Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1016: 420 overbearing seniors fall in love with me

Gu Mengmeng’s eyes are a bit of a dilemma.

Hive him

I don't want to, I don't dare.

Gu Yu did not have the courage.

Don't dive

Is it really necessary to personally wear his clothes and put them on yourself?

Sneijin put his face in front of Gu Mengmeng and said, "Let me, even if I am dive by you."

The degree of pro-intimacy is acceptable.

After all, the first kiss of two people can be carried out in a large audience.

So just kiss the cheek when no one is there, Gu Mengmeng thinks this hidden rule can be.

Then he licked his lips and prepared to squat on Sneij's face.

But before he could touch it, Sneij would turn his head and then the lips of the two people would be attached together accurately.

Sneaker's green scorpion is full of smiles, with gentleness and some shackles.

Gu Meng Meng's face was red, and she recovered her small mouth and tried to run. She did not let her do so. She only clung to her waist: "This is the first time you kissed me." I am very useful."

After that, he kissed Gu Mengmeng’s cheek and said, “I’m waiting for me at the door.”

Gu Mengmeng nodded, and Sneij was only able to let go of her arms and ran out like her wind.

Sneijin put on a three-button suit from Gu Mengmeng for his dark coffee color, with a pair of exquisite handmade shoes. A diagonal stripe tie of the same color was taken from the tie box, but the line was stopped.

"Two Meng, come in."

Gu Mengmeng held his face in both hands, his fingers slightly separated and a slit, and a pair of big eyes were exposed from the finger joints. He saw that Sneijin had already put on his clothes and then he breathed a sigh of relief, then walked in.

Sneaker handed the tie to Gu Mengmeng and said, "Come and help me tie."

Gu Mengmeng smiled a little and said: "But I won't tie it."

"It’s okay to tie a knot."

“Hey?” Gu Mengmeng is a bit stunned. Although she doesn’t know how to do it, she can see that this tie is not cheap, and Sneijin is going to work today. The president of the hall is wearing expensive clothes, but the tie is a knot. ? "That's not good"

"I just want you to tie me how to tie it."

"噗" Gu Mengmeng laughed out, not a dog, saying what is tied.

However, Gu Mengmeng really didn't tie a tie, but she didn't kill Sneijin. Instead, she tied the tie according to the method of wearing a red scarf. Sneijin felt very satisfied, but Gu Meng. Meng is already shy and wants to get rid of his claws.

Sneijin drove his own car to Gu Mengmeng to the monsir group. I don’t know if it’s psychologically useful. Gu Mengmen’s eyes have been on the knot of Sneij’s tie. The more I look at the guilty conscience, the more I look at it, the more I feel. appropriate.

"Would you like to unlock yourself and re-play it." Gu Mengmeng still couldn't help but open his mouth.

Sneijne smiled and said: "No, it's good, very good."

This knot is two cute, and because of this knot, Er Meng's line of sight has been on him.

Untied? Oh, who dares to solve, who can play with him.

The car drove all the way to the parking lot under the monsir group. There was a dedicated parking space in Sneijin. After stopping the car, it went directly to the exclusive elevator of the president.

Habitually want to press the top layer, but the fingers suddenly hesitated.

Smirk, Sneij's fingers slowly descended and pressed the number 1.

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