Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1611: 995 does not help me to keep my little sister, I don't need it!

"Don't refuse me." Victor suddenly looked up, his face did not need any psychological knowledge to see panic and uneasiness: "I don't want much, as long as I can stay with you. I will not force You are because of what I left, wherever you go, take me with me. My ability to hunt is good, no matter what you want to eat, I can help you to hunt. Moreover, my body is a tiger, it is quite prestige. It is also the king of the forest, giving you a ride as a rider."

"What do I want?!" When Wu Wu heard the hair, he smashed Victor from the back and said: "I help you bridge the road to let you keep my mother, what are you special? If you don't go up, you will betrayed? Rolling! You didn't see what the two are. What is the position of the two? The hunting still has you? The king of the forest, the king of beasts, is here. Are you a hellokitty in front of them? I don't need to leave my mom's little trick for me! Oh!"

Gu Mengmeng looked at Wu Wu and Victor in the noise, not angry, just feel very good.

Chi Xuan is not around Wu, she is still worried about the loneliness of Wu.

After all, the only child is too rare in the world of the beast, and she is really worried that she will not be able to support her. But now it seems that he and this Victor are playing a lot of trouble, but the feelings seem to be very good.

In this way, she is relieved.

After Wu Wufei flew up with Victor, he came up again and looked at Gu Mengmeng. He said, "Mom, this tiger is not good. You can’t look normal. Would you change one? You think Berg Master How? I heard that he has a face that looks like a special one in your town. I guess it’s a willingness to be a substitute for you. Would you like to think about him? ?"

Gu Mengmeng sighed and patted Wu’s shoulder and said, “Wu Wu, no matter where I am, I am your mother. You will not lose me.”

Yan Wu’s face was dark, bowed his head and stopped talking. Of course, he knows that no matter where Gu Mengmeng went, he is a **** person, and he has never been growing up around Gu Mengmeng every day. It’s not the kind of leaving his mother. Mom Bao, but this time it is really different. He just thinks that if he does not leave his mother, he may not see his mother again in his life.

This kind of hunch made him very upset, uneasy and wanted to leave his mother no matter what means.


Is he so capricious, makes his mother embarrassed?

He should not mention Berger.

He clearly knows that his mother is most afraid of owing emotional debts. All the mothers that Berg has paid for her mother don’t know, but they both don’t say a dumb, and a blind man’s blindness. This is the tacit understanding between them. Paper should not be smashed by him.

"Mom, I know."

Looking at the dejected look of Yu Wu, Gu Mengmeng felt distressed, so he comforted Wu Hao in his arms: "Mom even if I don't stay with you, I love you. I know, you have to be good." Friends, there will be gentle lovers in the future, so my mother is very relieved. You are the same, you have to know, Ervis and Leia have been with me, they will take care of me very well, so you don’t Worried, do you know?"

Wu Wu nodded, like an eggplant that was beaten by frost.

Nothing else, just because he knows that this time, he really can't keep his mother.

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