Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1514: The 918 picture is really wonderful.

Chi Xuan was silent for a moment and said: "In order to contain Kee, I have lived here for too long. I am alone in Zakala. I am not at ease. Now that you are back, I will return to Zaka. Lai went to accompany him."

Gu Mengmeng's most distressed son is Chi Xuan.

When he was young, Chi Xuan suffered the most. After growing up, he was also the most motivated of the four sons.

Holding Bao Chi Xuan, Gu Mengmeng said with some distress: "There is a campfire in the evening to celebrate my return. You will stay together and let Leia dad make some delicious food to make up for you. Let's go tomorrow morning. good or not?"

Since Gu Mengmeng had cried once, Chi Xuan could not refuse to speak to Gu Mengmeng. He only nodded and smiled.

Ervis went out for a long time, although the wolf had no action on the surface, but he could not do it. Elvis returned naturally and there are many things to deal with.

Gu Mengmeng sorted Ervis's animal skin skirt and said, "Go, you are the wolf king, the wolves are waiting to see you. I am going to Sandy, I am accompanied by Leia, nothing. ""

Ervis also knows that since he has been out of Gree, he and Leia are too nervous, so Gu Mengmeng is under great pressure. Meng Meng hopes that he will turn his attention to other places, not too nervous because of her mood.

In fact, how can I not be nervous?

However, he is willing to cooperate with her arrangement to convince her that his attention has shifted.

Nodded and burned a kiss on Gu Mengmeng’s forehead, saying: "Before the bonfire party, I will pick you up."

Gu Mengmeng nodded, and then gave the three sons a wink, told them to follow Ervis together, stepping on the shoulders of the relatives of Ervis, the prestige of the wolf minority is better established.

After Elvis walked with his three sons, Leia handed over the campfire to Audin.

Aoliting is the guardian of the beast and the guardian of Gu Mengmeng. Although it is not a witch doctor, no one dares to question him.

After Gu Mengmeng came to the world of beasts, the campfire was held much more frequently than before. Although Aoliting did not personally do it, he also assisted Leia to return, but it was also familiar.

Leia had nothing to do with her. She took Gu Mengmeng’s tail and walked out of the conference room to Sandy’s house.

Gu Mengmeng circled Leia's neck and asked, "What is the situation at Ke'er?"

Leia snorted and said: "I knew it when you went to the bonfire party at night. The picture was wonderful."

Looking at Leia's relaxed and happy look, I know that this time Kee is definitely not very good. As long as he is not good, Gu Mengmeng feels good.

As for how bad he is, Gu Mengmeng does not really want to know.

On the edge of Sandy's territory, Gu Mengmeng saw that Arnold was leaning against the hole and looking at the sky, looking up at the sky forty-five degrees.

Sandy sat on the other side of the hole. The seven wolves were surrounded by Sandy. If they were not tall, Gu Mengmeng had a feeling of watching Snow White.

Sandy’s face is crying and not crying. He wants to laugh and laugh. From time to time, he sneaked a sneak peek at Arnold but he didn’t dare to turn his face to look bright and bright. After a while, Hodgson stuffed a piece of fruit in his mouth. After a while, Jerry handed it over. a cup of honey water

"Little Bear Pack." Gu Mengmeng screamed, only three words, as if pressing the pause button, everyone stopped the action in their hands and looked back at Gu Mengmeng.

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