Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1541: 945 is trying to find a way to live for yourself. Is it really evil?

Gu Mengmeng squinted and turned to look at Leia.

Leia is also a pale face.

Stepping back two steps, shaking his head in a difficult way, saying no.

Kee turned to Meng Meng's body and put Gu Mengmeng's back tightly on his chest. One hand was around her waist, and the other hand held her chin to force her to look at Leia. His face is affixed to her ear, such as the enchanting Eve's snake demon. The word is fascinating: "Otherwise, you think that you only know that you have no practical experience in studying witchcraft spells all day long. How did you get to the third level? Those brothers who suddenly disappeared, where did they go one by one?"

Leia’s face was paler and paler.

When he was still His Royal Highness, he was the pride of the entire Snow Fox family. His diet is served by a special person, and the food is processed without the fur and broken bones. The blood was also sent in a stone bowl.

As for those brothers

In the world of the beast, it is normal for the male to die in battle, so he died every other year or two. He did not think about it elsewhere.

But Køh said this now, he recalled that the key period of his every upgrade really coincided with the time when several brothers disappeared.

"Vo" Leia suddenly turned and swelled up the wall.

Leia said that he is not a good class, and all the gentleness and kindness are only given to Gu Mengmeng. He is a murderer and he is never soft.

He put all the people on the board and counted them.

In the most crazy, he did not eat the orcs.

Own brother

Natural brother

Even when he was cut into pieces by his parents, he was still in front of him. He still did not know how to study the witch doctor’s life, while eating the meat of his brother and drinking the blood of his brother.

Leia spit out the bile, and the painful eyes blush outward.

Gu Mengmeng was so distressed that she thought of Leia to comfort him, but she was tightly imprisoned by Kel.

"He always thought that I was good to him, just to make him ridiculously laid out. But it wasn't. I just wanted to protect myself at first. I spared no effort to please him, but I hope he can see me as important. So that parents have to be afraid to start with me. I just want to live, even if I am a dog who sways in front of him." Kee bit his teeth and said word by word: "Oh, I succeeded. Because of his dependence, I escaped again and again, until the last big brother died."

Gu Mengyin's body was stiff, and he turned his head in a difficult way and looked at Køge unbelievably.

Khee chuckled: "The eldest son of the Snow Fox family, that is to take power. But in order to help him break through the second level and enter the third level, the mother does not hesitate to order her male to bite the big brother. Then, according to the law, the big brother's meat was sent to him and he was deceived to eat. Then, I was the last one of the nine brothers except him. You said that in order to let him reach the third level, in the most perfect state. To meet the advent of the beastly angels, will the mother be jealous of the point that Leia cares about me?"

Kee's hands held Gu Mengmeng's shoulders, and all his eyes were full of shattered despair. He asked her: "A Gu, I just want to live, and I have to make a living for myself. Is it really evil? Do you have to let? I also became a meal in his dish, and it was considered a friendship of brothers and sisters?"

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