s corpse, and then extract the energy. The amount of energy in his body is not clear, but it is not bad, after all, it is like a moon. Big and small stars, bind this address with Hulk, Hulk will not have to worry about the source of energy in the future, where has my little Hulk gone?

But, is this process of killing monsters too boring for me?

Ending so Will it make people think that I am a quick shooter?

Should I copy someone’s program to Domam’s body, and then manipulate it to pretend to fight me for 30 billion rounds, so as not to damage my innocence?

Copy Pete in and try.

Where is Pete?


Damn it!

This kid is okay. There is an old man and two beautiful women in the car. Where is this going? Every time you go out to play, you don’t take me with you! This Aso.

But looking at the way this kid talks with the two beauties very happily, I am always relieved that Nancy's rebellious girl should take a good look at this scene.

Pete came as their driver. The girl with glasses in the passenger seat gave Pete a big surprise. This is obviously a fire, as long as it hits a little bit of dry wood, but Pete’s dry wood is against the big wave. The older leftover women from now call more, and Big Wave apparently has quite a good impression of Pete...

What's the situation? Playing Triangle?

What are they doing in the wilderness in this spooky weather?

Is this the legendary romance? Should I send them a Simmons pad? Is this too straightforward?

I am really old, and I can't understand the romance of this young man at all. Forget it, I'll find someone else.

Wait a minute, give Pete a curse, don't let him like two women at the same time, otherwise it will have a headache, Taoyuan Town only has one-to-one fair fights, not one-to-many.

I can't find any Sanskrit singing material, otherwise it will be perfect. Whoever intends to make two boats in the future will automatically sound this in his mind, guaranteeing a buzzing, plus a headache.

Although the old man had several women, the old man did not have more than one woman at the same time, and the old man was considered a dedicated person.

Let me think about it, what are these women called?

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