Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 805: What is hiding in the end?

"I know, in order to make her survive, I continue to afflict our children and prevent her from having a little trust in me. Only then can she not dare to die, even if she hates me, she hates me." It doesn't matter. She can live, it's good." Biddle is laughing, but the lips and the bottom are only bitter and constantly smudged.

"Right to this, why is she now determined to seek death?" Gu Mengmeng has always been a soft-hearted person, but she can face Bidel’s half-hearted sympathy.

poor person must have something mean.

She only wants to keep Natalie's life now, although Ervis has not even had a slight impression on her, but at least that female is a person who is willing to endure torture for Ervis. Death is a relief, but to protect Her own son, she chose to live with humiliation and weight.

Every day is very difficult, but she is still biting her teeth.

Ervis may never have seen it, nor did he feel the warmth, but it does not mean that her mother's love does not exist.

Biddle shook his head and said: "After Ervis escaped from here, Natalie and I talked about a deal. She will stay with me, in exchange for the fact that I let go of Ervis and never ask him. ”

Gu Mengmeng frowned, and her mind suddenly flashed a thought, so she was busy asking: "When did you say Natalie started the hunger strike?"

"The rainy season is coming to an end." Biddle.

When the heavy rain season is coming to an end

that time

Gu Mengmeng coveted and whispered: "At that time, did any special people come?"

Biddle stunned and seemed to think of something, but shook his head and did not speak. Gu Mengmeng sneered, saying: "Is still thinking about it now? It doesn't matter, if you don't say it, don't you say it?"

After that, Gu Mengmeng held Ervis’s neck and turned his face to the side, ignoring Biddle.

The heart is blocked, whether it is Biddle or Natalie, there is a common feature in their words, which is to say nothing about what happened to Ervis in his childhood.

Biddle easily replaced all the details with a simple torment of the word, which is clearly intended to cover.

Ervis, Biddle and Natalie, the only three remaining parties in the so-called tortures, had different positions and hated each other, but tacitly did not mention those words in the past.

What is hiding in the end?

Ervis doesn't like Gu Mengmeng being involved in those unpleasant things. It's obviously a dusty past. What do you do?

What is the entanglement between Natalie and Biddle? Why do you want to get his females in?

Unhappy, Elvis’s face was full of anger.

"Leia should be coming back soon. Let's eat something first." Ervis refused to let Gu Mengmeng and Biddle stay in the same space. Because of the existence of Biddle, the air is full of blood. It makes people feel bad.

Said, Ervis holding Gu Mengmeng over the periphery of the territory.

Leia has already burned fire outside, and things have cooked to eight maturity. I still want to call them when I want to wait until the heat arrives. I didn't think that I haven't done it yet. People have already come out.

Leia smiled and said, "Quickly, I can eat later."

Gu Mengmeng: "Hmmm" should have a single tone, no more talk, just hold Ervis's neck tightly, and the small head is on his shoulder and refuses to let go.

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