Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1268: 672 has nine days

"Greece." Gu Mengmeng smiled and said: "Don't listen to Leia Hu, they are playing."

Gu Mengmeng thinks that Gree's face is not good because Laia has had a lot of jokes. After all, for the males of Beast, the couple is a sacred thing, and can't be used to make fun of it.

There was no expression on Gree's face, but the light was dimmed and nodded. "I know."

"Right, what kind of bird is the bird you brought back last time? It is the one with beautiful feathers." Gu Mengmeng shifted the topic to avoid embarrassment.

Gerry thought about it and said, "Melotti?"

Gu Meng Meng nodded and said: "The right pair is that. That kind of bird is hard to catch?"

Gree shook his head and said: "It's not difficult." It's just that the bird's place of residence is relatively remote. The last time it happened to be that they were passing by here, so they were caught by Gree and went down to Gu Mengmeng. .

"Then can you catch a few more? I like the bird's feathers. I want to make a feathered fan. It must be super nice." Gu Mengmeng has been framing for a few days in her mind. Lotty's feathers were sorted out by her, but the number was not enough to make a large feather fan.

Gree nodded and said, "Okay."

To catch Melody at the speed of Gree, you need to fly at full speed for a long time without stopping. One time and one time is one day. If you can catch two at a time, you don’t know how many rounds you need to catch a fan.

This is also good, to help her catch Melody, she doesn't have to look at her and can't move her eyes.

It would not be so strange to look at her some of her own feelings.

After that, Gree will spread his wings.

Gu Mengmeng stood in the same place and stretched his hand, saying: "After dinner, go to ah" became a muttering, helplessly shook his head, said: "It's still an acute child, forget it, Gree strength So powerful, it will never make you hungry."

Gu Mengmeng did not think much, and then turned his head and Sandy made a mess, saying that the feather fan was ready. They were both alone. The sweltering rainy season and dry dry season can be fanned out. Like the ear leaves.

Leia looked at the far-flung Gree, with a hint of light smile on her lips.

And the Gree, who was soaring in the sky, had been playing back Leia’s inadvertent jokes in her mind.

Even if they are now married, they can only do ten days of loving couples.

This sentence is like a curse, infinitely hovering in the mind of Gree, lingering.

Upset, he rushed into the habitat of Melody, sharp and hard as the steel claws easily grabbed the two Melody, a hovering arrow like a string of arrows in the direction of Syed.

When he came back, it was already noon the next day.

Gu Mengmeng is taking a nap, and Gree does not see her. The mood is a bit complicated.

He didn't know why he seemed to be afraid of seeing her. He heard a sigh of relief when she was taking a nap, but the sense of loss followed, and he swallowed him overwhelmingly.

Two Melody gave it to Leia, and Leia knew that Gu Mengmeng had to use feathers, so he was very careful when he was dealing. He didn't seem to see the loss of Gree, just casually said: "Hey, there are still nine days you will go back, and you don't know if you can make a good feather fan before you go."

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