Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Xun Ying

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Garcia retreated within half a minute after she went out because she was injured.

"Be careful, everyone! There is a new monster! It's very fast, faster than me! I saw it, but I couldn't fight it!"

Garcia drew out the dagger, looked around vigilantly, trying to find the thing that had just passed by and scratched her paw.

As everyone was facing a big enemy, Sivans opened up the huge shield and said anxiously: "Get closer!"

The warriors protected the mage to retreat, and the mage opened the magic shield and cautiously leaned toward Sivins.

Strange directly opened a mirrored space to wrap up the four shepherd sisters and a dozen rookie apprentices, while he manipulated the newly acquired cloak to rise into the air, looking over the battlefield.

Soon, he saw three floating shadows appearing in the eight-legged group on the battlefield, "There are three! Be careful! Call Sol!"

Kama Taj is separated from Taoyuan Town’s chat system, so if you want to call Sol, you have to work with Taoyuan Town’s talents.

Garcia, the strongest of them, was injured, not to mention the others, and called Sol to come over. At least he was **** and could not die for a while.

Saul arrived very quickly. After he arrived, he realized that the atmosphere was not right today. Everyone looked like an enemy, "What's the matter?"

"There are three new beasts that are very fast, and Garcia is all injured."

Sol glanced around, the densely packed eight feet blocked his vision. He couldn't see it at all. He knew Garcia's strength, so he knew what he should do, "Leave it to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw his fist and jumped towards the herd. As expected, he was not at all like the child raised by Dad Tao.


Some of the eight feet on the landing site were blown up by the huge impact under his fists, and for a while, they were severed and flew horizontally. In the back, Sivins pushed the huge shield slowly forward, and the others began to harvest away from them. The closer eight feet.

They must clean up these eight feet before they can see the three things.

With Sol attracting attention, Strange saw that the three things began to turn around Sol, as if observing Sol's weakness.

But in the face of an enemy like Sol, how easy is it to share his weakness even if it is discovered?


With a sharp whistle, Thor felt a pain in his back, and he was scratched.

He turned around and gave him a punch, but he couldn't hit it, but instead blasted a few eight feet behind him to death.

He jumped up again, these guys were too fast, he couldn't keep up with them, so he had only one way: bombardment.

Use a large-scale bombardment to cause delays or damage to them, and then create a chance for Garcia to kill with one blow. This is also a method of cooperation with assassin fighters that he only understood after coming here many times.

The more you come here, the more you understand how primitive and backward your team was in Asgard...

After jumping high, his landing location has been fixed. He can vaguely see the approximate location of the three figures from high altitude. Even if one of them is near his landing location, it will be far before he landed. Far away, leaving him in vain, can only kill some eight feet to make up the number.

After coming down several times, Sol found that he had to have a way to switch directions at high altitude, and it would be better to have a way to speed up the fall, instead of just relying on free fall motion, so that he could deal with this agile assassin. The enemy.

"Ice Thorn Jungle! Get ready!"

In the distance, Strange saw that Thor had brought the blame together, and he couldn't miss it, and shouted a signal to release the ice thorn jungle.

With the shield facing down, everyone jumped up, including Thor.

"Chih!" "Chih!"

A large piece of ice thorns came out from the ground in two batches, piercing most of the eight feet that had no time to escape. Strange and Corey shot together, so on two occasions, the ice thorns became denser.

"Boom!" Sivans cleared a small area for the landing of his teammates, let the teammates land on it, and then hurriedly cleaned up the dead eight feet.

Gradually, they saw the three gray shadows.

One was injured, his figure slowed down, one accidentally fell and flew out, but before it stood up again, Garcia’s dagger followed closely behind, and the sound of "Bah!" blasted it into Broken Mo.

Live, just leave one.

Thor loves this team to death, and when this team grows up, under his wise leadership, he can definitely dominate the universe!

"Be careful!"

With a scream in the air, Strange fell headlong, but Malz got up and caught him.

"Be careful, everyone. Something shot me with magic, and my magic shield was broken." Strange clutched his leg. There was already a long opening with blood flowing there. The problem is that everyone just now I didn't see anything shooting him!

"Mages, hold up the shield and be careful around!" He didn't even care about his once again propped up a huge shield to protect in front of everyone.

Sevens turned his back, shielding the team in a circle, and his shield was much thicker than Strange's.

There are not many eight legs left on the field, and the remaining two gray shadows are nowhere to be seen at this time. It seems that they are not only fast, but also mimicking or copying.

Thor carefully chased the remaining eight feet, but until he killed all eight feet, he couldn't find two traces of gray shadows.

"Come out!" Thor yelled while standing on a pile of skeletons, but the two gray shadows did not appear again, and Thor blasted all around him with anger.

"Corey, on your right, Ice Thorn Jungle, get ready!"

Thor jumped up, and Garcia followed closely, staring wide-eyed to see if there were those two gray shadows in the ice thorn jungle that appeared again below.

The two large ice thorn jungles finally forced out the two gray shadows. Garcia's dagger could only take care of one, and Sol went to chase the other one.

Garcia shot one and then shouted at Sol, who was chasing him: "Papa Sol, leave only a living for Daddy to use for research."


Sol overestimated himself. This gray shadow is like a loach. Sol's scud level is too low to catch up with it...

So, in addition to increasing attack power, Scud is also a compulsory course?

How can life be so complicated?

In the end, the power of the five people was combined to surround the gray shadow. It appeared extremely thin, a human-like creature, and the skin on top and bottom of the body was in a process of changing at any time, which could follow the surrounding environment. Melt into one, like a chameleon, but stronger than a chameleon, the blame has to be easy to find.

Strange restrained it with a magic whip, and then dropped it in a mirrored space.

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