Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1458: 862 Gree is still very careful

"I don't feel uncomfortable, I don't need to be stubborn." Gray frowned, obviously only a third-level orc, but the tone of his voice was so old that Gu Mengmeng wanted to shout a teacher to teach.

Gu Mengmeng smiled and said: "It's just not used to this height, so there is no strength, it's really okay, and it will pass."

Gree did not say anything more, just quietly watching Gu Mengmeng.

He remembered that when she was at the time of Sheud, she would drink a bit of hot water, and she would pitifully stick out her tongue and scream at Leia. It’s blowing and swearing, but it’s a good appease.

When I took the tree vines and futons, I accidentally got hurt by the thorny branches. I ran a drop of blood, no exaggeration, just a drop, or she said that she was afraid that the thorns would be squeezed into the body and squeezed out. Ervis frowned, just about to marry her, she first made a false cry, shrugged her shoulders and shook her fingers, and there was no tears. Ervis was also distressed, so she had to hold her first. Once, all the words that want to marry her are stuck in the throat, and finally become the tree and vines that every Gu Mengmeng uses. Ervis is arbitrarily smashed eight times to ensure that one thorn has not been entered. Gu Mengmeng's hand.

Such Meng Mengmeng, now telling him that he has to endure.

Putting Gu Mengmeng down, Gree spread his wings and flew into the snow.

Gu Mengmeng didn't know what happened to Gree, she had tried not to give him trouble, how could he still be unhappy?

Hey, the so-called family, it still takes time to slowly run in. Gu Mengmeng had no spirit. After Gree went away, she wouldn’t support it. She simply fell asleep on the edge of the fire.

In fact, Gree is still very careful.

The cave was lit up with fire, and a stone pot was added to the fire. The pot was filled with hot water. Needless to say, this is what Leia taught him. Because Gu Mengmeng is prone to nosebleeds, it is necessary to burn water on the fire when it is raised, and moisturize the air with steam to maintain moisture.

A thick animal skin was placed next to the fire. It was just right to take it, that is, it would not be too close to cause danger, and it would not be too far away for Gu Meng to freeze.

The location of the hole is coded in rows and rows of hail. Gu Mengmeng can drink warm water as soon as the hot water in the pot is poured out into the hail.

And the ice is the pure ice on the Moto Mountain, with the sweetness of the lingering, not afraid of the cold, chewing and eating have a little feeling of rock sugar, but Gu Mengmeng does not want to eat cold now, only Want sleep.

Both Ervis and Leia were not there. The first time to take care of Gu Mengmeng's Gree, she did not let her suffer.

It’s groggy, I don’t know how long I have slept, I feel someone is patting her, Gu Meng’s eyes open.

Gree took a snowy fruit with a relatively large hail and handed it to Gu Mengmeng. "The fruit you love is only available in the cold season, but it is more in the Moto Mountains." Eat a little and see if it will be more comfortable?"

Gu Mengmeng nodded and reached for the hail. Gree was hiding in the future. She didn’t take Gu Mengmeng herself, but sat down behind Gu Meng’s side and held her in her arms. Leaning on his chest, and then covering her body with animal skin, only revealing a small face, a long and powerful arm looped over Meng Meng's shoulder, picking a snowy fruit from the hail Go to Gu Mengmeng’s mouth and say, "I will feed you."

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