Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1382: 786 Beastmaster's Key

Although the orcs have found an international face, but the common language is Chinese, this may be related to the fact that the beastly messenger is Chinese, so the English spoken by Gu Mengmeng, Leia does not understand, but this does not hinder I can understand Gu Mengmeng's expressions and movements, so I can probably understand what she is expressing.

The hands slid down and fell on Gu Mengmeng's shoulders, and the force was just right, while kneading and saying: "It is a deadly dilemma, then it is better to have him. Death is over there. It’s clean and saves us trouble.”

Gu Mengmeng shook his head and said: "You don't know how developed our world's technology is, and how crazy they are. Once they discover the secret of Køge, it is very likely that they will find all ways to reverse the time and space. The method of the door, when it is time, I am afraid that it is not that Køge will occupy the earth, but that the earth will counter the world of the beast and develop it into a second home.

Gu Mengmeng can't go on, just twisting her eyebrows. She can see the orcs corpse everywhere. The forest rivers here will be replaced by high-rise buildings with reinforced concrete. Now the blue sky and white clouds will eventually be infected by smog. Tens of hermaphrodite, 100 meters away from humans and animals

"I often say that Kee is a pervert, saying that he is psychologically distorted, that he is dark, but I have not told you that Bieker is more distorted, more ugly, and more embarrassing is the human heart. And that kind of human heart is in our In that world, there is a lot of things. They can make something more devastating than Keker for some purpose. And I definitely don’t want one day, our current homeland has become their goal."

Leia doesn't care what the Beast Home will become. He only knows that Gu Mengmeng is worried now, she is frowning.

Finger gently touched Gu Mengmeng's eyebrows, Leia smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't let people ruin your favorite home. So, just stop Køge, right?"

Gu Mengmeng sighed and nodded. "You can't make Kee succeed, absolutely not."

"Well, it will never let him succeed." Leia promised.

Leia patted Gu Mengmeng gently, then looked at Chi Xuan Road: "You continue to say, you found the secret of Køge, then?"

Chi Xuan looked at Gu Mengmeng and then continued: "In the Seven Treasures, the tears of the beast, the kiss of the ocean, the soul of the forest, the heart of the desert are already in the world. The rest of the sky and the spirit of the stone cliff Because there is the enchantment protection of the beast god, it can only be taken by you. Kee knows that you will go to the sky when you are in the dry season. He plans to lure you to take the spirit of the stone cliff next year. After things are also in the world, then the only thing left is the Beastmaster's spoon."

Gu Mengmeng subconsciously grabbed his stomach and showed a posture of defense.

Chi Xuan chuckled and shook his head helplessly. He said: "Kehe also knows that after my business, your protection of your child will be more thoughtful. He wants to take away one child from the two Beastmaster families. Zero, so he intends to give birth to a child with the blood of the Beastmaster to be the key to the Beastmaster. In this cold season, the collective estrus of the Snow Fox is his choice."

Gu Mengmeng helped the amount, his brows tightened tightly, and the brain quickly passed the number of females who had seen the snow foxes on the altar.

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