Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 816: I am going to pour a dirty water on you.

Biddle’s tight fists were loose and loose, and he smiled bitterly. He said: “In any case, she has hated me for so many years. I have to count more things to hate. There is one more. No problem."

Gu Mengmeng nodded and said: "Well, you have such a realization."

Biddle spent a moment, still said: "What do you want to do? Is she going to be dangerous? This time, how sad is it?"

Gu Mengmeng gently tapped his chin and seemed to be thinking about how to answer Biddle.

After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "It shouldn't be too sad. At most, I just want to kill you."

Biddle was a glimpse, but he smiled.

"If the injury is just me, you can do it without any consideration. As long as the effect is good enough, it would be fine for me to hurt."

Gu Mengmeng’s words are still believed.

How loyal and loyal to the male of Beast, she knows better than anyone else, isn't it?

Gu Mengmeng: "I will say hello to you first, I am going to pour a dirty water on you."

Biddle nodded and stood still, "Come on."

Gu Mengmeng's face was stiff, and some looked at Biddle, who was waiting for the dirty water to sigh. He sighed: Communication is really difficult.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Mengmeng adjusted his expression and said: "I and Ervis have four sons, one of them is not knowing what medicine, and I have been in a coma for a long time. I recently woke up. However, although I was awake, I was still controlled by drugs. Without Ke's antidote, he could not come back to me. So I am going to buckle you up." Biddle was amazed and he was not sensitive to anything other than Natalie.

The son of Ervis was controlled by Kee, what happened to Guan Na Tali?

Gu Mengmeng looked at his incomprehensible face and knew that this man's emotional intelligence was really low, so simple things could not be seen.

Sighing, Gu Mengmeng said that he should not be more serious with the idiot: "You just remember, you have to participate in this matter. When Natalie is looking for you, you just keep the true color and stick to you. The character setting is OK, understand?"

Biddle nodded doubtfully, as long as he could let Natalie survive, he was willing to do anything.


Isn't it a dirty water? Not splashing?

Hey, although Ervis is his son, he is also very good in all aspects. However, it is really not good to choose a female eye. How do you pick a yin and yang? This is definitely not with him, most of them are with Natalie. After all, Natalie’s only shortcoming is that her partner’s vision is not good. Otherwise, how can she live and not look at herself, but care about those few wastes?

Gu Mengmeng didn't care what Biddle thought. He only followed Elvis and Leia back to the cave. After simply eating breakfast, he let Ervis hold himself to Natalie's cave.

Ervis promised to cooperate with Gu Mengmeng to save Natalie, naturally not to talk.

So she said how, he cooperates.

When two people came in the cave, Natalie was still lying in the quiet of yesterday, as if she had not turned over once.

When she heard Gu Mengmeng, Natalie’s eyelashes trembled a little, but did not open her eyes.

For this son, she is strange and familiar, distressed and embarrassed.

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