Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1465: This expression of 869 is a bit familiar.

Gree wants to like Hervis and Leia, kiss her before leaving, but he knows that as a guardian, he does not have this qualification.

Being able to hold her like this has been a lie to the welfare of low temperature.

Going back to the land, or if any of her companions are here, they will not be able to hold her as a guardian beast.

This kind of solitude is only four days left, but it has to be separated by trivial things.

Not happy, but helpless.

Tightly licked her, then whispered: "Wait for me to come back."

"Yeah." Gu Mengmeng’s subconscious should have a sentence, and it should be finished and feel funny.

She is not clear about the altitude here, but it is estimated that she will jump today and still have no land tomorrow.

I don't want to die, she seems to have no choice but to wait for him to come back.

Gree wanted to make a quick decision, so he wrapped up Gu Mengmeng tightly with the animal skin and then held it again, and he decided to leave.

Looking at the back of Gree's wings, Gu Meng Meng licked his mouth and had to admit that it was so handsome!

It’s a long time for Gree to go.

When he was there, he didn't think that there was only one person left. Gu Mengmeng was really not used to it.

It seems that since she passed through the Beast, she rarely stayed so lonely. There was a time in St. Naze before Ervis and Leia were very busy, so she was alone at home, but during that time Leia also arranged for Mandy to be with her. , accompany her to chat. And that’s on land, there are a lot of things that no one can do with her, but here

Gu Mengmeng looked around. Although the cave was very spacious, it was all available for eating, but only when one person was there seemed so lonely and so lonely.

When Gree stayed with her, she looked at the snow outside and felt only spectacular. But when I saw it alone, how could it be so desolate?

Gu Mengmeng wrapped in the skin of the animal and sat down at the hole. He couldn’t help but think: This is going to be a decade, is Griffin sitting alone watching this snowy world? In addition to this endless white, is there anything else in his world?

Suddenly I felt a bit of a pain, Gu Mengmeng chuckled. It seems that she is not a bad thing to accept Gree as a family member. After all, if she does not want him, he can only return to the Moto Mountains and continue to face this. Empty, nothing, white, sit still for a lifetime.

Hey -!

A long beep, accompanied by the wind and the crane came on the face.

Gu Mengmeng recognized that it was the body of Gree, and had not had time to smile and say that you are coming back. The whole person was caught in a cold chill, the chest was close to the hot temperature, and the sky was tumbling. Rolled back into the hole.

At the same time of tumbling, Gree became a human being, and a pair of sharp eyes almost cried blood and looked at Gu Mengmeng. The lips became a direct one, and none of them said anything, but they complained.

This expression

A little familiar.

Gu Mengmeng stunned for two seconds and immediately understood that Gree thought she was sitting on the hole in the cave.

The last time she was in the water, Elvis was the same.

"I am sitting there waiting for you to come back, not to jump off the cliff." Gu Mengmeng looked directly at Gree's eyes and pre-empted humanity.

Gerry took a moment, then his expression was slightly relaxed, his brow was still wrinkled, but the chill in his eyes had already faded a lot, and he cautiously asked, "Really?"

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