Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 823: 227 Touching others in front of me? When I am dead, isn't it?

Ervis was unhappy and hugged Gu Mengmeng, staring at her hand, saying: "When I touch someone in front of me? When I am dead? Um?"

Gu Mengmeng doesn't mind Morvis's overbearing argument. On the contrary, he still feels very useful. Does the husband have a domineering power? The deer is banging in the heart~

Sweet smiled, staring at the small head and looking at Ervis, a face worshipped: "Wow, my husband is so handsome~"

Ervis’s black face couldn’t stand, and he broke a chuckle and said: “I am handsome, do you still touch others?”

Gu Mengmeng’s little face is very delicate. Is she being teased by her husband in front of her mother-in-law?

I sneaked at Natalie, but found that Natalie’s whole face was awkward. If she looked at herself and Ervis by the thunder, there was fear in her eyes, and there was anxiety. She looked like she was crying. Look like that.

Gu Mengmeng feels very strange. Biddle seems to have a big trouble with Natalie here. It has already reached the point where he wants to beat people. Natalie is barely crying. How can she cry now? Could it be that Elvis and his flirting thought of a dead partner, so sad?

But it shouldn’t be, that look is obviously scared.

What are you afraid of?

"Review?" Ervis was dissatisfied with the fact that Gu Mengmeng's eyes were drawn from his face, and both male and female made him feel hot.

Gu Mengmeng feels that he will not go down again, and Ervis is very likely to go away.

She didn't want Elvis to eat some vinegar without knowing which fake brand made it, so she held the face of Ervis with both hands and said, "I don't look at it, my eyes are all in my heart." It’s you, my heart, liver and liver, the tip of the meat~”

Ming knows that she is noisy again, but Corvus is still the same as honey. Gu Mengmeng saw that he smiled and knew that he had succeeded. So I hit the iron and said: "My husband, I want to tell you something."

"Well?" He knew that she had nothing to offer and she had a picture.

Gu Mengmeng screamed at selling Meng's eyes and said: "I saw the grapes on the way back, I want to eat grapes~"

On the way back, I saw a wild vine on the cliff. I hung a bunch of grapes on the top. The purple was black and it looked delicious. However, I didn't pay attention to it at that time. I thought I would call Leia and Vaughan and Ian after I came back. I went to pick it up and eat it.

For the time being, I will use this reason for the first time to open Elvis.


She wants to eat and ask her male to find it. It is normal.

But when I saw it on the way back, I didn’t say it when I met Leia at the door, but I said now.

If Elvis could not see that she deliberately opened herself, Narvis was a fool.

But in the end, she looked at her mouth and looked like she was not willing to let her down. She knew that she was a drunkard, but she nodded, and according to the place she described, she was asked to find her the kind she wanted to eat. The fruit of the grape.

After Ervis left, Gu Mengmeng sat down with Natalie.

Natalie’s mood was much calmer. She looked at Gu Mengmen’s eyes with some care, and seemed to be very entangled. In the end, she said: “Can you not abandon Ervis?”

Gu Mengmeng groaned and pointed at his nose and asked, "I? Abandon Ervis? Why should I abandon Ervis?"

Was it just that she and Hervis were not sweet together? Is it in the eyes of Natalie, they seem to be the grievances of divorce?

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