Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 807: 211 blatantly looking for yourself?

Gu Mengmeng is speechless, how is Ervis’s tone of buying a pet for a wife at the door of a pet shop?

Also, what should be no male who is willing to marry her? Is this special in the blatant look for yourself?

Ervis, you are really big.

"I went to bid with Biddle. If he didn't give it to me, he would kill him. It would be considered as a harm to the people." Ervis said, he would put Gu Mengmeng down from his arms. Gu Mengmeng glared at his neck and didn't let go. He didn't dare to pull it hard. He had to hang on her, then turned and went to Biddle and said, "Is it if I bring Natalie to you? Going back, you are not upset?"

Gu Mengmeng shook his head.

Ervis paused and looked at Gu Mengmeng, his face stunned.

Gu Mengmeng said in a small voice: "I am not sad because Natalie and Biddle are because of you."

Ervis had a chill, and some flustered and did not know how to be good, blurted out: "Xiao Meng, sorry, I am wrong. Don't be angry, tell me what I did to make you unhappy? I changed, Change it immediately, okay?"

Gu Mengmeng held the face of Ervis and kissed his lips directly.

For a long time, Gu Mengmeng blushes and releases Ervis.

"Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I just felt very distressed."

Ervis was in the same place, and there was a warm current in his heart.

This is the first time Meng Meng actively kissed him.

Oh, his Xiao Meng took the initiative to kiss him.

"I am already the happiest person in the world. Why do you still have to feel bad about me?" Ervis's lips are uncontrollably tilted upwards, and the blues are all happy.

Gu Mengmeng slammed Ervis's neck and hugged it tightly. He whispered in his ear: "Not enough, not enough. I want you to be happier, and make up for it with your childhood."

Ervis listened to Gu Mengmeng’s words, but he smiled. She took her under her arm and pulled her open. She looked straight into her eyes and said: “So you are in a bad mood, just because I was a child. thing?"

Gu Mengmen nodded and his eyes were watery.

After inheriting the memory of Sneij, she thought that her heart was hard enough and her feelings were numb, and there was no misery that would make her move.

But she was wrong, she was strong and numb, so vulnerable to the people she valued.

She only thought that Ervis had suffered from unspeakable in a place she didn't know, and she felt that her chest was stuffy and her breathing was not smooth.

The most terrible thing is not what Ervis had done in the beginning, but the world is glaring at her, not letting her know what Elvis had experienced in the past, which made her imagination more endlessly splitting, she I was driven crazy by my own imagination.

"I want to save Natalie, is this also the reason?" Ervis asked.

Gu Mengmeng nodded and said: "I want her to live so that she can make up for the happiness that you lost in your childhood."

Ervis pinched Gu Mengmeng's little face and said: "A fool, what are you thinking about? No matter what time, I can only give you happiness. Your smile is the redemption that pulls me out of hell. No one can make me happy except you."

"But" Gu Mengmeng tangled with a small face, she just did not want to have such a regret in Ervis's life.

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