Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 813: You don't tell the truth, I can't help.

Gu Meng's face was red, and Ian glanced at him and said, "You are estrus, your family is estrus!"

Ian was cold and said: "My family is me alone."

Gu Mengmeng was speechless and couldn't speak. He bit his lower lip and tightened his nose, making a threatening expression.

Ian turned a blind eye with disdain, and leaned back to the side, saying: "You also know that the fox in your family will secrete a high concentration of foxes when they mate. Last time you were on the rise, the whole holy Naze is boiling for three days. If you are here, you and I will have to kill the whole wandering beast to hold you. I have probably counted some of them when I visited. For the 100th person, you should cut it for a while after cutting the radish. It’s very tired. You’re doing well, and you’re abusing the dog. Is it OK?”

Gu Mengmeng was not blushing by Ian. He took a sip and said, "I told you that I didn't feel estrus!"

Ian snorted and said: "You yourself look at the two male eyes of your family? The eyes are falling out, and there is water under your tree." See you? This is not called estrus?"

Gu Mengmeng subconsciously touched his chin, there is no saliva at all? !

"You will swear, be careful that no female will want you in the future!"

Ian shrugged, and it doesn't matter: "There are people who have been married in the ruins of the ruins. As long as they can breed the babies, I am worthy of the ancestors."

Gu Mengmeng smiled and yelled at Ian and said, "If your ancestors knew that you were so incomprehensible, it was estimated that you would climb out of the grave and kill you."

Ian was undecided and said only one thing: "In short, you are restrained." "I know, it’s really annoying." Gu Mengmen turned her head and ignored Ian.

The strength of Ervis and Leia is not weak. Digging a cave is as easy as cutting tofu. Anyway, it is not a place to live for a long time, so it does not need to be particularly large, just do not want to succumb to Meng Meng, so the details are still handled more carefully.

In one afternoon, the cave is already a new look. There was no trace or smell of other people living in it, and Elvis had taken Gu Mengmeng into it.

The sky is already dark, and Gu Mengmeng is also sleepy. The dinner is only a little bit of barbecue, and then I slept in the arms of Ervis.

Early the next morning, Biddle rushed to the place where Gu Mengmeng lived.

The corrugated outside is not a corrugated opponent in the state of Biddle, let alone a leg. And he is now asking for help, and naturally he dare not tough.

It was hard to wait until Gu Mengmeng woke up and stretched out and walked out of the cave. He shouted: "The messenger, ask you to save Natalie."

Gu Mengmeng took a moment and then walked over to Biddle. The panic in his eyes was not pretending. It seems that Natalie’s situation is really bad.

Gu Mengmeng coveted and said: "You don't tell the truth, I can't help."

Biddle bit his teeth and slammed his feet. It seemed to be a big determination. "I said, I said everything."

Gu Mengmeng did not answer, just quietly watching Biddle.

Biddle took a deep breath and said: "At the end of the heavy rain season, the snow foxes were expelled from Köll."

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