Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1372: 776 please enter the 瓮

Kie looked at it as if suddenly something was clear in his mind.

Yes, Chi Xuan has taken such a big circle for what? He gave him the soul of the forest, and deliberately said that some words that irritated him provoked him to go to Stoide to look for Gu Mengmeng. Is it just to let Gu Mengmen hate him? No, that kid can't do such boring things.

Is it? !

Keer got up and rushed into the snow without heading back.

Gu Mengmeng looked at Leia with a stern look. "Is this really Chi Xuan calculating him? Then will we let him go, will it destroy the plan of Chi Xuan? Should I leave him more time?" Give Chi Xuan some time?"

Leia shook her head and looked at the wind and snow. "A Gu, although I don't want to admit it, but Kee really taught Chi Xuan very well. Among the four children, he probably doesn't need you to worry about the most. One."

"What do you mean?" Gu Mengmeng is unknown. Leia puts her tail on her back and goes back to Gu Mengmeng. "You can rest assured that Chi Xuan will not have anything. And after this time, Kee should take care of himself during the period." No time to find you in trouble."

"What do you mean, he will turn his head to deal with Chi Xuan?"

Leia nodded and said: "It’s Chi Xuan’s tail that keeps Khe’s tail, forcing him to turn back and circulate. With this trick, I’m sure that Chi Xuan is definitely not an arbitrary role. He, there is the savage of the wolf and the sin of the fox, and you have learned a lot of things that you have never had before the beast, even if you can’t win the Ke, Kheh is also what he is. You care about him. It is his life-saving character. Kye will never kill him in order to contain it. This is the unbeaten chip in his hand. I guess, Kew not only caught Chi Xuan, but also grabbed Wu Wu and Gailo. It should be to use the two brothers to counter the pool."

Leia seems to have thought of an interesting situation, so he laughed twice and continued: "But ah, Kew seems to have forgotten an important thing, that is, Chi Xuan, but he brought it out, it will not be perfect. Losing to anyone. It is impossible to deal with Chi Xuan with the method of dealing with you. Moreover, the boy of Caledon is not given by Bai. Khee did not grasp the virtue of Baide because it was given in advance. If you hide it, then it means ""

Gu Mengmeng looked at Leia’s gesture and tried to follow Leia’s thoughts. Then he said: “Chi Xuan’s four brothers have long been angry, knowing that there will be this day, Gailillo was deliberately arrested. This is the result of their four deliberate cooperation.

Leia nodded and said: "Smart."

"So you deliberately insisted on staying in the Moto Mountain for a month, just to drag Kee here for a month?" Gu Mengmeng asked.

Leia smiled and said: "Almost, I’m sure that I’m sure that I’m going to make this game a good one. He’s picking up Kor’s over this time. It’s a matter of knowing the snow fox’s collective estrus. I and Elvis It is impossible for you to stir into the dirty things of the snow fox family's collective estrus, so it will inevitably take you away. Kee's new beastmaster, eager to show you the strengths in front of you, can't see you will not Go, but according to your temperament, you can't tolerate more than Kie staying by your side, so I guess, Chi Xuan's plan, the time should be just about a month or so."

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