Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1290: 694 overbearing seniors fall in love with me

Bai Hao suddenly did not cry, stared at Gu Mengmeng for a long time, nodded, said: "Also."

Gu Mengmeng was so confused and laughed that she was so convinced that Gu Mengmeng was very kind!

Bai Yan sucked his nose and said: "Nothing, girl, don't be afraid! In the future, this grandson will bully you and die, and the old lady will protect you from death."

Sneone did not speak, just took the waist and took Gu Mengmeng back to his arms, and then left.

With the experience of the last time, Zhan Jincheng and others were not surprised that he suddenly left, and only the white, who was crying and noisy, did not let her go back to Meng Meng.

Sneijin has endured the limit today. If the daylight is chased out as a light bulb, Sneaker will kill her.

Back to the villa, Sneijin directly held Gu Mengmeng on the bed and couldn't help but kiss her lips.

Gu Mengmeng struggled twice, and he did not resist. He kissed Sneijin's neck and kissed him.

With Gu Mengmeng's response, Sneijin became even more unscrupulous.

After a long kiss, Gu Mengmeng almost breathlessly came to Sneijim to let go of her, grinding the molars and asking: "Why should I die with her? If you want to die, you will die in my arms, by me. Protected."

Gu Mengmeng took a long time to react, and Sneijin said it was white.

Laughter, said: "She is drinking too much, she is drunk, why should she be serious?" "But she said I would bully you." Sneek frowned, very mindful.

Gu Mengmeng asked: "Would you bully me?"

Sneaker’s eyes were dark and dark, and his lips were lightly ticked. “Maybe, in a particular place, like a bed?”

Gu Mengmeng’s old face was red, and he pushed Sneak’s face and said, “Don’t make trouble”

In the end, Sneijin did not do anything to pass, just holding Gu Mengmeng and having a good enough to reluctantly send her into the bathroom to take a shower.

And he sat on the bed and listened to the sound of the water in the bathroom, like painting the ground for the prison, self-torture but not willing to step back out of this room.

When Gu Mengmeng put on her pajamas and came out of the bathroom, she had a deep smile on Sneek.

Gu Mengmeng looked down at the drowsiness of his wide shoulder strap cartoons. This is definitely the ultimate weapon to kill all the ambiguous atmosphere. Unless Sneaker has a special ambiguity, it will definitely not misunderstand such a bad sleep. Attempts or hints are right.

However, Gu Mengmeng did not know that in the eyes of Sneijin, only a freshly baked, but also hot and tender Gu Mengmeng was seen.

For example, you are hungry and you have bought a meat buns at breakfast. Do you care about the small advertisements printed on the plastic of the buns?

"Second Meng, let us put the marriage on the agenda."

Gu Mengmen was shocked, even if she hadn’t talked about love, but Gu Mengmeng had a girl’s heart. She had fantasized about countless marriage proposals, but she never thought about pushing the door out of the bathroom one day. When a man with a green-eyed face is wearing a cartoon pajamas, she says the word marriage.

Sneijin stood up and circled Gu Mengmeng in the chest. The chin fell on the top of Gu Mengmeng and sighed: "Sure enough, I can't live without it. There is no romantic and grand proposal." I always feel wronged by you and my woman, what is wronged? I am going back to sleep in the next room tonight, good night."

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